reply to post by bobs_uruncle
I used the word 'war' metaphorically to denote that the Bad Guys(global elite) Want us to rebel with 'force' so they can recipricate with an even
greater Force (The National Guard, Our wonderfully Militarized Local Police Forces, FBI, NSA, etc.).
We need to 'make war' by non-violent ways, hence the Dollar.
Excellent point on the bank account closure, I have been trying to set up ways to accomplish this by looking for Inexpensive Money Order retailers
(they're aren't many choices)(I wonder why, 'conspiracy'?). I run a business and I Only take Cash now for the last 4 years, it's actually pretty
nice, no bounced checks/visa processing fees. Also, there's been alot of talk about going to a barter system, (I've done that before, but there was
alot of corruption in it. looking into the kind of system I heard about in Vermont, 1hr base wage=$10.00 barter credit, who knows we may be forced to
go that way due to the deflated dollar buying power.)( don't like the word 'inflation' just sounds wrong)
Arrgghh! Credit Cards! I'm down to 2, payin' fast as I can.
Haven't filed/payed fed taxes in 5 years, funny thing is I've never actually had any 'Income', I've worked for every dime I've ever had, Same
with state, another funny thing I actually called the IRS and asked them to Audit me because I wanted to get it on Paper that I don't owe them Jack,
they declined and the nice lady said "The IRS knows who they can bully/con and that they do not get any federal funding from the 'govt', they get
their operating income (that word again) from fines and penalties , and that in order to go after someone they figure it takes about $100,000.00
dollars to complete their action (go through the whole system and get money in their hand) so they look and see if the 'Victim has that amount in
'liquid assets' they can get their hands on and that's the determining factor if they go after you! They mostly rely on general ignorance and fear
tactics/propaganda to trick everyone to 'pay up'.
Never had Insurance, I pay cash and have only had to use the VA for 'service connected' injury, yeah I'm in excellent health. Not 'lucky', I take
extreme care of myself.
Unfortunately I have to go to Wa----t,(can't say the word) about 4 times a year because there is just some things I can't get elsewhere, I try.
I've been very active in Politics', mostly they (the Ins) don't like me, I don't let them get away with the garbage they spew, I speak up at local
govt meetings often. (too much more to add) next item.
Believe it or not I only work 2 days a week, I make plenty and have to take care of my elderly Father, etc., got that covered.
Thanks for the Constructive Input!
There's another story from Britain this morning about how the 'Bankers' might leave england because they also are going to be regulating/limiting
their salaries, they're cryin' saying that 'we'll lose all the best talent to continental europe' if we don't let them make all the money they
can! Man! I wish they would all leave and go somewhere else, (not here)( maybe Madagascar, I hear they have nice weather) Do they really think we
forgot that they caused all the problems we're having now in the 'Banking Industry'?!? (they actually think we are too stupid to realize this).