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Nick Griffin covers Climate gate and denounces NWO Scam

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posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 01:05 AM
What's the angle of stating what most intelligent & common sensed individuals already suspect? "Divide& conquer" comes to mind.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 01:10 AM
Great job Nick Griffen now if somebody only had the balls to stand up at Copenhagen and say the same thing

Oh yeah Star and Falg for you!!

[edit on 6-12-2009 by KeeperOfGenisis]

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 02:57 AM
I'm warning you ... Obama may be the next Stalin ... but Nick Griffin could be the next Hitler!!!

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 03:34 AM
just goes to show how complex this whole subject is...if you believe the press youd actually really expect people like nick griffin to be all for a one world government run by elite whites and the total control of the developing nations...

or am being brain washed to believe racists?

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 05:39 AM
Another man I shall pray for.

Your a hero Nick. God bless you and all who follow your path.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by NeverSurrender

Don't pray for a holocaust denier and an individual whose, party policy, is to expel all non-Whites from the United Kingdom.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by Wotan
I think that is probably the first sensible and decent thing that has come out of Nick Griffin's mouth.

Not that I support his BNP, but if he was to keep off of racist subjects and reform his party, he might actually do some good in the world.

i dont think hes a bad guy...he does have racist views but i think hes quite honest for a politician...i dont support any politician and i dont support any government no matter who is in power...but the BNP have gotten a lot more followers recently. and that video of nick griffin sayin global warming is a lie is the most honest and straight thing ive ever heard a politician say. youd never hear obama or gordon brown say that kinda thing.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by infinite
reply to post by NeverSurrender

Don't pray for a holocaust denier and an individual whose, party policy, is to expel all non-Whites from the United Kingdom.

Would you mind linking to the BNP policy that states this?
Please tell me that you have actually read this on BNP documentation YOURSELF and arnt just repeating what you may have heard from some mass media outlet?

I find it very hard to believe that MEP Nick Griffin has a policy to expel Every non white from the UK.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by Parallex
May I present to ATS, one of the most dangerous institutions in the UK, and EU - Ladies, Gents, I give you - Common Purpose

true, it also ties with another ATS post by Cythraul rather nicely

Not that I agree much with Nick Griffin on other matters, but one must give credits where credits are due.

Originally posted by WetEugene
The thing is though, a frightening amount of people take this man seriously.

Yes indeed, it is scary. Maybe this is a plan. Hitler was popular too and for a good reason, he pointed out evil behind the Weimar destruction. Yet he danced to their tune.

Originally posted by Paradox.
reply to post by superdebz

Judging by your grammatical errors, and lack of evidence, your comment can be disregarded along with any of your future views and/or opinions.

superdebz is correct Paradox, in general. Griffin is a leader of British National Party, they are very popular among types of people here in UK with which you would not want to be in the same room. the party's policy on immigration is only one facet of badly interpreted anti globalism. do a search on this guy and you'll see that he is not your hero.

Originally posted by Redwookieaz
Anybody who is not part of the current establishment or the NWO is a million times better than these SOBs that are taking away our liberty and our countries under these massive lies and cover ups! So go Nick Griffin!!!
Also S&F!

Again, this is what many Germans said about Hitler. And Hitler was right on many issues, but also was wrong on many issues. There is such a thing as worse than NWO and it's somebody who's against it but whose motives and funding are dodgy.

Originally posted by LiveForever8

It was a great speech.

But I think it says a lot when the only 'politician' who would openly stand up and say such a thing is the leader of a far-right, fascist, racist political party.

Nobody will take what he said seriously because of that.

Its a shame that his ignorance about other issues will take away from his open mindedness about this issue.

yes, it's very worrying, not sure if this makes the case against the church of climatology weaker by his association.

Originally posted by freeradical
Has anyone even considered that the 'leaked' emails were a plant by the big corps?

To say that we humans don't have any effect on our world is ludicris in the extreme.

To the non-believers, want a clear picture of climate change in china? Check out the Yangtze River.

Please do not confuse the desire to remove pollution by humans (which we all want) with lying to achieve the goal. And at what price? The solution proposed by climate change fanatics is going to kill the very people who live near the Yangtze River, I hope you understand that.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by unicorn1
reply to post by komp_uk

Many thanks for posting this. Star and flag! Star and flag also to the much maligned Nick Griffen. I think he might just have got my vote....

so you have no problem with more CO2 in the air
fossil fuels use oxygen to burn which humans need to live, fossil fuels produce CO2 which kills humans.
we may be able to adapt to cooler and hotter parts of the world, but we can't adapt to less oxygen and higher concentrations of deadly gases. to me anyway this is pretty simple, and should not be based on political thinking.

[edit on 6-12-2009 by jimmyx]

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by Power_Semi
Remember that the govt have no money - the only money they have have comes from taxing the workers - so therefore, the more non workers they allow in, the more the rest of us need to be taxed.

And all those taxes will go straight to pay benefits to non-workers?? Doesn’t make sense. Think about what you just said. If I want to fleece population, the last thing I want is more jobless. You really should think before you repeat BNPs pamphlets. What they doing by bringing immigrants is reducing your wages, and thus making exports cheaper, so that currency can compete so that they can get more money.

Originally posted by Power_Semi
So when people arel osing their jobs and struggling to put food on the table for their own children (since 90% of them will be entitled to no benefits), how does it feel to know that down the street is an immigrant family who have never worked, wil never work, and have no intention of working who are being kept at the taxpayers expense in a £1.2 million home, with benefits of over £3000 per week?

Again, this is wrong. Please give some links to verify this. Also what country are you talking about, because it is not the UK. I know for a fact that in the UK many immigrants work for less money and in return they do not "have access to public funds", i.e. are not entitled to any benefits, certainly not unemployment benefit, the moment immigrant becomes unemployed he/she gets a letter from the Home Office saying pack up your bags and leave or we will kick you out. I saw that letter. On the other hand, many Brits live as a 3d generation professionally unemployed and claim all kinds of benefits. So, unless you're talking about some fraud cases, it is not true that UK government treats immigrants better than own citizens. You also get refugees, fleeing their homes because UK and other nations create wars here and there, but 3000K a week, c'mon man burn those BNP pamphlets and check the law.

Originally posted by Power_Semi
1) Consider ow Thatcher destroyed the unions - this was the only way for the common man to say "no" to the govt.
2) Destroy the idea of a collective society - "the British" etc, and replace it with a fractured society of "the gay communitiy, the muslim community, the jewish community, the christian community, etc, etc, etc" - and what do you get?

A broken society where no-one is together, everyone depends on "minority" groups, and the societ can be dismantled under the claims of "racism"

Everyone has a voice, a culture, and a set of beliefs that are tolerated, except for those of the majority.

Partially true, but again, partially, some facts mixed with a different agenda. Perhaps even part of NWO plan. They like these games. Yes they destroy communities, but Muslims are actually their enemies, because Muslims have strong communities. What they did to Christians for decades of decayed morality, they're doing to Muslims. You heard the noise but are unsure where it's coming from.

Originally posted by Power_Semi
Make no mistake, after Copenhagen we may just wake up in something worse than Communist Russia at its worst.

Very likely. you're correct here. Although it will take some years. Not many tho.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by Viper2097
I find it very hard to believe that MEP Nick Griffin has a policy to expel Every non white from the UK.

From the BNP website;

- Offer generous grants to those of foreign descent resident here who wish to leave permanently;

Charming. So citizens born in this country are offered a financial incentive to leave the nation, which they were born in.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by unicorn1
reply to post by komp_uk

Many thanks for posting this. Star and flag! Star and flag also to the much maligned Nick Griffen. I think he might just have got my vote....

so you have no problem with more CO2 in the air
fossil fuels use oxygen to burn which humans need to live, fossil fuels produce CO2 which kills humans.
we may be able to adapt to cooler and hotter parts of the world, but we can't adapt to less oxygen and higher concentrations of deadly gases. to me anyway this is pretty simple, and should not be based on political thinking.

[edit on 6-12-2009 by jimmyx]

jimmyx, oxygen does not evaporate into the space
it's still here, recycled for our consumption. Actually the same goes for CO2
trees need CO2 do they not? So aren’t we helping trees by burning fossils?
What I am saying, don't be played by either side. Less toxins, less crap in our oceans is great, but fiddling the numbers about AGW in order to push global government is not great. On the other hand, close all borders as nationalists want is also not great. You want to globalize freedom of movement, trade and exchange between people, but close borders on governmental control keep the governance as localized as possible (without paying too much for localization, there is a happy middle somewhere). Like the internet, at least for now.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx
so you have no problem with more CO2 in the air

Personally I don't have any problem at all with it, with any possible current and future air concentrations.

fossil fuels use oxygen to burn which humans need to live, fossil fuels produce CO2 which kills humans.

CO2 starts to be dangerous for life only in concentrations higher than about 5%.
Current atmospheric concentration of CO2 is 0.0385% on average.
Not even by burning all hydrocarbons together any dangerous concentration of CO2 would be reached.

About oxygen, there's so much concentration of it in the air (>20%) that any improbable decrease due to fossil fuel use would be insignificant.

we may be able to adapt to cooler and hotter parts of the world, but we can't adapt to less oxygen

Yes, we can adapt to less oxygen too. Inhabitants of La Paz in Bolivia (4000 meters above sea level), for example breathe about 40% less oxygen than people living at sea level. This is not an issue at all.

and higher concentrations of deadly gases.

Again, on earth atmospheric CO2 levels can't even approach a dangerous threshold, let alone deadly.

to me anyway this is pretty simple, and should not be based on political thinking.

I think it's you the one who is writing basing on political thinking.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by rusethorcain
reply to post by littlebunny

You and a half dozen of your closest friends agree. I have known climate change was happening for about 40 years and it is a result of man.
You are either certifiably insane or possessed by the devil. I can't tell without looking at your face but luckily for the rest of us... you and your fabricated deception will never get anywhere... but here on ATS. With the rest of the spooks and things that go bump in the night.

You have known for 40 years climate change was happening? 40 years??? So in the sixties and sevenities you just knew the world was heading headlong into an Ice Age??? NO??? Well in the 60's and 70's all the way until the early 1980's, that is exactly what science was screaming. "We're all gonna freeze!" And then in the late 80's till now, chicken little’s like you have been screaming man is causing the Earth to fry. "We're All Gonna Burn!"

Your 40 year belief proves without a doubt you have learned nothing and you sure as hell can't prove anything... You just have blind belief man is the cause and that you can do something about it. Which is absolutely laughable!!! You have lived a LIE for 40 years and when you see the rest of the world awaking to that lie, you are now afraid... And then to top it all off, you come to ATS and put down those who come here, yet here you are... Again how incredibly laughable!

Your statement also proves you haven't learned one damn thing in 40 years except how to become more radical... You also haven't learned, or refuse to realize, there is a history we can all read that proves you and all the other zealots have been horrifically wrong every single day for over 40 years, and you are still wrong today... no surprise there!

I just wish you would’ve said 50 years instead of 40... Because if you had said 50 years, I could have reminded everyone, that chicken little’s like you screamed back in the late 40 to the mid 50’s we are all gonna burn, and then how that all changed in the 60’s… just to watch history repeat itself yet again in the late 80’s early 90’s till now…

Also, I believe this is important… I remember the 90’s and how old growth trees needed to be saved, tens of thousands of jobs were shipped over seas from the Northwest, because of those trees and the Spotted Owl. Yet we now know the Spotted Owl was never threatened by man… oh no, that was a lie America was forced to suffer through until the physical studies proved those tired arguments were in fact lies. But sadly the damage was already done and all those environmentalist said, “well that’s what science believed, so it was better to error on the side of caution.” Even though over a thousand people were physically scarred for the rest of their lives and several died because radicals who just knew man was the cause put spikes inside of trees.
Well that is exactly what we are dealing with now, except this time you radicals are trying to destroy Capitalism and personal freedoms… Well you might've won the first battle, but I guaran-damn-tee you won’t win this war!

Have a nice day!

--Charles Marcello

PS... and I'm possessed by the devil... muuhahahahahaha, damn that was funny... but ummm... Know this... if any American rights are lost to this Lie, you can believe HELL IS COMING WITH ME!!!

[edit on 6-12-2009 by littlebunny]

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:16 AM
Nick Griffin is a poor excuse for a human being. He later withdraws ignorant and insulting statements that he had previously said - he really is slow to understand any issue at all. It speaks realms of those particular members who support him, and probably an ignorance of what he claims he stands for (which changes as he tries to manipulate his way into mainstream).

Interesting how some of the sceptics of man-made global warming will support any idiot just because they both claim the same conspiracy on this particular day.

This video only causes a lack of credibility towards the sceptics.

Already the sceptical view has been hijacked by people here, and they've turned it into a religion of their own.

Just so happens I agree with this source entirely. Here's a bit of it applies to ATS:

I’ll note that some people are still upset by my use of the term deniers. Again, to be clear: a skeptic is someone who uses evidence and logic to reach a conclusion. A denialist is someone who will say or do anything to deny an issue. I stand by my definition. There are actual global warming skeptics out there — and I would not only support their efforts but praise them — but what I see on the web and in the comments overwhelmingly is denial, not skepticism.

[edit on 6-12-2009 by john124]

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:21 AM
I find myself applauding the words of nick griffin...for once.

But he is still the lowest form of lying sub-human scum in British politics...hell I'd pull the trigger myself.

This video will only make the general populace think what he is saying is a load of crap which in the long run isn't going to help the argument against the nwo.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by john124

I’ll note that some people are still upset by my use of the term deniers. Again, to be clear: a skeptic is someone who uses evidence and logic to reach a conclusion. A denialist is someone who will say or do anything to deny an issue. I stand by my definition. There are actual global warming skeptics out there — and I would not only support their efforts but praise them — but what I see on the web and in the comments overwhelmingly is denial, not skepticism.

And it just so happens there is another type of person your quote forgot to mention... Global Warming Believers, aka… the Church of Socialism... Those people don't care what kind of evidence there is that proves what they say is in fact a HORRIBLE LIE... no no, these people hate the fact they were born, hate the fact others have more then they do and hate the fact they are so damn ugly inside and out... So they have to pass that ugliness onto others by trying to force them to live in chains over their worthless lies!!!

What that was unfair??? So is saying people are not reading, learning, listening to what is being said and have come to the educated conclusion that the supposed evidence actually proves man is not the cause... And thankfully these people are saying out loud… Only an idiot blames man over the Sun for Global temperatures throughout the entire Solar System... Thankfully people are starting to realize just how true that statement is... Well, just how true everything I just said in this response to you is... is!

--Charles Marcello

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by littlebunny

Only an idiot blames man over the Sun for Global temperatures throughout the entire Solar System... Thankfully people are starting to realize just how true that statement is... Well, just how true everything I just said in this response to you is... is!

There is no data to prove that every single body in the solar system is warming - not even most of the planets.

Would you be warm enough going out naked every day the sun shone? Only an idiot would think the sun was the only major contributing factor to keeping in heat!

I admire a real sceptic, but a denier of science - in any aspect of climate science, is embarrassing.

[edit on 6-12-2009 by john124]

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by john124

Would you be warm enough going out naked every day the sun shone? Only an idiot would think the sun was the only major contributing factor to keeping in heat!

I admire a real sceptic, but a denier of science - in any aspect of climate science, is embarrassing.

Yes I would be plenty warm enough in the sun shone/shine... Where does cold come from? Where does almost ALL THE HEAT COME FROM???
I'll give you a hint for both... one is the dark side, the other is light!!!

I don't mind skeptics, but those people spewing septic from their mouths when it comes to man caused climate change are embarrassing indeed!!!

MARS: Polar Ice Caps Are Melting

Jupiter is Experiencing MAJOR CLIMATE CHANGE

Pluto is Experiencing Climate Change

and just incase you decide to spew even more septic...

450 Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of "Man-Made" Global Warming

Yeah, only those gullible enough to believe man is the cause of global warming read the science, what the hell ever... That is just MORE LIES FROM THE CLIMATE GATERS/Humanity haters…

--Charles Marcello

[edit on 6-12-2009 by littlebunny]

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