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Spectacular Phenomena In The Sky. What Is It?

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posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by processofelimination
So you're saying there's evidence this even took place in the range of the tropopause, or low-dynamic range of the troposphere?

Where's the evidence that it took place above that?

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by BigfootNZ
The real telling question to me is... why is it, given the size of the phenomena does the spiral disc appear constantly parallel with the picture taker, regardless of the picture takers location?... given its size youd have a huge number of photos taken from all over the place, you'd think they have a couple of pics of the 'disc' being oblique seen more from the side. If there are, then no biggie, but its a little 'hmmm' inducing.

I believe you are talking about the white spiral. Since it is a reflection of light off of water vapor/ ice particles in the air it is similar to a rainbow. We can be miles apart but get the same view of the rainbow

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 02:53 PM
The one thing thats puzzling me about the whole rocket theory is why would a rocket/missile be launched or tested so close to an inhabited place where a lot of different people were able to take pics/videos??????

Also the spiral seems to be stationary in the sky like a disc. If it were formed by a rocket, which is moving, would it not be elongated?

[edit on 9-12-2009 by wes_dublin]

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 02:53 PM
The Russian video on page 2 of the thread is a night time rocket launch.

The video of the Norwegian event could also be a rocket launch.

The event in NZ looks like it could be Aurora Australis.

why would a rocket/missile be launched or tested so close to an inhabited place where a lot of different people were able to take pics/videos??????

It isn't necessarily. Do we know which way the camera operator is pointing?

If you don't have a shortwave radio - get one. You can hear all kinds of interesting things. I heard HAARP operating a few weeks ago.

[edit on 9-12-2009 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman

Originally posted by processofelimination
So you're saying there's evidence this even took place in the range of the tropopause, or low-dynamic range of the troposphere?

Where's the evidence that it took place above that?

Well, I'll say it again as it is clearly necessary.. I believe the rocket to be the most probable explanation.

Clearly we don't have the data to determine which atmospheric layer the event took place through. But through that you should realize that that makes neither "argument" as you seem to perceive it more or less valid.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 02:55 PM
Well, this was curious enough to bring me onto ATS after nearly a year. That being said, I've read every post preceding mine (35 pages I think) and managed to come to a vague conclusion.

This does look like a rocket launch initially but the spiral activity of the payload is so precise and consistent that it makes me wonder what the payload was. Something experimental I think, but of course I don't know what.

It's easy to just say it's a rocket and it's easy to say it was a wormhole, but both of those aren't very easy to explain away.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by wes_dublin
The one thing thats puzzling me about the whole rocket theory is why would a rocket/missile be launched or tested so close to an inhabited place where a lot of different people were able to take pics/videos??????

Wes, the location given by the Russians for their test launch was in the White Sea, due east of the Norwegian viewers, but hundreds of miles away. The rocket -- if it was a rocket -- would have headed east, away from the viewers even farther, towards the Kamchatka impact zone. That flight path is consistent with viewing the plume and venting effects 'up the tailpipe' from a great, great distance.

Can anybody check this mornings weather for Arkhangelsk and Murmansk, people there also would have had a great view if skies were clear.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 02:56 PM
Haven't sifted through all the responses on this yet. Wanted to get my first kneejerk reaction out there: Project Bluebeam.

There definitely seems to be a point of origin on the ground as if this was projected onto the sky. Couple that with the fact that it looks exactly like a Hollywood version of an interdimensional portal or sub-space wormhole opening up and you have a pretty good trial run of the tech needed to simulate an alien invasion or a "second coming".


posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by The Cyfre
Well, this was curious enough to bring me onto ATS after nearly a year. That being said, I've read every post preceding mine (35 pages I think) and managed to come to a vague conclusion.

This does look like a rocket launch initially but the spiral activity of the payload is so precise and consistent that it makes me wonder what the payload was. Something experimental I think, but of course I don't know what.

It's easy to just say it's a rocket and it's easy to say it was a wormhole, but both of those aren't very easy to explain away.

You've substituted the 2nd most plausible explanation for "worm hole."

There's a high-energy, atmospheric physics experiment facility right next door! (Within the mountain range)

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by RobertAntonWeishaupt
Haven't sifted through all the responses on this yet. Wanted to get my first kneejerk reaction out there: Project Bluebeam.

There definitely seems to be a point of origin on the ground as if this was projected onto the sky. Couple that with the fact that it looks exactly like a Hollywood version of an interdimensional portal or sub-space wormhole opening up and you have a pretty good trial run of the tech needed to simulate an alien invasion or a "second coming".


The blue could be as a result of the "afterglow" of a rocket launch. It is a quite well-known phenomenon.

[edit on 9-12-2009 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by RobertAntonWeishaupt
Haven't sifted through all the responses on this yet. Wanted to get my first kneejerk reaction out there: Project Bluebeam.

There definitely seems to be a point of origin on the ground as if this was projected onto the sky. Couple that with the fact that it looks exactly like a Hollywood version of an interdimensional portal or sub-space wormhole opening up and you have a pretty good trial run of the tech needed to simulate an alien invasion or a "second coming".


Click here man.. This will probably stroke your conspiracy organ.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by wes_dublin

The spiral is from a jettisoned booster stage which, as it begins tumbling, loses speed rapidly.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 03:00 PM
Another possibility which is strangely related to both rockets AND EISCAT are Sounding Rockets. Just another theory but a sounding rocket with a chemical release would make for a much more controlled spiral.

They used to use sounding chemical rockets to study some of the very same phenomena that EISCAT studies, but this seems to be mostly in upper atmosphere, shrug maybe they can do it lower?

Anyhow there is a link for using sounding rockets with facilities like EISCAT ( using radar to study the chemical release and reactions of high altitude rockets) , though unlikely in this case, you never know.

Heres a link to a file which discusses both sounding rockets and EISCAT ( along with a very cool map
) Fulich%2Fattachment_download%2Ffile&ei=LBEgS4WWBs-InQfFmsjWDQ&usg=AFQjCNF6zaYfF7wOXLh90af1onYVAKi9nw&sig2=gbDnwlWGhd9ADlIJ25TBrA

[edit on 9-12-2009 by wtfhuh]

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Im saying is a high probabilty. The atmospheric conditions at the time suggest its possible, and the presence of a rocket trail prior to the spiral, as well as the angle of the sun add to it to.

But how can atmospheric conditions and sun angles make it look so perfect?

I understand how those conditions make the spiral stand out in the sky, but not make it perfect in shape.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by Hellmutt

Has anyone contacted a specialist laser/projection display company (the sort who provide laser shows at large music/dance festivals or stadium scale sporting events?

From the images and the video I have seen here, it looks rather like someone playing with one of those, there may even have been an event on locally - possibly private (cruise ships?).

Anyone got any experience or contacts for those technologies?

I have seen such displays in the past that have surprised me with their scale and ability to look enourmous against the night sky. In my opinion (with some formal training) the photos could easily have been produced from such laser projections, given that you would be able to produce the glowing 'globe' via different exposures of light activity in that central area, and the highly geometric patterns (spiral) also look familiar in that context.

[edit on 9-12-2009 by curioustype]

[edit on 9-12-2009 by curioustype]

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by cavscout11cav

Nitrogen, I will buy that. with the exception never in history has it burned, ror reflected so blue without a blue back ground. The sun is obviously far too low in its rise to cause such an effect. UNLESS this so-called rocket/so-called alien phenom thing, was high enough in space. If that were the case. you know as well as I that the rocket theory can be kissed good by. The white spiral. your explanation isnt bad with the exception that id defies physics. there needs to be a source of light. again.. we can use the being high enough in space to reflect off the sun thing, it dissipated from the inside out. it did not have an energetic reaction as would an explosion, or even a rocket failing. there seemed to be no source of energy outlet. I agree. chances are this phenom (which ahs yet to be proven, admitted, or claimed to be a rocket with the exception of one person) is something very mundane. be it or not, the circumstances, physically, meteorologically, and visually are pretty rare, and slim for chance of repeat act. unless its either a holographic art display, or tech not of this world.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 03:04 PM
Figures there was a 'military camp' nearby:

Seen from Rusta military camp in Bardufoss


Google maps shows a airport in Bardufoss, it is military.

On GMaps just to the west of the airstrip is some interesting bright colored phenomenon that I've never seen before coming out of a building.

Another 'trivia' is that Bardufoss once was a Nazi concentration camp:

THe effects on teh clouds makes it look photoshopped, so the rocket idea seems sketchy, although I have seen the vapor trail over the horizon just before sun up (from all the way over in Tampa) so I can see the argument I suppose (although it looked dramatically different). Watching the sunrise thru the SS vapor trail was amazing.

[edit on 9-12-2009 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by Hack28

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 03:04 PM

TextSchedule Notes Viewer Vn VHF: Boundary 2009 12 08 1800 - 2009 12 09 0200 Scheduled for 0000-0200

Experiment Notes:
We want to study processes taking place within the auroral oval, at the polar cap boundary and even
within the polar cap, like:
- Reconnection (determination of the reconnection electric field)
- Poleward boundary intensification (PBIs), auroral streamers and fast flows
- Drift of F-region polar cap patches across the night-side auroral oval boundary and the effects of that to the boundary.

So EISCAT was experimenting while this was taking place?

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Damian-007
I think is you all look at it closely, you'll see it's being projected from the Mountain. Why are the Video's called "Leservideo"? Is that Norway Speak for LaserVideo?

I think this is a Laser Projected Image from the top of a mountain and I rhink a lot of people knew this was about to happen. That's why there are so many video's and Photo's doing the rounds.

Look how quick this "Phenomena" lasts. Is that enough time to grab a camera and get a shot? I don't think so.

So, In conclusion. My opinion is that it's a Laser Projected Image...

Leservideo is norwegian for "reader submittet video".
And it was no laser show, Im sure of that

It happend when everyone was about to head out for work, so many saw it. And us norwegians love gadgets, so most of us have cameras at hand.

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