posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by Monts
I just experienced something similar Monts (love your avatar btw)
My brother just had a baby girl born March 11 which he named after our grandfather Leo. He named the baby Leah.
On March 11 the same day she was born a friend of my brothers found a box of papers in his attic. The home once belonged to my grandfathers two
spinster sisters.
Now this home was rummaged through by some especially greedy relatives after these sisters died...These (nephews and grand nephews) went through their
clothing piece by piece and threw the clothing in a giant pile on the lawn for the trash man to take...finding a rumored 5-10 thousand dollars in
clothing pockets.
It is inconceivable that they missed this box in the attic of the house before they sold the place to my brothers friend.
He brought the papers to my brother who went through them over the next couple of days.
My brother just called to say he found many photos and newspaper clippings and side by side he found the Obituaries for both my grandfather Leo and
his wife Ethel.
Leah is named after Leo and she was born on the same day of the year, March 11 the same day... my GRANDMOTHER DIED.
The box was found on March 11.
My brother's call interrupted me going through a box of photos I had not touched for months, and then it was just to move the box, so it has been
But I happened to be looking for a photo (It is a Polaroid so I want to preserve it ) of me sitting on the lap of Pierce Brosnan, (we were filming a
Lark Cigarette commercial) so I can post it to my Facebook page and show up a friend pictured with David Cassidy but I digress...anyway going through
these photos .. I just had in my hands and put aside a picture of the two sisters that owned the house, my grandfather and my grandmother When
suddenly the phone rings...It is my brother with this news.
I am still all tingly.