posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 12:04 AM
So it started last wednesday here in Indiana. I was leaving my house and heard the distinct sound of a few fighter jets flying over, I thought nothing
of it(Maybe they where headed to Wright-Paterson)
But when I got my destination I heard them again, LOUD. I looked up to try to catch a view and Woosh! I see two F-16's with Tanks and missiles as
they fly over at about 760-1,000 feet near 500 knots I'd imagine.
NOW I was starting to find this a little odd. What are F-16's doing that low with battle ready armaments? Well for a week now I've been hearing them
every once in awhile, But tonight I've heard them flyover about 20 times within an hour, beginning around 11:30.
So can anyone possibly help me out as to what They Air Force is doing over here in Indiana?
P.s. I'm sure I have a few grammar errors, excuse me.
[edit on 9-12-2009 by Wes225]
[edit on 9-12-2009 by Wes225]