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before ya'll bash our soldiers

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posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by rainfall

Originally posted by vermonster

quite a classy fellow, a porn star i see too.

Well if he's in the military I'm sure it's gay porn that he is into...

Isn't that why most 'guys' join the they can play 'rump ranger' with their 'bunk buddies.'.....

You assume too much. Perhaps its time for you to stop hiding behind your computer and go enlist and find out firsthand the stress that being a soldier can sometimes bring. You my friend need to stop generalizing soldiers as criminals. Like many of our ATS members I have had my boots on the battlefield and its not easy. Sometimes judgment calls have to be made which later look like major errors. Saying goes "hind sight is 20/20". I personally never tortured anyone, raped anyone, robbed anyone or maimed (intentionally since my aim when I engaged the enemy was to kill) anyone. I did however send folks to their respective Gods. But that's because we were playing a game called, "I'll kill you if you don't kill me first". Seriously join the Army and get into the infantry so you can be in the thick of it. Then when you are doing urban combat in some place that you cant even spell and folks are shooting at you, throw down your gun and go talk it over with them. See how many steps you get before you are Swiss cheese. BTW the next post you make should include a big fat thank you to past soldiers and militias for securing your freedom to speak your mind at all. They did that, not the politicians.

As for the OP, nice poem. Thank you for that. I will have to forward that to all my friends at the VA, VFW and American Legion. And I agree 100% that we need to show better support for our troops.

[edit on 6-12-2009 by ch1ldofthe70s]

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by ch1ldofthe70s

well maybe next time, do your homework before you sign up to be a goon for a once great but obviously infiltrated government hell bent on controlling other countries in the name of freedom.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by ch1ldofthe70s

google afganyland opium production after 2001.

you can find out why you had to take your brothers lives.

i would put a link, but i am on my wii

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by felonius
Have yall not heard the hell these folks are having? Marriages going to pot? Some of them just walking off bases muttering? These people need our help and our support. I really dont know what to do to help but the least I can do is offer them my hand and say thank you.

The least you can do is say thank you for their getting themselves into a situation that caused these symptoms?

Doesn't make much sense to me
If these weren't illegal and immoral wars I would have said the above
but if they know it's wrong but still continued then...

it's their fault

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by vermonster

I hardly joined blindly. I was looking for hands on experience in the field of engineering and that's what I joined for (I got it too). The battles I was involved in had nothing to do with the middle east or the oil fields there. I was an engineer by trade but with my rifle proficiency and extra training I took on I was well rounded enough to do whatever job that was asked of me. Build a bridge, homes for refugees, drill fresh water wells (did that in Haiti and Bosnia), blow crap up, stand in for a MIA forward observer, plant/defuse mines and the list went on. I was sent to be part of a crew to help those that were caught in the middle of a fight that they were not part of. But in war you should not be shocked to see medics shooting back when things get bad. Hell our Chaplain carried a sidearm.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 07:56 PM
Yeah, it doesn't take long for threads like this to go down the toilet.

"Goon", "serf", "sheep", "murderer", been accused of slaughtering children.

All typical BS posts here on ATS, usually by people that don't have Clue One about what it's like to be in the military or a war. Just a bunch of whiny little children that think they know what it's like because they play Call to Duty or googled something online.


posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by rainfall

That's a very romantic view of things, and I wish it was true, but it ain't gonna happen.

If that occurred, the next posts you'd see on ATS would be about the overcrowding of military prisons.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by ch1ldofthe70s

Like many of our ATS members I have had my boots on the battlefield and its not easy. Sometimes judgment calls have to be made which later look like major errors. Saying goes "hind sight is 20/20".

I wonder if some of those 'major error' calls had anything to do with slaughtering innocent women and children......oops...'.hind sight is 20/20.'....oh well....

Maybe it's time for humanity to grow up...

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by rainfall
I wonder if some of those 'major error' calls had anything to do with slaughtering innocent women and children......oops...'.hind sight is 20/20.'....oh well....

Yeah, because that's all the US military does, kill women and children. Fail.

Now, what about the insurgents that blow up a car bomb in the middle of a crowded market? What do you consider that? Last time I checked, a market with women and kids really isn't a legit military target, but the insurgents really seem to be brave toughguys when it comes to blowing them up.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by jerico65

You posted that as I said the same thing to my wife!

Perhaps Call of Duty or Medal of Honor need to add civilians to their games so these gamers can get the feel of what it is to not know your enemy.

Apologies to the OP, felonius, for all the extra chatter that's off topic.

[edit on 6-12-2009 by ch1ldofthe70s]

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:28 PM
funny how no one wants to talk about the fact that since our occupation of afganyland began opium production has skyrocketed.

this is why i dont support our precious, brave, and heroic legions of poppy protectors over there.

you'd have to be a complete doofus to sign up after reading about this for 8 years

but i guess if you grew up playing doom and all that crap, the bs army of one commercial sucked ya right in.

the average soldier, err slave rather, could tell you all about football and cheeseburgers, yet can't honestly tell you wtf they are doing on the other side of the world killing brown people.

if they knew why, they'd be whinng as much as jerhico65 when no one responds to his obnoxious trolling.

but like i said before, nature kills stupid.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by vermonster
i'll call every soldier a hormonal naive child to their face for signing up within the last 5 years.

it is obvious our military has other interests than protecting its country. like increasing opium production in afganyland and killing brown people.

if you fail to do your homework before signing up and fall for the hollywood army of one bs, well then, you fell for it. sheep believe what they are told, and make great bullet catchers, its just nature you know.

personally i dont refer to our boys in camo as 'soldiers' anymore, but slaves.

i know plenty of soldiers.

I see your an extent.

Many of those that did sign up for service did do so under the impression that they were going to be used to fight a "good" war. I do think they have been horribly betrayed by our government. I had considered enlisting my self but my wife and I discussed it. My family wouldnt have been able to handle it financially. I have to put my family first.

Please, all service people represented here, dont take that wrong.

The war has been ran awfully. Shock and Awe was a farce. How many times was that dirt bag cleric (forgot his name) out in the open with our news crews filming? One good shot or a missle and he'd be toast and another head off of the snake. Use the mosque's as a bunker? its gone.

To fight these animals you have to be MORE brutal than they are. Period. Diplomacy plays into their hands.

I digress.

Opium fields? Hamid Karzi? No one joining had any idea about that stuff.

Slaves? No. Misused assets? Definately.

I (being a very novice military historian) figured we would get afghanistan and iraq (we sort of owed them-we put hussein in). We would have pakistan as a fair weather friend for naval supply and air support. Turkey and Israel to the north and Saudi to the west for bases and air support. This would leave iran locked as we could handle syria for any support they offered. Iran would be the next target (free the caldeans).

Our leaders flubbed up! They made our troops move with "political commisars" in the form of media. Our troops were crucified any time they pulled a trigger. Remember the black colonel that saved his men by getting info out of a captured enemy by "letting one fly" by his head? He was repaid for saving his troops by being forced out.

We wonder why our troops have morale crapped out.

Our people in harms way are being asked to repeat vietnam. They have the expertise, courage, honor, and tools to win. they are being hamstrung by washington and the un.

the point of all this is, blame the feds and globalists. our troops went in for the right reasons. The rules were changed after they signed the paper.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:34 PM
What a hoot. "Obnoxious trolling", yet you posted this:

Originally posted by vermonster
the average soldier, err slave rather.......

You know, I don't know of anyone that was in A-stan that had anything to do with poppies, etc. Maybe that why no one is addressing your BS posts.

Originally posted by vermonster
but like i said before, nature kills stupid.

Then why aren't you dead yet? I guess nature is taking it's time, huh?

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by vermonster
funny how no one wants to talk about the fact that since our occupation of afganyland began opium production has skyrocketed.

this is why i dont support our precious, brave, and heroic legions of poppy protectors over there.

Yeah yeah yeah.


UN report: Russia becomes largest market for Afghan heroin

Russia has become the biggest consumer of Afghan heroin with 21% of all the drug consumed in the world, as of the latest UN Office on Drugs and Crime report “Addiction, Crime and Insurgency” published on October 21.

According to the report, no less than 70 tons of heroin were trafficked to Russia in 2008 – that’s three times more than to the US and Canada together, and much more than previously estimated.

“It's being brought to Russia across the unprotected, transparent, and I would call them virtual borders, which were established after the collapse of the Soviet Union,” says Viktor Ivanov, head of the Federal Drug Control Service.

Heroin Trafficking

At present, opium poppies are mostly grown in Afghanistan, and in Southeast Asia, especially in the region known as the Golden Triangle straddling Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Yunnan province in the People's Republic of China.

The majority of the heroin consumed in the United States comes from Mexico and Colgmbia. Up until 2004, Pakistan was considered one of the biggest opium-growing countries.

Problems shooting up in Afghanistan

Afghanistan’s opium production is used to fund insurgencies against invading U.S. forces. The money from Afghan opium trickles through everyone in the country — from farmers to police to government officials. Outside the country, Afghan opium production is a $65-billion industry.

Afghanistan is now responsible for 92 percent of the world’s opium supply.

Most of this supply is distributed throughout Pakistan, Russia, Europe and China. Russia has been hit hard with heroin use, as deaths resulting from AIDS have exploded from 1,900 people in 2001 to 40,000 in 2007, 80 percent of which resulted from dirty needles.

The U.S. war in Afghanistan strongly influences Russia’s rising heroin statistics. After the U.S. went into Afghanistan, the Taliban needed more weapons and money, facilitating increased opium production. Russian gangsters trade military weapons with Taliban drug lords for heroin, fueling the vicious cycle with the U.S. military.


Russia is the world's top consumer of Afghan heroin. Last month President Dmitry Medvedev warned that high drug use amongst the country's youth was a threat to national security.

Michel Kazatchkine, executive director of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, said AIDS still carried heavy stigma in Russia and the government needed to address this.

"Something in society is malfunctioning and it is unable to talk aloud about weaknesses," he said.

11.5 kg of Heroin Seized in SE China

Police in the southeastern Chinese border town of Zhuhai have recently seized 11.5 kilograms of heroin and arrested five suspected drug traffickers, Xinhua News Agency reports.

It is reportedly the biggest drug case in China in three years. Besides the large amount of heroin, police also confiscated other drugs, raw materials, a pistol and 97 bullets.


Sunday, August 9, 1987
Chinese criminals have taken over the dominant role in New York City's heroin industry, in a sudden restructuring of a multibillion-dollar enterprise that for decades was the preserve of the Mafia, Federal law-enforcement officials say.

Authorities say ethnic Chinese traffickers have recently been flooding the New York market with huge shipments of Southeast Asian heroin, or China White, which is among the world's purest.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by felonius

well an extent.

these animals as you call them, if my country was invaded by a foreign entity who wished to control my way of life by installing a puppet dictatorship, i would hope that my countrymen would use every tactic under the sun to get them the hell out of MY country.

these colors don't run.......the world

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by felonius
Many of those that did sign up for service did do so under the impression that they were going to be used to fight a "good" war. I do think they have been horribly betrayed by our government. I had considered enlisting my self but my wife and I discussed it. My family wouldnt have been able to handle it financially. I have to put my family first.

Please, all service people represented here, dont take that wrong.

No offense taken. Anyone that joined thinking they were going to make money was dropped as a baby. Offense is sometimes taken when armchair quarterbacks start critiquing the actions of men and women in the field. If we could magically review the battles before they are fought and then get the armchair quarterbacks take on it I am sure civilian casualties would all but vanish. Then again we did run into cases in Bosnia where some of our troops neutralized hostile targets then the locals stripped the weaponry off of the targets then cried the fallen were non-combatants all along even tho they were just shooting at us a few minutes ago. Nam vets may know a little something of that as well as Middle East vets. Civilian casualties go up when the real enemy dresses like the civilians. Difficult problem to get around and it gives the radicals something to shake their fist at us for.

[edit on 6-12-2009 by ch1ldofthe70s]

[edit on 6-12-2009 by ch1ldofthe70s]

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

nice. i like how you left out the fact that the taliban, or freedom fighters as we once referred to them as, imposed a ban on herion up until 2001.

and now, since our occupation began has surpassed burma as the worlds leading opium producer.

i like your avatar btw, i can see the idea of your image you project onto this little fantasy land.

i especially like the cool cigarette.


posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by jerico65
What a hoot. "Obnoxious trolling", yet you posted this:

Originally posted by vermonster
the average soldier, err slave rather.......

You know, I don't know of anyone that was in A-stan that had anything to do with poppies, etc. Maybe that why no one is addressing your BS posts.

Originally posted by vermonster
but like i said before, nature kills stupid.

Then why aren't you dead yet? I guess nature is taking it's time, huh?

Oh my...
that's just...

jerico65...tell us how you really feel

[edit on 6-12-2009 by ch1ldofthe70s]

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by vermonster
reply to post by SLAYER69

nice. i like how you left out the fact that the taliban, or freedom fighters as we once referred to them as, imposed a ban on herion up until 2001.


The Taliban were in power since 1996 it was only in 2000 that they finally decided to shore up the price by cutting back on production. So for four years all was good.

Opium production in Afghanistan

Another source claims opium production was cut back by the Taliban not to prevent its use but to shore up its price, and thus increase the income of poppy farmers and revenue of Afghan tax collectors.[67

[edit on 6-12-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by vermonster
if my country was invaded by a foreign entity who wished to control my way of life by installing a puppet dictatorship, i would hope that my countrymen would use every tactic under the sun to get them the hell out of MY country.

So, you hope that someone else would do the fighting to get them out of YOUR country, huh?
Nothing like taking a stand for something you believe in, huh?

And I never thought that "controlling their way of life" was the objective of the US Military in Iraq or A-stan. If it was, I think we're going about it the wrong way. For example, I don't think we'd be giving everyone the chance to vote like in Iraq in 2005.

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