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Reality of Climate Change - Hacked E-mails Debunked

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posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 01:47 PM
Global warming is the new religion. There is no proof or data, you must simply have "faith."

Ironic that the same people who typically believe in Global warming make fun of others for believing in God.

In the end, all this thread proves is whether we want to admit it or not, we all have faith in something. For some it's god, for others it's powerful politicians.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 01:54 PM
IMF Genesis

1.1 In the beginning there was chaos and the IMF looked out across the scientific waters and pondered and developed a plan and created anthropomorphic global waring as its Hegelian vehicle to finalize the creation of debt slaves and control the masses.
1.2 On the second day, the IMF through its satellite think tanks and propagandists funded climate warming research to maintain control of their new science. And the IMF decided that in order for its plan to work conglomeration and centralization of power was required, so the IMF created the EU while manipulating the UN and saw it was very good.
1.3 On the third day, the IMF created the IPCC as its primary disinformation vehicle and paid off governments to support their plan and saw it was good.
1.4 On the fourth day, the IMF selected a puppet and called it Al Gore to spearhead their propaganda campaign and turn the tide of public opinion and they saw it was good and the sheep followed.
1.5 On the fifth day, the IMF created the Church of Climatology and anointed priests to spread the IMF's sacred word. And seeing their work was prosperous to those few anointed followers in control completed the EU by absorbing the UK and banishing all sovereign rights of all the past countries of Europe and their peoples.
1.6 On the sixth day, a good soul contrary to the IMF released the IMF's plan for world control and the IMF was perturbed and gathered their followers to suppress, ignore and discount the disclosure and the IMF saw it wasn't so good but through suppression, the IMF's plan of creation could still prevail.
1.7 On the seventh day, seeing the error of their God the IMF, the debt slaves revolted. And their past God, the IMF, its handlers, popes, cardinals, priests and supporters were hunted down, tried and hung as Species Traitors and hurled into the burning pit forever and ever.
1.8 And so were the first days of creation. And the real or non-real "Cosmic Muffin" or to whatever/whomever you subscribe or do not subscribe your faith, if you have any faith, said in the voice of Henry Winkler, "ayhhhh."

So, we're at Day 6. Anyone want to add anything?

Cheers - Dave

[edit on 12/5.2009 by bobs_uruncle]

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by mnemeth1
What a bunch of agitprop.


Read this.

Software developer explains hacked climate model source code

The emails are a joke compared to the code.

This is a total fraud.

I agree 100 %. I don't get why some people wanna be devil's advocate? This story is hitting the fan and still some think that is bs.

And just yesterday I was reading that is going to be investigated the whole issue, not the hacking factor but what those e-mails contain.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 02:30 PM
The entire thread demonstrates the disciples of AGW have simply lost it. anyway you slice it.

they lost the debate, but immediately stonewalled and coined the 'denier' label, complete with holocaust reference to help their smear campaign, they lost the battle for public opinion (declining polls) through their inherent uncompromising radicalism and exaggerations and now, with climategate, they lost every last bit of credibility they ever managed to steal from the natural sciences.

when the leak couldn't be contained, it should have been obvious that it was game over for AGW, but no, the overly convenient 'out of context' and hypocritical 'ethics' cop outs, (which can only appeal to someone who didn't care enough to look, btw) were summoned in vain - apparently to buy some time, think of the Copenhagen summit, just two more weeks...

this approach would have its merits (from a 'tactical' point of view) if the AGW movement was truely monolithic and well organized, while in fact it's a loose affiliation of people with similar views and desires, as all movements of this type are. the net result is something like this thread: an over-zealous follower trying to 'defend the cause', at any cost, which can only end in tears, i'm afraid. Trying to re-interpret hiding the decline and writing code that purposefully ignores data after a certain and essentially arbitrary date as standard operating procedure and 'smoothing', implicitly admitting the misconduct, can only mean bankruptcy on every level.

many allegedly good-willed people around the world will make the same mistake, because they didn't read this thread, compounding to the 'problem' you all wish to sweep under the carpet at any cost, it seems. OP, how are you going to explain away that you feel this way?

Originally posted by ALLis0NE

I wish people like you were removed from this planet just like rodent animal that you think you are. Maybe then we could actually get something done.

sentences like these will make people curious, you know. it will grow much worse, though, because totalitarians seem to suffer disproportionally from a lack of impulse control, especially in defeat. iow, we'll see more genuinely honest statements from our beloved life-haters of the AGW movement and with every call for extermination of their opponents, they will slip further into nut case territory, at which point politicians are going to drop them like a hot potato, nothing's worse than being associated with wackos, isn't it? there's a reason CTs aren't mentioned in the mainstream, every individual who doesn't 'carry the scent of the herd' is quickly removed from the scene without further ado. without political support and grants, this charade will come to an end before you can even say 'bull-'.

[edit on 2009.12.5 by Long Lance]

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 03:11 PM
Hi, "watching" persons.
Maybe we should wait, before making our minds ?

That's a funny one !

Global warming is the new religion. There is no proof. . .

Some times, using our BRAIN and COMMON SENSE helps, too ! !

OPEN your EYES on the links. Not too much to read.
Should be easy for those hard to understand?

Mt. Kilimanjaro Ice Cap rapidly retreats, 85% of 1912's ice cover vanished. . .
COMMON SENSE here, no need of scientific numbers ! Photos do it !

Receding Ice, Rising Oceans
Again: Brain and PHOTOs tells it all.

The truth will out.
Al Gore may not have got everything 100% right in his film, but its portrayal of
mainstream scientific understanding of climate change is correct.
As I said: a reason to wait. . .

END of Kilimanjaro and others.

And now, GLACIERS melting:

Melting glaciers Tibet, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina
Global warming is rapidly melting the ice-bound roof of the world. . .

Glaciers and Glacial Warming, Receding Glaciers

Melting tropical glacier

EORC | Seen from Space - Even Mt. Everest Glaciers Melting


And now, PERMAFROST and NORTH ice meltings:

Permafrost Could Be Climate's Ticking Time Bomb

Climate Change Impacts on the US: Alaska. Educational Resources

Arctic land and seas account for up to 25 percent of world's carbon


. . .etc. . . etc. . .etc. . .

EDIT to remove too long lines.

Blue skies.

[edit on 2009/12/5 by C-JEAN]

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by C-JEAN

Melting glaciers don't prove anything. Especially when there is knowledge and proof that they use to raise cattle in Greenland. It also doesn't prove anything when the ice melts that they are find more archeological finds such as artifacts and other things.

What that tells us is that the ice is still rescinding to what could be considered normal levels. We also know that the earth is still recovering from the little ice-age too.

So what we can determine is that the earth goes through warming and cooling cycles naturally.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity
I mean, being a genius in a certain field of study doesn't mean that one is a well-rounded genius, versed in the knowledge of the ages. I dare say that Stephen Hawkings' knowledge is rather limited — I bet he knows nothing about surfing, for instance. Betcha he can't fix a coffee maker. And I'm pretty damned certain he's not a genius in the field of medicine, or he'd be working on solving his own case.

Point is, calling down Stephen Hawkings in defense of manmade global warming is not too far off from calling down the RainMan.

I see your point, that if someone else knows something you don't, you must be intellectually deficient.
I bet you don't know too much menstruation, and have less understanding than Hawking of the science behind global warming.

So could you just sit quietly in the corner until you get as smart as Rain Man?

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 04:49 PM
I love how Climategate deniers talk about melting arctic ice caps and glaciers but never talk about the fact the antarctic is GROWING in size.

FYI, only the antarctic matters as far as melting ice pertains to sea levels because only the antarctic has dry land beneath the ice sheet.

The entire arctic ice cap could melt and sea levels would barely go up at all.

[edit on 5-12-2009 by mnemeth1]

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 05:28 PM
Here is a great article that explains everything I have been saying...

Why there is no sign of a climate conspiracy in hacked emails.

No I didn't write it, but it sure seems like I did since everything in it matches my topic and posts within it.

As for the climate change skeptics... the joke is on you. If you think climate change is a lie and a conspiracy, you are living in a psychosis, far from reality. You have been fooled into thinking something that is true is not true.

We all know you don't want to be a sheep, and you think agreeing with climate change is what sheep do, but this is one of those times where it is the opposite. Not understanding the science behind climate change, and denying the tens of thousands of peer reviewed and scrutinized scientific publications about the reality of climate change over the years, is what sheep do. You may think not, but that too is what sheep do.

... I knew the majority of ATS would hate me and this thread with a passion. I knew that because sheep are predictable.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by ALLis0NE
Here is a great article that explains everything I have been saying...

Why there is no sign of a climate conspiracy in hacked emails.

No I didn't write it, but it sure seems like I did since everything in it matches my topic and posts within it.

As for the climate change skeptics... the joke is on you. If you think climate change is a lie and a conspiracy, you are living in a psychosis, far from reality. You have been fooled into thinking something that is true is not true.

We all know you don't want to be a sheep, and you think agreeing with climate change is what sheep do, but this is one of those times where it is the opposite. Not understanding the science behind climate change, and denying the tens of thousands of peer reviewed and scrutinized scientific publications about the reality of climate change over the years, is what sheep do. You may think not, but that too is what sheep do.

... I knew the majority of ATS would hate me and this thread with a passion. I knew that because sheep are predictable.


New Scientist

That's like citing RealClimate

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by mnemeth1


Trying to discredit a source instead of the data within the source is exactly what pseudo-skeptics with no argument do.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

... I knew the majority of ATS would hate me and this thread with a passion. I knew that because sheep are predictable.

I don't hate you ALLisONE. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

That's why I challenge you on your facts. I want you to understand what is happening to you (and the rest of us) before it is too late to change it.


posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

they raised cattle in Greenland? yeah , so, you could do the same thing in upper Alaska. what is your point there

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by mnemeth1

Your right but in fact oceans would not rise they would fall this can be proved with a glass with ice.Put 2 ice cubes in water mark it wait for them to melt and youll find the water level has lowered!

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Lil Drummerboy
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

they raised cattle in Greenland? yeah , so, you could do the same thing in upper Alaska. what is your point there

Also grew grapes so i guess the point would be it used to be alot warmer in the northern hemisphere until a mini ice age hit.This effectively killed off the vikings who just couldn't hang on as they were unable to farm.This leads to them raiding cost lines for food then that stopped working as better defense's were put in place and the viking civilization died off.

So i guess his point was it wasn't all ways covered by ice and guess what it will be covered by ice again in the future.

[edit on 12/5/09 by dragonridr]

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Lil Drummerboy

they raised cattle in Greenland? yeah , so, you could do the same thing in upper Alaska.

Feel free to give it a shot. Grazing quality grass won't grow that far north, and the cattle would freeze to death during the winter months.

Just when I thought I had heard it all...


posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck
OK that was funny,... My point to his point was his point is vague. and that the sheets of ice that are melting off the face of Greenland are way older than that "MINI" ice age. As are the Ice that is falling into the sea at the poles.THis is the Ice they are carbon dating in the 600,000 years old+. And I have workrd up there,.. the Caribou survive just fine.Jus sayin

[edit on 5-12-2009 by Lil Drummerboy]

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by j2000

this and your other post, condescending BS. Thanks for continuing to not actually add anything to this discussion.

The majority of this thread is just filler, things like "the OP is so wrong, why doesn't he get it lol".

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by Lil Drummerboy

Lol, Caribu are not cows. Also, Wasn't the last Ice Age about 650,000 years ago? Yes, actually I do believe it was.

This thread has turned into a complete joke.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

Your comment stated little. so THAT was inaccurate and Who has records of cattle 600,000 years ago in that area.???

[edit on 5-12-2009 by Lil Drummerboy]

[edit on 5-12-2009 by Lil Drummerboy]

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