posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 11:31 AM
So who's done their civic duty?
I've called Washington twice this morning to object to Bernanke's reappointment on the grounds that he failed to oversee the banks under his trust,
he misread the problems repeatedly, and his solutions, while good for Wall Street, have utterly failed American citizens.
His projected solutions are no better than his past ones, the same people who caused the crisis are still employed, the same ideas are still being
followed, the same laxities are still allowed. New ideas are needed are they won't come from him or Geithner.
So have you actually done anything about it?
Get on the phone and call, dammit.
I challenge all ATS'ers to do their civic duty, step up and make your senator know he's unacceptable.
[edit on 3-12-2009 by apacheman]