posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
Wouldn't God being a man be so much like all of the one's who wrote about God? They were guys.
Perhaps they finally got tired of God being a woman. And all that crap that goes with that sort of stufff. Just like the pendulum has been swiinging
for, since, forever? As a child of the 50's and 60's. I have seen the pendulum go back the other way. Depending, of course, upon the culture. It's
not like women control much of the world these days.
God was originally a woman and women were the priestessess. A guy married a woman and became a member of HER family, that was ruled by HER MOM, or
some other mom. Heh. Just saying.
And then a guy said, Hey! I don't like this. So eventually the pendulum went the other way.
My bloodline encompasses many different peoples. I would like to think that I could pick and choose. But, no. I can't be a Seneca, because the
"race' came to me through a male Seneca who married a "white" woman. Ut, oh. Lost that family. I also had a Jew in my family, oops. It wasn't a
woman. Okay, I am not a Jew. WTF?
Some woman, please tell me just who exactly "what I am." Heh. Not really. I KNOW who I am. lol. I don't need your blessing, just like a woman
doesn't need a blessing from some tribal or racist individual.
Don't you all know that God is a woman? That's why stuff is so screwed up.
Freaking jealousy and control.God is one of those girls in one of those teen girls movies, like Mean Girls. Dayum. God is Lindsey Lohan.
Gee, God looked better when she was about 17 than when she turned 21.