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Originally posted by MinisterFortson
I understand micro evolution and as a Christian I don't have a problem with it. What I have a problem with is the lack of evidence for macro evolution. According to the theory we should be constantly evolving, but I've never seen a partially evolved human/ape walking around. In fact, I've never seen an actual skeleton of any of the evolutionary stages that supposedly exist. I challenge anyone to search the net for pictures of actual fossils, then reply with the link. All you will find are fragments, with which they make up drawings.
There seems to be a leap before you look attitude with science. All you have to do is Google "evolution fraud" and see how many fakes they accepted and promoted, only to say oops in the end, but the oops didn't get as much coverages as the discovery.
Another problem I have is how exactly did non-living matter turn into living matter? That's not something we observe ever. I've never seen anything go from disorder to very complex order.
Sure there are experiments conducted such as things with fruit flies, but what science fails to mention is that an intelligence is behind the experiment. If man didn't create the perfect conditions for the experiment to achieve the results they wanted, would the fruit flies have "evolved"? When have we observed one species of animal turn into a completely different species? Never. We have whales and we have hippos, but where are the in betweens?
Common sense tells you that if you have a partially developed foot and a partially developed fin, you can neither swim nor walk efficiently. That increases the chances of being eaten by predators and decreases the chances of finding a mate. Science does teach that the female seeks out the fittest mates.
Another problem is mutations. How often is a mutation passed on to the next generation? Especially one such as the above partial flipper/foot? There are far too many questions. It seems like evolution takes more faith to believe in than God. In order to accept evolution, I have to have faith that:
Everything just existed, then exploded, non-living matter came to life, DNA assembled itself, it then adjusted itself to survive in its environment, then learned to replicate itself into more complex life forms, then developed into mail and females of the bigger species, then developed the penis and the vagina to work together without knowing that other parts were needed from the same species of another gender, then became self aware...
Wow, that's a lot of things to believe without any evidence whatsoever that that's what really happened. Then scientists want to ban an actual science that challenges Darwin in anyway. I'm not talking about Creationism, but actual science that shows the faults in the theory. Its like the Pope decree that common people had to believe whatever the Pope said without being able to read the Bible for themselves.
They don't want all the evidence on the table, just what they want us to believe. Darwinism is nothing more than religion in different packaging and the scientists are the Popes and Priests of the new religion of Darwinism.
Common sense tells you that if you have a partially developed foot and a partially developed fin, you can neither swim nor walk efficiently. That increases the chances of being eaten by predators and decreases the chances of finding a mate. Science does teach that the female seeks out the fittest mates.
Originally posted by Avenginggecko
1. Micro evolution is macro evolution; you can not have micro without having macro evolution because eventually a chain of micro evolutions will be a macro evolution resulting in a new species.
2. We are constantly evolving, but you won't see a new human species crop up in 2, 10, or even 1,000 generations. Evolution happens on an incredibly large time scale compared to a human life.
3. There are intermediary fossils of different homo species in the fossil record. You don't see them anymore because they either branched into separate species or branched into new species and went extinct, such as homo floriensis and homo ergaster.
Rebuilt homo ergaster model. Looks pretty intermediary to me.
Of course there's been frauds out there who look for fame and notoriety over the truth, but can you really sit there and say with a straight face that the Church and Christianity as a whole hasn't perpetrated more fraud than some pseudo scientists? There is a mountain of evidence in the fossil record that lends evolution credence for not only humans but for many, many other species on Earth.
That's abiogenesis and doesn't deal with evolution. Also, in the hundreds of millions of years Earth has existed, it supposedly only took one occurence of abiogenesis to start life on Earth. Do you really think it would be happening all the time when there's already life on Earth competing for the same resources?
Observed instances of speciation Here. When evolution causes a creature to speciate, it does so because the environment has changed and it's forced to adapt. This is why you don't see many ancient species or intermediary species (this is kind of a misnomer since we're all technically intermediary). When the environment forces a change, the animal either adapts and evolves into something(s) new, or becomes extinct.
Information on whale evolution and intermediary fossils showing movement of mammal species from land to water.
However if your environment provides your food in shallow waters on beaches, and most predators are in deeper waters or denser forests, you could adequately survive without being eaten to extinction. Evolution would work to follow the food source. Whale ancestors probably first ate near coastal areas. Their food source shifted to rivers deltas and beaches, and then as they grew they had to move farther and farther out into the ocean to sustain themselves. Eventually they no longer needed to go on land and the weakest swimmers died out while the strong, big finned swimmers proliferated. You should note that it doesn't take 100,000 creatures to make a species, it can be less than 10.
Really? Could you provide some links to scientific studies proving God's existence? Religion is 100% faith-based, and usually the only observers to a deity's miracles are, oddly enough, people that worship said deity.
Way too simplistic. You write your paragraph as if it happened in a week when all of this happened over 2 billion years. For instance, in comparison to the age of the Earth, dinosaurs are actually a very recent species.
2. Intelligent Design is not science. Scientific process goes hypothesis > test > conclude > results, then repeat by others to validate. You can't test intelligent design much less have the experiment repeated because God is too awesome and stuff for that.
Any evolutionary source you will visit will be completely clear in that we don't know all the facts of evolution and we won't any time soon.
Until then, religion and intelligent design have zero basis in science.
Originally posted by SevenThunders
Remember the basic premise of evolution. Nothing created everything. You are more likely to find a perfectly formed Intel i7 microprocessor by accident on a beach of silicon sand than you are to find the much more complex self reproducing lifeforms we see all around us.
I don't believe in macro evolution either. There are no real transitional forms for the really big steps, like from invertebrates to vertebrates, or how the nervous system and the circulatory system appeared suddenly in tandem.
All these multi-dependent systems that a good engineer might design are simply too complex to happen by accident. I don't buy it.
False: That has never been observed ever. We can observe changes within the species itself. The ASSumption is that they will turn into bigger species. That is the field of FAITH.
And by definition evolution is a continuing process, is it not? Science sure does give a lot of intelligent qualities to a blind force. I realize it is supposed to happen on a grand scale, but I'm asking why do we still have apes? We don't have anything in between. If it were true, apes would never have stopped evolving because random mutation is not intelligent.
LOL. Where are the actual fossils? Drawings, sculptures, paintings, etc. only prove the human imagination. It is NOT proof that something evolved. Show me a picture of the ACTUAL fossil remains.
Actually you're wrong. In order for evolution to happen, you first need abiogenesis. You can't have evolution without it, so they are indeed related.
Crocs and coelocanths seem to be doing quite well and the later is unchanged even though science said it had been extinct for millions of years. We now know that was a lie.
Sounds more like science fiction since this wasn't actually observed. Again, its based on the human imagination on what people BELIEVE happened. Interesting how the word Belief pops up so much in a non faith based practice
There's the word "probably" which is uncertainty. Probably is not FACT.
Furthermore I can provide all kinds of links to studies proving God. Scientists however don't view the conclusion of God as an option. Even though TRUE science means you accept the data, whatever that data may be.
What's the difference? Two people observed the same data and had different interpretations
That's an assumption on your part. I just provided a summary of the main points we are expected to believe, simply because a group of people said so without any evidence to go on. Unlike people who actually claim to have witnessed Christ. Nobody has claimed to witness any of the main points that would prove evolution.
The data leading up to the conclusion of Intelligent Design is science. So speciation is a hypothesis. I've never seen a test that turned one species into a completely different species. If so, please provide a link that shows it. The only problem with the test is that it needs an Intelligent Designer (human) to set up the perfect conditions. The test cancels itself out because you need an intelligence to set up the conditions to prove that there was no intelligence behind it.