posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife
Certain states have laws requiring a particular curriculum be taught in schools. They also have "requirements" on what exactly should be covered in
each subject during the year. Yearly "tests" are given to students in order to show what has been learned.
One of the problems with this is many teachers are now teaching to the test. If certain test results are not met each year, teachers (and Principals)
can face punitive action and possibly termination.
The pressure to perform is tremendous. All it takes is a few students to deliberately answer incorrectly in your subject matter to skew the test
scores. This is one of the reasons I retired early after 16 years of teaching.
As far as school lunches go, our system served french fries almost everyday and used them as a vegetable that is required. Most of the meat contains
so much fat and grease it runs out onto the tray.
The breakfast that is served includes leftover pizza from the day before at least two days a week. Any leftover food from lunch is reused for up to
four to five days. No wonder the students hate the lunchroom food.
The area I speak of is rural and a decent percentage of families fall below the poverty line. Many of them are so hungry these below standard meals
are a treat for them.
I have written to our state senators and representatives several times over the years trying to improve our state's standards for school meals, but
little has been done. It really is sad...