Originally posted by TrueTruth
reply to post by Keymaster1
So, Where was AIDS back before HIV came along?
How come communities of gay men weren't dropping like flies in the 70's?
Futhermore, he isn't saying that HIV doesn't cause AIDS. He's just saying that the body has a better chance preventing HIV from turning into full
blown AIDS if it is maximally healthy, and he's saying that since we don't have a vaccine, and people are dying without access to good drugs, we
should be focusing on on dong everything we can to boost their immune system to given them a fighting chance.
Communities of gay men were dropping like flies in the 70's and this is what compelled the CDC to focus on one of those communities, being San
Francisco, to figure out what was happening. Where was AIDS before HIV came along? AIDS was originally called GRIDS which was Gay Related Immune
Deficiency Syndrome because almost all incidents of this syndrome seemed to be related solely to gay men.
That the name was eventually changed to AIDS instead of GRIDS had as much to do with political movements, (many of them being gay activists), as it
did any scientific reasoning. Indeed, if it weren't for the fact that AIDS seems to affect men and women equally in Africa, the assertion that AIDS
is an equal opportunity killer might today seem pretty ludicrous. In most of the Western worlds AIDS has mostly remained confined to the original
groups it first noticeably afflicted, that being gay men, intravenous drug users, prostitutes and hemophiliacs.
As to Luc Montignier, it is well documented and easily researched that Montignier was highly critical of Robert Gallo's assertion that HIV was the
cause of AIDS. Indeed, Montignier, along with a few other scientists from the Pasteur Institute sued Gallo, accusing him of stealing the LAV culture
they sent Gallo to look at in considering the hypothesis that this retrovirus might be the cause of AIDS.
It was only after a large monetary settlement between the CDC and the Pasteur Institute, Gallo and Montignier, that afforded Montignier and his
cohorts the lions share of profits from the patented HIV tests that Montignier dropped his vocal challenges to the efficacy of the hypothesis that
HIV=AIDS. Indeed, a condition of the settlement was that Montignier stop challenging the theory and it is obvious he had financial motive to do so.
There are many valid questions that arise from this HIV=AIDS paradigm and there have been many respected scientists, (Dr. Peter Deusberg and Kerry
Mullis among them), who have seen their characters assassinated simply because they challenged the prevailing orthodoxy and sought to disprove the
theory. Disproving theories had been a long respected method of science and only lately in this highly politicized climate has the scientific method
been abandoned in favor of political agendas.
There is much tax dollars spent through grants and other funds, as well as grants and other funds spent by pharmaceutical companies, to further the
HIV=AIDS theory and that alone gives motive for vehemently attacking scientists and doctors that would challenge this theory. In the end, it very
well may be that HIV does cause AIDS, but the pharmaceutical companies that have found a new market for their highly toxic chemical known as AZT stand
to gain very little from the notion that nutrition can be a huge factor in fighting the disease.
The history of AZT goes further than the history of AIDS, or even GRIDS and it was once used as an agent to cure cancer until it was discovered that
it actually CAUSED cancer not cure it. It was then a drug shelved by its makers until AIDS came onto the scene and the first round of people who
were administered the drug died very quickly after receiving it which prompted doctors to reduce the dosage of AZT as they instinctively understood it
was the medicine that was killing their patients and not the actual syndrome itself.
I do not offer this data in an attempt to dismiss the HIV=AIDS theory, nor do I advocate refusal of medication based on this data. I offer this data
simply because the HIV=AIDS theory remains exactly that...a theory and given that so many people are terrified of this disease, it is prudent that we
move beyond theories and get closer to the truth or scientific facts that can be counted as law instead of theory.