posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 05:47 PM
Originally posted by Jnewell33
nice to see the de-bunkers are thriving, lol. There is no question that their have been some geometric anomalies found on the surface of Mars, as
well as many other planets and moons. I am not going to run around trying to imply aliens or anything else unnatural crated them, but until we start
getting a clearer picture of what the world governments actually know, I for one am not going to rule anything out. The way Buzz Aldin describes the
monolith on Mars' moon almost creates a mystique about what we really know about space, and what TPTB think we should know.
Im just wondering if you saw the link posted above by Jocko Flocko: Since I believe most people who visit this thread will ignore
his post, I have added the link again, along with pictures:
Earth itself has "geometric anomalies" found on its surface. These are naturally formed. Not formed by TPTB or MIB. Key word: Natural.
Therefore, why is it so hard for people to believe that these odd shapes found on Mars are nothing more than natural formations? Sometimes the truth
is rather boring, therefore people create imagintive images in their head called
Also, it doesnt help when one zooms waaay in and causes extreme distortion. Go to Google Earth, in some remote area. You will find the same "odd"
shapes people are finding on Mars. Then zoom in all the way and wala some serious crazy shapes start to form!
ETA: This one is right by my house:
[edit on December 5th 2009 by greeneyedleo]