Originally posted by drmeola
The problem is nobody wants to know the truth if they did they would go to the following links.
...Or perhaps, they may even look to the specific Laws that (are supposed to) govern the USA to find truth.
Originally posted by ADVISOR
Originally posted by captaintyinknots
so let me ask, is it only a terorist attack if the perpetrators are muslim?
No, apparently they can be Zionists, or any other oppresive regime that manipulates and forces mass control.
Take your pick, seems to be and enless coffer ofthem at our disposal.
Let's try to get off the racial/religious/semantics angle that's being nit-picked to death, because it's all merely a distraction to the real core
of the truth;
They call it "wagging the dog," but from what I've seen here at ATS, they haven't been able to "wag
schrodingers dog."
So, why not look at the meaning of the word,
Main Entry: ter·ror·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈter-ər-ˌi-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1795
: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
So who "qualifies" as being a terrorist? Certainly not the average Muslim who lives in a peaceful manner...Certainly not the Jew who never harmed
anyone else. Even the mugger who took your wallet last month doesn't qualify...Unless he did it repeatedly & systematically. Do you want to see some
real acts of terrorism?
The following terrorists don't use religion or race as their motivation for committing acts of terrorism. It's much more insidious than that...It's
all about Politics. Politics nails everybody equally, except those who act aggressively while participating within politics.
Didn't GW Bush use fear-mongering tactics against Congress to push through a vote on the Patriot Act,
even before Congressional Officers read the
damn thing? Even the way the Patriot Act defines "terrorism" & "terrorist" is so broad & vague as to include anybody & everybody as an
arbitrary whim of politics. Even the Law rules that any legislation worded so vaguely as to be easily confusable cannot be enforced as Law.
How about the way Bush
continued using fear-mongering tactics on the rest of the government & the Public as a whole to push for enforcement of
his Executive Orders & Signing Statements? And then again, fear-mongering to gain support of his use of military for an aggressor-invasion of other
sovereigns nations (Afghanistan, for one example), even
without official Congressional Declaration of War? Bush is documented as being
dyslexic, isn't he? How the hell did he even
know what he was signing?
There are other examples, such as his push to consolidate Power in the Oval Office, in violation of the various checks & balances in the Constitution,
but just the Patriot Act alone is enough to make a point.
Considering this, who should be arrested for acts of terrorism & thrown into one of those prisons for which he illegally "authorized" the use of
torture? Even though he's not in Office anymore, he can still be indicted under formal charges because
he performed those actions while under Oath
of Office! That Oath bound him to uphold the Constitution as a Contract of Employment & subject to all of its terms & conditions...He did a real
bang-up job of it, didn't he?
Now also consider that
every single Officer in government service is bound by a similar Oath of Office to defend & uphold the
Constitution...What about the Officers
currently occupying Offices Under Public Trust? They are
all subject to the Constitution
voluntarily. If they don't swear/affirm to the Oath, they can't occupy the Office or exercise any of its Powers, so it's voluntary; it's as simple
as that.
So who all needs to be held accountable for "Breech of Contract" & "Breech of Oath?" In further accordance with the Constitutional terms &
conditions under the Common Law, any Act in Breech of Oath instantly
revokes the use all Powers vested in the Office. In short, once any
Constitutional violation is committed & if said person remains in Office, he/she is acting as an
criminal impostor to a sanctioned government
officer! Just so there's no misunderstanding of my use of the word, "impostor," here's the
definition of the word:
Main Entry: im·pos·tor
Variant(s): or im·pos·ter \im-ˈpäs-tər\
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin impostor, from Latin imponere
Date: 1564
: one that assumes false identity or title for the purpose of deception
So this means that, upon GW Bush's
very first Act in Breech of Oath, he became an impostor & had no authority to carry out
any other
actions since that first moment in Act of Breech & therefore nothing he did can be enforced under the Law...To enforce such Breeches of Law as if
they were Law is also a criminal act.
So how about Obama's
support & perpetuation of Bush's crimes? Doesn't that make him an accomplice & accessory to those crimes? Doesn't that
alone constitute "performing Actions in Breech of Oath?" Even more, Obama's got crimes of his own to worry about, even
before he obtained
the Oval Office. What of Obama's push for the Bailout Bill (which violated lawfully-established Constitutional Procedure over the Due Process of
Legislation & violated the public's "general welfare" in favor of Wall Street welfare) while still acting as a Senator? What of his current push on
the Health Care issue? Again, that works against the Public & in favor of Insurance Corporations. How about his
mandatory Youth Civil Service
programs? In strictest application of the Constitution, he can only enforce that upon Immigrated/Naturalized citizens and/or on Federal Possessions &
Territories...Making it "mandatory" across the nation is outside of his lawfully-delegated authority & jurisdiction.
Even further, every government Officer who continues to support/perpetuate crimes committed by their
predecessors in Office also become
accomplices/accessories! So, by strict specifications of the Law itself, at least 99.5% to 99.9% of our current Office Holders are nothing less than
criminals acting as impostors to Officially-Sanctioned Government Officers.
The suppressing of & violations against many of the Civil & Individual Rights Under Law (such as the current "policies" restricting peaceful
protests, as one of many examples of High Crimes) are merely Acts of Terrorism working through the "chain of command" to the general Public & the
individual Citizens. Much of the evidence in support of these Crimes are even a matter of Public Record!
So, I hereby declare that, with very, very few individual exceptions (those exceptions being the Officers who have a provable track record of serving
not the only one who has learned the truth behind the "smoke &
mirrors" strategies of our
alleged Government Officers. There's well over 1 million people (& growing in number) who have sloughed off their
lies & learned to Deny Ignorance.
[edit on 8-12-2009 by MidnightDStroyer]