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Glenn Beck exposes the "real" movement in the left

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posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 04:36 PM
I'm watching it right now...and some of the things he is saying is quite shocking. Everything goes to GEORGE SOROS. He is the force behind this thing that is happening in the government. This is why none of this is making sense. George Soros is KNOWN FOR DESTROYING CURRENCIES!!! He did it in Europe and it looks like it's going to happen here too.

If that doesn't scare you then nothing does. George Soros is also the man behind which was major in getting Obama elected.

Unbelievable if it's all true. This is major corruption.

Watch this one. The guy he is talking to is a classic liberal who GETS it. He knows that the Obama administration is failing the American people. He actually tells to the Congress in this segement to "watch out, the people are coming for you! I though it was a great moment...of course GB had to act like an ass and kind of ruin it. I don't know much about the guy...but I agree with what he stated.

Edited to add vids

[edit on 8-12-2009 by David9176]

[edit on 8-12-2009 by David9176]

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by David9176

I watched it too. It's unbelieveable that a convicted felon actually wrote the plan for the current health care plan in his prison book. I just saw on yahoo news that there's another smear campaign against Beck with his association with goldline. It's the most rediculous accusations I've ever heard. It's so stupid. I say, BUY GOLD and screw the depreciated dollar.

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 05:55 PM
George Soros is a con-man, a Wall Street bred shyster who devalued the Bank of England to make off with one billion dollars through the Quantum Group of Funds (shareholders include the Rothschilds).

Why doesn't Glenn Beck mention that Soros was a member of the Carlyle Group?

Because it exposes cracks in the facade, revealing that the real 'movement' behind the left, yet also the right, is simply the Wall Street conglomerate. Left, right, one can't exist without the other.

I recently made a thread called The Mask Behind the "Progressives" detailing my alternative interpretation of the key figures of the American Left, one contrary to the right wing of the MSM and their accusations of socialism.

Obama is corrupt. Bush was corrupt. Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan... all co opted by the financial power players to bilk our pockets in the name of patriotism. Fear the communist, fear the man wearing the turban and buy these new Nikes... why not get them insured

Soros is a character that needs to be looked at, and his ties to Obama must be scrutinized. But economic collapse is not the name of the game here.

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 06:05 PM
It's also amazing that a gay guy promoting pedophilia is the school czar.

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Someone336

I'd say give it some time, this is usually what he does, hell introduce a new corrupt character on his shows and then as his shows progress he will tie it all in. Right now he is building the case like a lawyer.

He may say something about it or he may not. Soros might not be somebody he wants to mess with. Although he just might well have to wait and see.

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

What troubles me is that George Soros does not share the the same opinion of many Liberals. Look like they may have voted in George Soros..not Barack Obama.

BTW...George Soros doesn't give a damn for the USA's sovereignty. Unfortunately...neither do the corporations that run the rest of the government.

Just when you think it couldn't be any more corrupt...another whammy hits.

I watch Glen Beck occasionally now and nowhere near as often as I used to as his pro-war rantings and religious rants bothered me. He has started to stray from being pro war now though and is sounding more anti-war each day....which I think is a good thing.

Another thing he does that drives me crazy is his support for Palin. How in God's name can he think she'd make a good President? She doesn't know anything and would be an even weaker President than Obama.

The USA is at 2 strikes.....we'll strike out with Palin. I hope the US citizens don't make this mistake.

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 07:35 PM
So who is volunteering themsleves to add on to his saga on wikipedia? Make sure its well written please!!!

George Soros

Right below the eastern europe section

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 07:58 PM
Soros, a Hungarian Jew, is a very dangerous man. I've known this for years. He is extremely active in his attempt to take down America. He is our enemy for sure. He is a pusher of Esperanto, a language invented by Dr. Ludovic Lazarus Zamenhof, a Jewish ophthalmologist. Soros would love to give the United States the Ludovic treatment and completely destroy our heritage.

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 08:13 PM
If I was the president I would order the justice department to issue a warrant for his arrest. If nothing else it would make him a house hold name. Seeing the media go nuts trying to defend him would be enough.

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by David9176

Beck's support for Palin is not in his support for her political views but in the fact that he feels she believes what she says.... unlike most politicians who seem like they are reading from a prompter or programmed to speak in a matter that makes no real sense. I agree that she doesn't have the best views on where to take the country, but I do believe she's 90% genuine in what she believes. Personally, I'll be voting for anyone with an independent/libertarian mindset.... maybe a younger version of Ron Paul or a Jesse Ventura or something. Beck I have noticed, has become aware of many things and is opening his mind to other views. Just like his "war" view. He's neuteral right now. If we stay, let's use our resources and fight to win. If we are gonna just play war like we have been with Obama, just bring our troops home so no one else has to die. I agree with his stance on the war right now. All-in-all, I give you a star and flag for your OP. Peace!

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

What troubles me is that George Soros does not share the the same opinion of many Liberals. Look like they may have voted in George Soros..not Barack Obama.

BTW...George Soros doesn't give a damn for the USA's sovereignty. Unfortunately...neither do the corporations that run the rest of the government.

Just when you think it couldn't be any more corrupt...another whammy hits.

I watch Glen Beck occasionally now and nowhere near as often as I used to as his pro-war rantings and religious rants bothered me. He has started to stray from being pro war now though and is sounding more anti-war each day....which I think is a good thing.

Another thing he does that drives me crazy is his support for Palin. How in God's name can he think she'd make a good President? She doesn't know anything and would be an even weaker President than Obama.

The USA is at 2 strikes.....we'll strike out with Palin. I hope the US citizens don't make this mistake.

He woke up. Just like a lot of other people have done lately. Its a good thing. He's nothing like he was 10 years ago. Then it was funny 24/7 unless something like Teri Shiavo was happening. He pulled out all the stops for that. Thats when he showed his "true soul".

Side note:

Remember back when he was starting his rants about the NWO and touched on concentration camps and then said "what camps".
I think he went back and drew a line. I'm glad. How he hasnt been "off'ed" is beyond me. May angels surround him and his

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by genius/idoit
It's also amazing that a gay guy promoting pedophilia is the school czar.

Anti-gay "hate group" MassResistance is source for right-wing media attacks on Jennings
December 10, 2009 8:17 pm ET — 48 Comments
Right-wing media outlets have relied on false or misleading claims by MassResistance, a Massachusetts-based anti-gay group, in advancing several recent attacks on Department of Education official Kevin Jennings. The founder of MassResistance -- a group the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled a "hate group" -- reportedly denied that gays and lesbians were a target of the Holocaust and has compared the gay rights movement to the Nazis. The organization has also called on parents to keep their children home from school during an event promoting awareness of, and opposition to, anti-gay bullying and has stated that suicide prevention programs for gay and lesbian youth have no "legitimate medical or psychological basis." hate groups here on ATS...No siree..LOL

FYI - Your screen name "Genius/Idiot" that a trick question?

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 03:58 PM
But who is behind soros.

the real people will never come into the light.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by David9176

Beck is a little twerp that knows how to milk the right wing for all they're worth.

Anyone that gives this man any credibility at all is a chump.

[edit on 15-12-2009 by whaaa]

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Whaaa. I do not agree with Beck on quite a few things....but that is besides the point. He has exposed many things that wouldn't have seen the light of day otherwise. I don't watch his show that often although I am actually watching it right now.

Obama...who is supposedly angry at the bankers and wall street executives....literally has dozens of them in his own administration. There is corruption everywhere. Beck is right on that.

I also believe he is right on the Federal Reserve and other things. I don't care what his affiliation is. I know who he works for. I know that all media is corporate owned.

Hating or disliking the man does not automatically make things he is bringing to light untrue.

If anyone can disprove any of the things in the video i originally posted...or show Obama's complete lack of involvement with CEO's and Bankers...then show it.

I want the truth and I'll take it where I can get it.

Hope you have a Good Christmas btw.
Enjoy the good ones while we still have them.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by whaaa

Whaaa. I do not agree with Beck on quite a few things....but that is besides the point. He has exposed many things that wouldn't have seen the light of day otherwise. I don't watch his show that often although I am actually watching it right now.

Obama...who is supposedly angry at the bankers and wall street executives....literally has dozens of them in his own administration. There is corruption everywhere. Beck is right on that.

I also believe he is right on the Federal Reserve and other things. I don't care what his affiliation is. I know who he works for. I know that all media is corporate owned.

Hating or disliking the man does not automatically make things he is bringing to light untrue.

If anyone can disprove any of the things in the video i originally posted...or show Obama's complete lack of involvement with CEO's and Bankers...then show it.

I want the truth and I'll take it where I can get it.

Hope you have a Good Christmas btw.
Enjoy the good ones while we still have them.

Well GS doesn't represent me and has an agenda which does not represent the ground level ideas of the left.

Glen Beck has an agenda of his own and a corporate agenda which would like to see their people benefit from in power, political potency. Becks life blood is the corporate machine that eats Americans for breakfast, don't be fooled by compelling television
that is known to be a propaganda tool. Information is good, the conclusion provided is the danger, the information is the BAIT and CONCLUSION is the HOOK.

AND what strong lofty intentions can create

It unlikely a NAZI party member in 1939 realized the tragedy his devotion would fuel? "He" figured he was taking his country BACK from the corrupt government, dangers of communism, social integration, immigrants who took German jobs and the slow death of German culture and tradition. I am not calling any of you Nazi's, but I am illustrating

BECK does NOT ever evaluate the dysfunction his default political group has created or their goals which may be just as ugly or LIKELY same result, different players.

Remember the WORSTE tyrants and murderers of history dealt in Beckisms, right to ones heart, for the love of country, same story Russia or Germany.

More than a grain of salt

Very Merry One!

[edit on 15-12-2009 by Janky Red]

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Janky Red

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by whaaa

Whaaa. I do not agree with Beck on quite a few things....but that is besides the point. He has exposed many things that wouldn't have seen the light of day otherwise. I don't watch his show that often although I am actually watching it right now.

Obama...who is supposedly angry at the bankers and wall street executives....literally has dozens of them in his own administration. There is corruption everywhere. Beck is right on that.

I also believe he is right on the Federal Reserve and other things. I don't care what his affiliation is. I know who he works for. I know that all media is corporate owned.

Hating or disliking the man does not automatically make things he is bringing to light untrue.

If anyone can disprove any of the things in the video i originally posted...or show Obama's complete lack of involvement with CEO's and Bankers...then show it.

I want the truth and I'll take it where I can get it.

Hope you have a Good Christmas btw.
Enjoy the good ones while we still have them.

Well GS doesn't represent me and has an agenda which does not represent the ground level ideas of the left.

Glen Beck has an agenda of his own and a corporate agenda which would like to see their people benefit from in power, political potency. Becks life blood is the corporate machine that eats Americans for breakfast, don't be fooled by compelling television
that is known to be a propaganda tool. Information is good, the conclusion provided is the danger, the information is the BAIT and CONCLUSION is the HOOK.

AND what strong lofty intentions can create

It unlikely a NAZI party member in 1939 realized the tragedy his devotion would fuel? "He" figured he was taking his country BACK from the corrupt government, dangers of communism, social integration, immigrants who took German jobs and the slow death of German culture and tradition. I am not calling any of you Nazi's, but I am illustrating

BECK does NOT ever evaluate the dysfunction his default political group has created or their goals which may be just as ugly or LIKELY same result, different players.

Remember the WORSTE tyrants and murderers of history dealt in Beckisms, right to ones heart, for the love of country, same story Russia or Germany.

More than a grain of salt

Very Merry One!

[edit on 15-12-2009 by Janky Red]

Except Russia and Germany changed via socialism..... Obama's ideology! The "right-wing" or "Tea Party" movement is the furthest from violent. Left-wing groups are very responsible for violent acts. How about the SEIU members who beat up a Tea Party goer... an african-american one at that! How about the G20 riots in Pittsburg, Penn.? The 800 thousand man march on Washington (9-12 project) was one of the most peaceful and non-violent protests in history. Sure, there is the occasional nut job who is only there because they don't want a black president, but that's the extremely low minority of people in the movement. Our movement is to bring back the principals of the founding fathers. Less government and more freedom. That's all Beck preaches about on his show. If violence erupts over it, please show me. I see nothing of the sort.... just smearing of his name from the left.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by Janky Red

Glen Beck has an agenda of his own and a corporate agenda which would like to see their people benefit from in power, political potency. Becks life blood is the corporate machine that eats Americans for breakfast, don't be fooled by compelling television that is known to be a propaganda tool. Information is good, the conclusion provided is the danger, the information is the BAIT and CONCLUSION is the HOOK.

It's not an entirely corporate agenda as you state. He has criticized transnational corporations as being very hurtful to the United States. Corporatism is not confined to big oil and other things often related to conservative beliefs. Corporatism lives and breathes just as strongly within the Democrat Party.

He's also called for a 2 percent VAT tax...which quite frankly shocked me to hear as it is definitely not corporate friendly.

I know corporate influence needs to be taken out of our government and antitrust laws need to be enforced. GB would serve himself better if he started being critical of our trade policies...but he has yet to do so.

I don't want to make this another "Glenn Beck credibility thread." It's been done 100 times over.

However...if you could disprove what he is saying in the video clips in the OP....then please do so.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by Locoman8

Originally posted by Janky Red

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by whaaa

Whaaa. I do not agree with Beck on quite a few things....but that is besides the point. He has exposed many things that wouldn't have seen the light of day otherwise. I don't watch his show that often although I am actually watching it right now.

Obama...who is supposedly angry at the bankers and wall street executives....literally has dozens of them in his own administration. There is corruption everywhere. Beck is right on that.

I also believe he is right on the Federal Reserve and other things. I don't care what his affiliation is. I know who he works for. I know that all media is corporate owned.

Hating or disliking the man does not automatically make things he is bringing to light untrue.

If anyone can disprove any of the things in the video i originally posted...or show Obama's complete lack of involvement with CEO's and Bankers...then show it.

I want the truth and I'll take it where I can get it.

Hope you have a Good Christmas btw.
Enjoy the good ones while we still have them.

Well GS doesn't represent me and has an agenda which does not represent the ground level ideas of the left.

Glen Beck has an agenda of his own and a corporate agenda which would like to see their people benefit from in power, political potency. Becks life blood is the corporate machine that eats Americans for breakfast, don't be fooled by compelling television
that is known to be a propaganda tool. Information is good, the conclusion provided is the danger, the information is the BAIT and CONCLUSION is the HOOK.

AND what strong lofty intentions can create

It unlikely a NAZI party member in 1939 realized the tragedy his devotion would fuel? "He" figured he was taking his country BACK from the corrupt government, dangers of communism, social integration, immigrants who took German jobs and the slow death of German culture and tradition. I am not calling any of you Nazi's, but I am illustrating

BECK does NOT ever evaluate the dysfunction his default political group has created or their goals which may be just as ugly or LIKELY same result, different players.

Remember the WORSTE tyrants and murderers of history dealt in Beckisms, right to ones heart, for the love of country, same story Russia or Germany.

More than a grain of salt

Very Merry One!

[edit on 15-12-2009 by Janky Red]

Except Russia and Germany changed via socialism..... Obama's ideology! The "right-wing" or "Tea Party" movement is the furthest from violent. Left-wing groups are very responsible for violent acts. How about the SEIU members who beat up a Tea Party goer... an african-american one at that! How about the G20 riots in Pittsburg, Penn.? The 800 thousand man march on Washington (9-12 project) was one of the most peaceful and non-violent protests in history. Sure, there is the occasional nut job who is only there because they don't want a black president, but that's the extremely low minority of people in the movement. Our movement is to bring back the principals of the founding fathers. Less government and more freedom. That's all Beck preaches about on his show. If violence erupts over it, please show me. I see nothing of the sort.... just smearing of his name from the left.

Obamas ideology

Funny just the other day some ATS members were mentioning how Obama has shifted to the right of mainstream liberalism in this country. I would agree, but it does not really fit the media blitz stating otherwise, so I guess if they say it on TV,,, it must be true.

Your post reads as if you/ tea party folks are immune to misdirection, mob mentality, manipulation or unsavory acts. I would say the bulsaviks and Nazi's probably felt just as just and righteous as you sound. The idea that you are somehow special or indignantly
just is EXACTLY what created the Fascist - Socialist climates I spoke of. Read, they were taking there countries back from capitalism in Russia and Liberalism in Germany,
Their country, their home...

I fear that you and many are mistaken and willfully mislead... This is the first time I have EVER heard people call nazi's lefties, I WILL TELL YOU SINCE BECK made the claims,,, I hear like bible truth. It is worrisome that you have been so mislead, really,
you have been sold a new version of history, you would probably die for it or fight for it...

Below is contrary to your "beliefs" - I would bet a pretty penny you will disregard this information and continue on believing what Beck has told 100% - Not bad on you, its just what I see consistently here, you are free to do, say and believe whatever, I just hope principle and merit could trump political axes-

Other conditions fostering the rise of the Third Reich include nationalism and Pan-Germanism, civil unrest attributed to Marxist groups, the worldwide economic depression of the 1930s (spurred by the Wall Street Crash of 1929), the reaction against the counter-traditionalism and liberalism of the Weimar period, and the rise of communism in Germany, as reflected by the growth of the KPD, the Communist Party of Germany

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by Janky Red

Glen Beck has an agenda of his own and a corporate agenda which would like to see their people benefit from in power, political potency. Becks life blood is the corporate machine that eats Americans for breakfast, don't be fooled by compelling television that is known to be a propaganda tool. Information is good, the conclusion provided is the danger, the information is the BAIT and CONCLUSION is the HOOK.

It's not an entirely corporate agenda as you state. He has criticized transnational corporations as being very hurtful to the United States. Corporatism is not confined to big oil and other things often related to conservative beliefs. Corporatism lives and breathes just as strongly within the Democrat Party.

He's also called for a 2 percent VAT tax...which quite frankly shocked me to hear as it is definitely not corporate friendly.

I know corporate influence needs to be taken out of our government and antitrust laws need to be enforced. GB would serve himself better if he started being critical of our trade policies...but he has yet to do so.

I don't want to make this another "Glenn Beck credibility thread." It's been done 100 times over.

However...if you could disprove what he is saying in the video clips in the OP....then please do so.

Duplicity - even worse silent duplicity

relate to the guy, he feels you - I know the deal - says what you think, feel

thats the bait -

Free country

You should read some old Nazi or Soviet Prop - it will be clear once you did

good luck and merry christmas

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