posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 12:12 PM
I can only speak from my own experiences, but I would have to say "Good thing the article confirms the drugs do their jobs!"
While I can appreciate the idea behind, and those who can adequately handle issues without the use of medications, i can honestly say I could not.
I was literally out of control before meds. I can't even remember half the crazy stuff I was doing in my teens, but I know it ended up in 3
pregnancies, prostitution, and lots of coc aine. That's before i reached 20. self medication has it's merits- twinkies work...but not everyone
chooses to medicate with a sugar high. Sometimes that simply isn't enough.
Even in the past year, before I began the current drug i take, celexa, i had two weeks out of every month where i truly had no motivation to do
anything, shower, chores, leave the house. I cried over every tiny thing, and not just tears. Huge heaving sobs for NO reason. This is NOT normal
There was no way in hell I could try to work myself into a state stable enough to take a look at these issues and find a positive way to handle them.
So has my personality changed? Well, that's the point. Has my personality changed in a positive or negative way? Well, i showered today, made coffee,
did the dishes, sent the kid off to school with a smile, and managed to get some writing done. So i'd say that's pretty positive.
I get a bit irate with those whose lives are so picture perfect they can damn and condemn these lifesaving medicines that some of us just need.
Biologically, we need them. You can't say we don't until you have lived as us at our worst.
Demonize the insurance rates and pharmaceutical companies for their prices, whatever- but for those who wave these off as if it's mind over matter
and if we were "strong" enough or "motivated" we could solve our problems without the use of these drugs- I say move along then. Nothing to see
here. And i would add that it is my most fervent hope that those who say these things never have to be faced with a loved one who was just randomly
born with tweaked brain chemistry, but if they are, I'm here to commiserate.
I feel like i have to repeat what most people already know:
Not every med works the same way. With a responsible doctor who informs you, and some independent research, as well as monitoring your own thoughts
and feelings; "bad med experiences" would be lessened greatly. For me, I had to try over 5 different SSRI's before I found one that worked. Just
because one doesn't does not mean to give up on them entirely.
[edit on 11-1-2010 by cjcord]
edited again to point out my twinkie reference. Twinkies taste good when you have the blues because you get a sugar high, which elevates your mood.
Chocolates for women with PMS anyone?
Our bodies crave feeling good. With sugar, high inducing drugs, romance, adrenaline, whatever it is, we all have something that makes us feel better
than normal. But those with actual chemical imbalances- these fixes don't work for long.
I also felt I needed to point out that I happen to be prescribed oxycontin due to cervical damage that is not surgery eligible. Without it, I can't
lift my kids, or stand in line at the grocery store, or play with my children. No, i don;t get a high off of it- after a few days that effect wears
off leaving you with only pain relief. But due to those who abuse the drug, I have to go through hoops to have my pain managed.
As for anti-depressants being a last resort? Please bear in mind some people cannot even begin to enter therapy until their chemistry has been
stabilized. Would you send to physical therapy someone with a still broken leg?
[edit on 11-1-2010 by cjcord]