posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 11:26 PM
It's worse than all that. I know people who get government food. USDA approved meats and stuff. its all horrible full of fat and salt and they give
you each month all kinds of stuff that's bad for you.. They want you to live on this garbage.
Everything is denatured, no fruit or veggies unless it is canned. The meat is beef and chicken and its full of fat, tripe (ground intestines) salt and
other ground up guts that the mechanical process does not screen out. They always give cheese.
If they give you juice in a can, it's always Pasteurized .. The biggest scam on earth. Life giving enzymes die at 110 degrees. You have to heat
something over 150 degrees to pasteurize it, killing all the good life giving stuff in the juice. Pasteurization is done on milk to kill bacteria from
the cow. There is Never any reason to pasteurize juice. It does not come from a cow. But look in the store.. all juice is treated with pasteurization
including a lot of "organic" juices. Plus, the can is metal and is not lined. This leaches extra vitamins an minerals from the juice an gives the
juice a metallic flavor.
Their RDA for vitamins and minerals are as low as you can get. They were never designed to make a body healthy.. but only to stave off the most
serious of disease. They admit this in their RDA guideline books. If you want you body to be healthy, you need to double or triple the RDA. this will
allow your body to have a stronger immune system and fight off sickness so you wont need their drugs. But they don't want you to know this because as
long as they can barely keep you alive they can sell you drugs.
[edit on 9-12-2009 by JohnPhoenix]