posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 08:58 AM
Ok, so picture a classroom full of 3rd graders....
The teacher is talking about famous speeches in history. She says, "Ok class, who can tell me who said 'I have a dream'".
Little Timmy knows the answer and is about to say it when Little Suzy blurts out, "I know, I know! Martin Luther King!"
"Very good Suzy!" the teacher replies. "Now, who knows who said 'Four score and seven years ago?"
Again, Little Timmy is about to speak up when Little Mary pipes in, "Abraham Lincoln!"
"Very good Mary!" the teacher replies. "Who said 'One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind?"
Little Timmy knows the answer, but Little Sarah beats him to the punch, "Neil Armstrong!"
"Very good Sarah!" replies the teacher.
Little Timmy is now very upset and blurts out, "Damn, I wish these bitches would shut the hell up!"
The teacher says, "Who said that?"
Little Suzy blurts out, "Tiger Woods!"