Here for your inspection I present International Advocates for Health Freedom Newsletter #3.
Lord Monkton Blows Whistle on "Global Warming" New World Order SCAM
IAHF List: What do the UN's Codex Alimenatarius Commission, the UN's Commission on Climate Change, the UN's Commission on Biological Diversity, and
the UN's Wild Lands Project all have in common?(
ANSWER: All are fraudulent SCAMS intended to reduce world population (kill off 9 out of 10 of us) while destroying all nations and forcing us into a
Global Totalitarian State under which we'd all be microchipped mind controlled slaves, subject to the whim of scoundrels such as billionaire George
Soros, the man who bankrolled Obama.
On December 9th, Obama will be in Copenhagen for the UN's Convention on Climate Change, where despite the recent expose of "Global Warming" as
pseudoscientific nonsense via Climategate
( , with Al Gore
at one elbow, and his genocidal "Science Czar" John Holdren ( his other elbow, and his communist "climate
czar" Carol Browning ( right behind him, Obama will sign anything put before him without even
reading it.
If 2/3rds of the Senate then goes on to RATIFY the Climate Change Treaty, America, as we know it, will cease to exist and we will come under the thumb
of an unelected global totalitarian state which will have infinite ability to dictate to us- watch this warning issued by Lord Monkton: (scroll down
on this site to see videos)
Obama's fall back position, should he be denied the 2/3rds vote on the Senate, would be to change the law to allow for a simple majority
( to vote the terms of this Treaty into US law. Either way, we'd be screwed, so we must oppose this with
everything we have!
Go here to get the contact details for your Senators and Congressman:, (If the Capital Switchboard number, 202-224-3121
stays busy, get their direct phone numbers via these sites).
Call, fax, email, and write to your Senators and Congressman, let them know you have viewed Lord Monkton's warning about what the Climate Change
Treaty is all about, let them know you have read all about Climate Gate so realize that all the data that supposedly "proves" "Global Warming" has
been RIGGED to suit the political and economic agenda of those perpetuating this
Let them know that if they vote to uphold this SCAM of a "Treaty" that they will have abandoned their Constitutional Oath, and that you will regard
them to be ENEMIES of the Constitution. Let them know that not only will you drive them from office over this, but that you regard them to be
terrorists, and you're stocking up on weapons and ammunition because they will have declared war on the American people if they ratify this communist
so called "Treaty on Climate Change" into law.
Mass forward this alert to everyone you know, and urge them to take action also.
For Health Freedom, John C. Hammell, President International Advocates for Health Freedom 556 Boundary Bay Road Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA[email protected] 800-333-2553 N.America 360-945-0352 World
If this treaty really does go against our U.S. Constitution then Obama is wrong to sign it and he will be Americas most dangerous traitor. I suggest
everyone study the issues in depth to know for yourself how much of this is true, and Not just listen to the disinformation people who tell you it's
nothing to worry about without presenting hard core facts. At the very least there is real cause for concern.
A lot of people don't know about or understand what Codex Genocide is and how bad it is for us all. This website will explain the details from top to