posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 01:38 AM
Yep, it is a shame that most of the mainstream media, like the AGW proponents/zombies, are just dismissing, and or ignoring the emails.
They themselves have been CHANGING the truth to fit their agenda in favor of AGW. They hide facts, and just try to cover the daily news with other
MORE important news.... such as "Mandy Moore got a new pimple in her left cheek..."
Of course such news are more important than the fact that AGW is a HOAX, which tells us the Socialist elites are just using AGW, meanwhile hiding, and
even destroying data that would show the truth about the ongoing Climate Change, and they are using AGW as a tool for their "Global Governance..."
But WHO wants to hear that?... We all want to hear about X female actress is cheating on her husband, and "GUNS ARE BAD"...... and about "the new
pimple Mandy Moore just got..."
But hey, those are the sort of news that the AGW proponents like...
BTW, MSNBC has now for the first time a direct line to President Obama..... And of course many, if not most of the other channels would rather not
show what is happening, and I wonder why?....
[edit on 3-12-2009 by ElectricUniverse]