posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 11:48 PM
Another thing to look at is the counters, they'll go backwards or not list under the category they should with awards they have etc etc....
Youtube aka ziontube is just a big cluster F%^# of search rigging and control. Google with all its smarts couldn't possibly figure out how to
manipulate search results and ratings could they
I'm urging more and more to leave ziontube in the dust and move towards another solution, after participating in the charlie sheen 9/11 video for
many days and seeing comment stacking, vote manipulation, certain comments about 'great firewall of china' and messages about comment
manipulation not going through at all (even though I'd just put in the verify figures), made me really realize how controlled the place is. And this
is what we see on the surface.... go figure.
Liveleak anyone?
[edit on 2/12/09 by GhostR1der]