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Who Is Santa Claus?

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posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 11:43 AM
Ok, most of us remember the stories of "jolly ol' St. Nick" and his bright red coat and burley white beard.
If you can't recollect here is the non-official story courtesy wikIHAVETOMUCHTIMEONMYHANDSpedia page

Now let us diagnose the overweight creep sneaking down your chimney once a year.

Here is my personal diagnoses:

We have a physical person, a physical mind, and a spirit to look at.

Physically portrayed as an overweight white male in his late 50's to early 60's, all thanks to this guy Thomas Nast.

The question is, why has this image stuck for this long? Why chubby? Why not muscular? Or skinny with a cane? His girth gives a sense of protection, without sacrificing an image of intellect. He is big enough that no one will push him around, but not “roided” up enough to give off a sense of hostility.

Now because of his apparent elder age we have a knowledgeable character, grown wise through what the world has to offer in ones life. Better yet he does not age, so his life’s priorities are not similar to us mortals. The white beard hints towards his purity, and his red outfit demands respectful views.
As quoted from wikIHAVENOLIFEpedia

“In human color psychology, red is associated with brave(india), pure(India),happiness (China), good luck (China), heat, energy, and blood, and emotions that "stir the blood", including anger, passion, love, pain, and sacrifice.”

This leads to Mr. Claus’ psychoanalysis. We have a completely benevolent being, he does not care about himself enough to even really exist,. What could cause this behavior? Instinctively benevolence is weakness, one gives in hopes of receiving,.
“we hold that door open for the person behind us in hopes that that person or some other person will return the favor some day.”
Better example:
“we are overly polite to the waiter so that in return the waiter will not spit in our food, the waiter will not spit in the food so that in return the waiter receives a larger tip, therefore both parties are at compromise.”
Anyways back to Mr. Claus. If you were to live forever your priorities would certainly change. You would no longer have any substantial need for the act of greed or any mal-intentions towards your fellow beings, if your going to live forever, you have a long time to build up any wealth, if that’s what your still after.

So now we know why Mr. Claus can keep giving. “who knows though, maybe his life force feeds off happy kids?”

Ok now for his spirit, not to be confused with his mind or body, because this is the only part of Mr. Claus that actually exists. His spirit is that of a demigod, Children worship him in hopes of receiving gifts, they even believe that he is watching them all the time and judging their actions. “a microcosm of established religion if I might add.”

So I will end there, and would love to hear your take on Santa.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 12:32 PM
hate to say it but he is not real.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by raj9721

Raj, I am Santa and I am your FAAAATHER!

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by SuperSlovak
hate to say it but he is not real.

I think they got the word santa from satan and its just an anagram.

Its just an anagram of satan.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 01:23 PM
Strictly speaking of Saint Nicholas, he certainly was (is) a real person. Look up Nicholas of Myra, a 4th Century philanthropist and Catholic Bishop who made it his business to help people in dire need. He is remembered in the Catholic Church as the Patron Saint of children and seafarers. He was canonized (officially made a Saint) due to his over-the-top generosity, benevolence and his miraculous (if baffling) ability to appear in two places or more simultaneously.

Yeah, he's been dead for over 16 centuries, but Saint Nicholas still makes miraculous appearances, as recently as WWII, as far as I know.

Really interesting as Saints go — apparently he has no problem appearing in full body manifestation, can interact with mortal human beings, can partake of meals, drink wine, do everything a normal human can do, then he typically bestows a miraculous gift and departs, leaving his hosts utterly baffled but nonetheless thankful.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 12/5/2009 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 01:30 PM
Looks like they are making a movie about him.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by andy1033

Originally posted by SuperSlovak
hate to say it but he is not real.

I think they got the word santa from satan and its just an anagram.

Its just an anagram of satan.

Who are "they" and are you implying that santa was created and a satanic scheme? If so ANY evidence would be great to back that claim. I can see santa being created for commercial reasons but i think thats as far as this conspiracy goes.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 02:53 PM
Well the present incarnation of Santa Clause was created by Coca Cola in the early 20th century for a Christmas Add Campaign.

Other than that, I think it stems for German folklore?

I could be wrong.

In any case, Christmas has now become the holiday, consumerism whore of the year.


posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by digitalBreakfast

No just look at the word, and its an anagram. I think they use word anagrams to often get past peoples hard beliefs don't they.

On christmas day, i think it probably is the most important day of the year. Go and find out why, it matters. I think if the christian religion never used it, it would still be a festival anyway.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 03:07 PM
"Who is Santa Claus?"

Santa was created for the same reason God was created, I mean, c'mon. Control of people, in this case, very young people.

"He knows when you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake".

Much like the threats surrounding the equally legitimate God, no?

except of course, that at one time in history, there really was a St. Nicholas.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by raj9721
As quoted from wikIHAVENOLIFEpedia

I don't know about Santa Claus, but can I be the tooth fairy?

And yeah I hear ya, I have no life either. Sure I'm sitting here with all this money, but money can't buy you love, you know?


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