posted on May, 22 2004 @ 11:15 AM
There is one big problem with total mixture of all human DNA, diversity works for survival, but with distinctive groups indicating local survival
If all DNA merges into a more homogeneous level, then it will have all the survival deficiencies as well as any advantages. Some hybrids are stronger,
others are weaker. If you know horticulture, you select the strongest and healthiest plants and form seed stock from those. Eugenics in the human
being department has shown far too many political drawbacks that we need to review constantly since the geneticists keep tossing out human rights over
and over again.
No, I do not agree that completely homogeneous genetic structure is a good thing for human survival, and for the one reason is that it would
extinguish perhaps the only set of DNA that would survive say another population bottleneck as some scientists and anthropologists have indicated via
DNA studies. We are already very much the same as to DNA structure, much more homogeneous than Chimpanzees for example. Different characteristics
still diverged from that small DNA stock, so any such admixture would be only temporary under the same conditions.
All politics aside for a moment, don't mess with Mother Nature, at least too much. Survival of the human race could depend upon diversity, but when
that is extinguished via hybrids, chances are the results could in the end run, be disastrous.