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UFO Occupants ~ Drawings,Sketches and Non-Human Reports.

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posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 10:33 AM
What books do you recommend to buy? I would like to find out everything i ca about all the different species and subspecies... There is a good video series on youtube categorizing aliens and i know there are humans, greys, reptilians...but i want to know more. So, which book or two with pictures and some info would you guys recommend? Can you make a list?

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 11:05 AM
So how was the climate different back then?

"There was a progressive decline in biodiversity during the Maastrichtian stage of the Cretaceous Period prior to the suggested ecological crisis"

This shows there was a drastic change in the environment during the late Cretaceous Period prior to the ecological crisis.

"At the end of the Cretaceous there seem to have been no purely herbivorous or carnivorous mammals. Mammals and birds which survived the extinction fed on insects, larvae, worms, and snails, which in turn fed on dead plant and animal matter"

So the dinosaurs become exitict because they were completely reliant on their food sources, which were other living creatures. They didn't eat or had trouble finding access to food sources. Simply put they died because their food was not alive. They were the ultimate predator, only eating other living beings to survive.

Can you image what type of being would have evolved from dinosaurs and what they would be like?

They would probably be very dominant on a world they evolved on. They would also most likely have kill off most species as they evolved to a higher point so they could dominate. There would have to be great battles of war with the different tribes in a constant state, until one stood left or more than one merged together. This group of beings would eventually continue expansion and would most likely go out to space as their survival would actually depend on it.

Considering were facing a sort of depletion of natural resources I think any species would actually contend on space expansion for survivability. And eventually any species would need to find others to trade, teach, and learn. There would have been wars when space travel first evolved, as some beings might still have been in a state of a war mindset. Eventually species would evolve together on a galactic scale and there would be a some type of workings to find other species and bringing new ones to life.

War would eventually slow down and stop when the galactic species reached a certain point. The only problem, we don't know exactly what the current state of our galaxy is, and this information is heavily manipulated.

I know for sure and I would say that 80-95% of our galaxy is in a sate of peace, if that makes sense.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Cybernet

Thank goodness someone else asked this because I am curious too and he is not answering. Oh karl, you are such a stiff. To think I was late for a Christmas Party last evening just trying to coax you out. You must have me on ignore. A wise man. You were on my ignore list too but I found you irresistibly attractive and wise beyond or equal to your years. Plus I like the aliens you keep throwing down here like puzzle pieces in an incoherent jumble.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 11:26 AM
Great work. Will definately read through this.


posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by DarkCyrus

This is good, thanks. And any books i could buy and take with me not having to print everything out?

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Cybernet
reply to post by DarkCyrus

This is good, thanks. And any books i could buy and take with me not having to print everything out?


Your Galactic Neighbors

Defendin g Sacred Ground Andromedan Compendium

Blue Bood True Conflict & Creation

Prism of Lyra

Preparing for Contact

Here is some more online readings to do for those interested.

ET History and Sexuality


Fourth-Density Relationships

Mastering Personal Power


Here are some audio tapes for those who may not be able to read, or pefer this method.

The Audio tapes are very vast and contain lots of new information.


[edit on 15-12-2009 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I'm glad you enjoyed it

Here are some of the witness reported sightings in BC, most of these in the greater Vancouver area. Incase anyone is interested.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
Yes thanks for making sure I've seen that! I think it's an excellent illustration I saw possibly on Zorgon's site. If that meteor hadn't hit 65 million ears ago, that could have been the way things worked out.
But interestingly it illustrates some of my issues with some of the aliens looking too humanoid down to details like the hands and fingers..

Arbitrageur-theres a new theory now about the Siberian trap volcanoes being the culprit for dinosaur extinction (instead of a meteor) but I do know what you're saying.
Who knows what passes for organic evolution in other places - I've read that bipedal,carbon based life forms living on other planets with huge gravity forces may have squat,stocky,muscular appearances whereas inhabitants from planets with relatively low gravity could be tall,thin,slender and 'walk with a graceful gait'.

As posted on this page, one 'international authority' on the origins of life (and expert on chemical evolution) has already stated that the humanoid shape is most likely very common throughout the universe so I think that, although we can make educated guesses about aspects of astrobiology, it all just realy boils down to speculation and conjecture.

What I do find a bit irresponsible (and I'm not referring to you here) is that other people are just hiding behind this 'humanoid only' opinion as a convenient excuse for not taking these reports seriously - each incident should of course be looked at on its own merits and not be rejected outright due to some fuzzy guesswork about organic evolution.

As for Mr Sagan -I think 'Cosmos' is one of my favourite books.

Don't know if you've this before but here's a very interesting article by him from 1962:

Prof Says Beings From Outer Space Have Visited Earth

Associated Press, November 26, 1962

..As expressed in numbers, Sagan said, the formula means that at least 1 million of the 100 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy have planets which have developed civilizations capable of travel between the stars.

"Let's say that each of these civilizations sends out one interstellar expedition per year," he said.

"That means that every star, such as our sun, would be visited at least once every million years. In some systems where these beings found life, they would make more frequent visits. There's a strong probability, then, that they have visited earth every few thousand years.

"It is not out of the question that artifacts of these visits still exist or even that some kind of base is maintained, possibly automatically, within the solar system, to provide continuity for successive expeditions.

"Because of weathering and the possibility of detection and interference by the inhabitants of earth it would be preferable not to erect such a base on the earth's surface. The moon seems one reasonable alternative."


[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 02:45 PM

Dover, Massachusetts - April 21st -22nd,1977:

The Dover Demon was allegedly sighted on three separate occasions in the town of Dover, Massachusetts on April 21 and April 22, 1977.

edit on 10-5-2023 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 02:50 PM
Germany -1954
edit on 10-5-2023 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by TheSearchforSpork
Great painting. It's the closest thing I've seen to what I 'imagine' the grey to look like. Post the finished version when it's done! Question: why the dark areas below the jawbone?

My painting is a representation of a very old female Grey (hence the title "The Matron"); the very old females typically wear a lock of hair hanging from an area just above the jaw line and just ahead of the ear-flap — think of it as a lengthy sideburn. The very oldest Grey females have one of these locks of hair on either side of the head.


— Doc Velocity

[edit on 12/15/2009 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity

Originally posted by TheSearchforSpork
Great painting. It's the closest thing I've seen to what I 'imagine' the grey to look like. Post the finished version when it's done! Question: why the dark areas below the jawbone?

My painting is a representation of a very old female Grey (hence the title "The Matron"); the very old females typically wear a lock of hair hanging from an area just above the jaw line and just ahead of the ear-flap — think of it as a lengthy sideburn. The very oldest Grey females have one of these locks of hair on either side of the head.


— Doc Velocity

[edit on 12/15/2009 by Doc Velocity]

Hi doc

Where do you get your info from?

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Cybernet
What books do you recommend to buy?

Cybernet, I've been told 'Passport to Magonia' by Jacques Vallée is an excellent book - there are also some other good ones listed here.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by chillpill
Where do you get your info from?

Personal contacts.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity

Originally posted by chillpill
Where do you get your info from?

Personal contacts.

— Doc Velocity

Please tell more - am fascinated. Not in a p***-taking a genuine way...

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 09:24 AM

Part 5: Non-Human Entities (NHEs): One View from Alleged Government Insiders

© 2009 by Linda Moulton Howe

The grey Watchers are our remote imaging surrogates connected to the tall Elders with bio-electric mind projections.”

- Elder to Betty Andreasson Luca, Abductee


Drawing by Betty Andreasson Luca of a tall white-haired being who greeted her during one of her many abductions. She called the beings “Elders”. Nearby are the small, grey android “biobics”.

Part 9: Non-Human Entities (NHEs): One View from Alleged Government Insiders

© 2009 by Linda Moulton Howe

“In effort to establish contact with non-human entities,
every avenue is being explored.” - The Writers


Drawing by Aleister Crowley of “Lam, an extraterrestrial” after alleged 1919 contact, as reprinted in The Magical Revival © 1991 by Kenneth Grant.


Aleister Crowley and “Extra-Terrestrial, Lam”
In my second of my four books, Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I: Facts & Eyewitnesses, pages 258 - 260,

I discussed the following comparison between an illustration of a small, grey non-human by Cindy Tindle who was taken with her mother, Judy Doraty, in 1973 from a Houston, Texas, road into a craft where both watched grey beings excise parts from a calf and were themselves subjected to physical examinations.


Cindy Tindle’s August 6, 1990 drawing of “bold old man” with long “Oriental eyes” X-Files

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by DarkCyrus
So how was the climate different back then?

"There was a progressive decline in biodiversity during the Maastrichtian stage of the Cretaceous Period prior to the suggested ecological crisis"

This shows there was a drastic change in the environment during the late Cretaceous Period prior to the ecological crisis.

"At the end of the Cretaceous there seem to have been no purely herbivorous or carnivorous mammals. Mammals and birds which survived the extinction fed on insects, larvae, worms, and snails, which in turn fed on dead plant and animal matter"

So the dinosaurs become exitict because they were completely reliant on their food sources, which were other living creatures. They didn't eat or had trouble finding access to food sources. Simply put they died because their food was not alive. They were the ultimate predator, only eating other living beings to survive.

Can you image what type of being would have evolved from dinosaurs and what they would be like?

They would probably be very dominant on a world they evolved on. They would also most likely have kill off most species as they evolved to a higher point so they could dominate. There would have to be great battles of war with the different tribes in a constant state, until one stood left or more than one merged together. This group of beings would eventually continue expansion and would most likely go out to space as their survival would actually depend on it.

Considering were facing a sort of depletion of natural resources I think any species would actually contend on space expansion for survivability. And eventually any species would need to find others to trade, teach, and learn. There would have been wars when space travel first evolved, as some beings might still have been in a state of a war mindset. Eventually species would evolve together on a galactic scale and there would be a some type of workings to find other species and bringing new ones to life.

War would eventually slow down and stop when the galactic species reached a certain point. The only problem, we don't know exactly what the current state of our galaxy is, and this information is heavily manipulated.

I know for sure and I would say that 80-95% of our galaxy is in a sate of peace, if that makes sense.

Before some years I saw an article in a newspaper claiming that an Italian anthropologist or biologist can't remember, created a computer program to determine what would happen to most dinosaur species if they have evolved and were still alive today. He took the math for the procedure out of common scientific theories about turning points of both human and animal evolution stages. I can't find this research any more maybe someone better versed than me could help.
Now brace yourself.
The largest percentage of data pertaining to the outcome pointed to a species shorter than human height and it would have been a biped, with internal reproductive organs, no hair, relatively big eyes and probably 4 or 3 fingers per each body member.
Does this ring any bells??

Theoretically about the majority of possible alien civilizations around our immediate neighborhood I would make a safe bet that most should be insectoid or reptile like in form. In our early stages of fauna evolution at our own planet nature seemed to favored greatly reptiles and insects. It still favors insects though! They posses the biggest populations of individual biological units not belonging to flora on the surface of this planet! Combined together they are more numerous than everything else put together!
Chances are, since nature seems to favor the insect biological form, that there is a great chance most intelligent beings (if indeed sentient beings exist anywhere but earth) at least in our immediate neighborhood (since whole clusters of neighboring solar systems would be favored with the same mineral and building blocks of life conditions) ARE insectoids and or even reptiles too. Maybe just maybe we ought to be insectoids or reptiles too but somehow we ended up entirely different! Chances would not favor mammals though but somehow we made it!
In fact, this is what we see from all those UFO occupant reports anyway!
Compare the supposed in theory dinosaur offspring with many drawings of aliens in this thread. They would look like close cousins genetically!

[edit on 16-12-2009 by spacebot]

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by spacebot
Chances are, since nature seems to favor the insect biological form, that there is a great chance most intelligent beings (if indeed sentient beings exist anywhere but earth) at least in our immediate neighborhood (since whole clusters of neighboring solar systems would be favored with the same mineral and building blocks of life conditions) ARE insectoids and or even reptiles too.

Yes I see a few reptilian drawings in this thread but insectoid forms seem to be under-represented. But also insectoid forms aren't very popular with Hollywood. What other movies besides "Starship Troopers" have insectoid forms of aliens? I remember Rev from Andrometa who was sort of like a highly evolved mosquito, he had to resist the urge to suck out people's blood

And I must admit my own racial bias or prejudice against the insectoid forms if they are anything like those in Starship Troopers, I hated those things worse than the things in "Aliens". So why don't we see more insectoid forms in this thread? Is it because they really aren't nearby, or because they aren't popular with Hollywood or popular media so that's not what people draw?

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 10:52 AM

Part 3: Military Insiders Comment About Zeta Reticuli and EBENs

© 2007 by Linda Moulton Howe

"I think the Ebens can travel in and out of time any way they want to. I think that's why they know the future, what's going to happen. And I think they even know how to tinker around with time lines to change things.” - Military Insider


"Extraterrestrial Biological Entity (EBEN)," sketched by Colorado husband who was lifted along with his wife out of car on freeway north of Denver, Colorado, in November 1980. Upon seeing this and other sketches, one military source told me, "That is an EBEN." See An Alien Harvest and Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I: Facts & Eyewitnesses © 1993 in Earthfiles Shop.

What Are "Praying Mantis" Non-Humans?
"In abduction reports, people describe creatures that look like praying mantis insects. What are those?"


Praying mantis-creature encountered around noon time by David Huggins at Georgia farm when he was eight in 1950. He associated entity with small, grey beings, which David thought were androids programmed to do work for the praying mantis and tall humanoids.
Drawing © by David Huggins, included in Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I: Facts & Eyewitnesses © 1994 by Linda Moulton Howe (See Earthfiles Shop ).


"Praying mantis" entities with small android encountered by David Huggins multiple times from age eight to his twenties. From Huggins's point of view, the praying mantis entities were in charge of the small androids and were overseers of research projects involving human beings. But what is the relationship between the praying mantis entities and the Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBENs)? Drawing © 1989 by David Huggins.

"As far as I've heard, they could be very advanced androids, which can oversee long-term projects that last for thousands of years. But I'm not certain who they work with or for."

Who Are the Tall Blond Entities?
Six to seven-foot-tall blond female humanoid, which had "pearlescent, translucent complexion"


and cat eyes (lower inset)


as described by New Jersey adult female who was abducted along with her family in 1987. Artist renderings by L. Huffman for Linda Howe in 1993 investigation.
See Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II: High Strangeness in Earthfiles Shop.

"Sherman, what about the tall blonds who are human-looking aliens about five to six feet tall?"

"Yeah, they have blond or real pale hair. Females have longer hair. Very slender. Nose and eyes are similar to humans, but they have invisible, double lids, apparently for filtering light or something. It's confusing, though, because the Ebens have made humanoids that actually look human, a spitting image of a high cheek boned human with Scandinavian features. And so have the bad guys."


Six-foot-tall, blond-haired, male humanoid encountered by M. J., adult human female, Springfield, Missouri, during March 1982 abduction.
Drawing by Lisa Dusenberry.
[ Editor's Note: From Part 9: UFO Crash/Retrievals: Status Report III - Amassing The Evidence © June 1982 by Leonard H. Stringfield.

"He (prominent French biochemist) was taken into a special room where he could leisurely study the corpses of two humanoids. They were very tall (2.3 meters or so, or 7 feet 3 inches) and bore hideous mutilations on their bodies, as if they had been the victims of a road accident! The heads of these two creatures were intact.

The forehead high and broad. Very long blond hair. The eyes were stretched towards the temples which gave them an Asiatic look. ...the humanoids were of extraterrestrial origin."
- Source: Preuves Scientifiques OVNI © 1981 by J. C. Fumoux

"Bad Guys" Versus "Good Guys"


Drawing of Grey-type entity by L. D., Southern California adult female, in 1980.


Small "android" that seems to do work for taller, "Greys" drawn by David Huggins,
New Jersey, adult male in 1987, based on numerous close encounter experiences since age eight which involved sperm collection. Drawing © 1989 by David Huggins.

Do Ebens Control Earth-Worker Androids?
I asked Sherman if the Ebens themselves are always on Earth in underground bases? Or do the Ebens have programmed robots or androids on Earth to do work here?

Sherman said, "I've read in one of our reports that the aliens made tunnels under the Earth and we were concerned about the possibility that all their tunnels could start earthquakes. But the Ebens said, 'We know where to make tunnels. We know more about this planet than you do. So, don't worry about where we dig because we know what we do won't cause earthquakes.'

"They also have lots of robots. During World War II, Ebens conducted thousands of reconnaissance flights over Europe and the Far East. That's what the Foo Fighters were. The Ebens also created a robot-type creature, a three to four-foot-tall biological android, to do work here, which is sometimes mistaken for the Ebens themselves."


EBE Type II: Artist's rendering after encounter by
Paula Watson in Mt. Vernon, Missouri. Illustration © 1990
by Hingwah Hatch for Linda Moulton Howe.

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