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MUST WATCH! - 'Land of The Free' short film about US Militia !

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posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by drmeola

Two questions: so we should shoot all the men, women and children who are in this country illegally upon second offense? Really?

Secondly, where exactly has Shariah law tahen hold?

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by drmeola

Oh, and thanks for so thoughtfully allowing me to continue to exercise my freedom of speech. I think in your brave new world, you'd be a minority.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by kenochs

Read my threads on Shariah Law and open your eyes and hear and watch the videos from there own mouth. Kill woman and children if the child is born on this land they are citizens and no harm will come to them. They will have the choice to return with there parents or stay here. If its there second offence the parents would be put to death the children if not born here will be turned over to the appropriate country from which they hail and will have the option to return legally to our country. They not the children under the age of 18 years old will be tried as pirates and under our Constitution pirates are to be put to death. No trial no rights cause rights are only extended to American Citizens. It is the law read it.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 09:21 AM
Thanks for posting. That vid has been out for well over a year on various youtube accounts.

I don't know what the status is but patriots like (youtube account) illchemist07 were trying to raise money so the filmakers could finish it. Costs a bunch of money to do all those gun-fighting scenes.

Really everything in the film has already happened except folks shooting back in large numbers at those that have stolen their wealth and bankrupted the Republic, or their JBT's who do their bidding.

Vets accused of being domestic terrorists for defending the Constitution. Checkpoints for ID checks and fishing expeditions, large unemployment, vast tracts of abandoned buildings in the metro areas like Detroit, food shortages on the way. The filmaker just condensed it down to all happening in Chicago for continuity.

No wonder the banksters are arming themselves. More folks are setting their sights (isn't that a great American expression born from gun culture that now has a generalized meaning? "Set your sights...") on the criminals.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by drmeola

So this is your answer to the problem of illegal immigration:

...if the child is born on this land they are citizens and no harm will come to them. They will have the choice to return with there parents or stay here. If its there second offence the parents would be put to death the children if not born here will be turned over to the appropriate country from which they hail and will have the option to return legally to our country.

Making the U.S. a prime exporter of orphans to Third World countries.... Great plan Einstein.

Regarding Sharia law, I ask the question again, what nations operate under Sharia law? Do any? I'm really not sure, and you say you're the expert. Iran? Maybe. Egypt? Sorta. Saudi Arabia? Only if you're in the lower class...

And honestly, if you're willing to kill women and children you scare me a lot more than Sharia.

Would you televise the executions weekly? If not, how would you get the message out?

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by kenochs

It is obvious you have not watched my videos posted on my threads so there for you are not interested in the truth of law. As far televised why not all executions should be televised how else are we to deter those criminals who are convicted on our courts to death by the jury of 12 as out lined in our laws. As far as Shariah law and were it has taken place try everywhere around the world. Or just look to our friends over seas in Europe were there is now 85 Shariah courts. And under Shariah law a man can kill his wife for not having sex and the max charge is a slap on the wrist if any cause it is allowed under Shariah law also you want to be an advocate for children again look up Shariah law in just the USA the child who ran to Florida for fear that her father would put her to death as required by Shariah for becoming westernized. Or how about the 5 children who were put to death under Shariah law by there parents for acting in a homosexual manor by simply playing with them selves or watch my video on the march on Washington and hear it from there own mouth about how all homosexuals are to be put to death and how death is not good enough for them that they should be taken to the highest building an thrown off. And how Shariah law is the only law that matters not our constitution or any laws of any land but there own. They are not here to assimilate they are here to take over and the quicker you wake up to that fact the better chance you will have to survive. So again tell me were I’m wrong and do your research and watch my threads for I will only tell you the truth as I have found it.

Or let’s talk about the separation of church and state that doesn’t exist. Christians fought for the right to say a prayer before a ball game or to have prayer on collage campus around the world and all of a sudden the aclu cries out you cant do that. But Muslims require a public school to build a separate room for one single child attending this public school for prayer times as required by Shariah law and guess what the aclu not a peep. So get over yourself do the research and wake up.
Jihad has been declared on the USA and for those of you who do not know what that means simple translation (war).

[edit on 3-12-2009 by drmeola]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 10:47 AM
Silly quote #1
As far televised why not all executions should be televised how else are we to deter those criminals who are convicted on our courts to death by the jury of 12 as out lined in our laws.

You mean the death penalty which has been proven over and over again to not be a deterrent to anything (do some research) would suddenly become a deterrent to those seeking to start a new life in the U.S. because we televise these executions? Doubt it. And why do you think the people coming over here are willing to do so? Probably because staying where they are is surely as deadly as walking across the Arizona desert to make it into the U.S. Again no deterrent.

Silly quote #2
As far as Shariah law and were it has taken place try everywhere around the world. Or just look to our friends over seas in Europe were there is now 85 Shariah courts.

Here is the operative quote concerning your so-called sharia courts:
" The tribunals, working mainly from mosques, settle financial and family disputes according to religious principles. They lay down judgments which can be given full legal status if approved in national law courts."

So any sharia court ruling can be given legal status if its approved in national courts. To me, it seems no different from my a troubled couple asking their preacher for help in a financial or personal matter. Well, that's cause there's no difference.

Silly Quote #4
And under Shariah law a man can kill his wife for not having sex and the max charge is a slap on the wrist if any cause it is allowed under Shariah law also you want to be an advocate for children again look up Shariah law in just the USA the child who ran to Florida for fear that her father would put her to death as required by Shariah for becoming westernized. Or how about the 5 children who were put to death under Shariah law by there parents for acting in a homosexual manor by simply playing with them selves or watch my video on the march on Washington and hear it from there own mouth about how all homosexuals are to be put to death and how death is not good enough for them that they should be taken to the highest building an thrown off. And how Shariah law is the only law that matters not our constitution or any laws of any land but there own. They are not here to assimilate they are here to take over and the quick you wake you to that fact the better chance you will have to survive. So again tell me were I’m wrong and do your research and watch my threads for I will only tell you the truth as I have found it.

I don't know where to start. Most of the things you're alleging I can't find any documentation for, and when I can, they happened in tribal communities not in any formalized governmental charter.

And as a final note, every day I hear people in our own country using Christianity as a reason to kill people whose values don't conform to their own. How is it that you can so vehemently criticize the stick in your brother's eye while ignoring the mote in your own? It's a bit delusional.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by kenochs

I don't know where to start. Most of the things you're alleging I can't find any documentation for, and when I can, they happened in tribal communities not in any formalized governmental charter.

And as a final note, every day I hear people in our own country using Christianity as a reason to kill people whose values don't conform to their own. How is it that you can so vehemently criticize the stick in your brother's eye while ignoring the mote in your own? It's a bit delusional.

you cant find documentation then you havent seen my thread. and the quote from the bible is a mention of splinter/ log not stick n mote.
you just simple cant face the truth nor do you like doing your own research but i am willing to continue our debt on my thread since we are getting off topic.
so this will be my last post on this thread great video and good job on the find.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by drmeola

Yes let's talk about separation of Church and State.
It's a wonderful thing!
It means I can be a member of any religious organization I want to. After all, there are more churches in the U.S. than in any other country in the world.
It means the Government can't tell me how to worship. I can pray to God, Jesus, Allah, whomever I want. I don't have to be scared someone is going to say "Hey this is a Christian nation you pray to Jesus or get out" (though some people do say that).
But it also means:
A Jewish person can't be forced to sit through a prayer to Jesus in public school before class, this is as it should be.
It means Methodists don't have to sit through a prayer to the Virgin Mary during public school, this is as it should be.
It means that Federal money and land has to be completely exclusive in regards to religion, or completely inclusive, and being completely inclusive is impossible. If we were to be completely inclusive you would never even see your nativity scene because the Menorah's and Vishnu's and Satan's and flying spaghetti monsters and Virgin Mary's on the town square would block the view.
Islam require its practitioners to pray 4 times a day, to prostate themselves to the East and honor Allah. Christianity makes no such demand (to give thanks yes but not physically prostate yourself before God). Allowing someone a bit of room to practice this element of religion, seems correct to me (though thorny). Allowing someone to say a silent prayer over their lunch or before class no big deal. Broadcasting Allahu Akbar over the loudspeakers is another thing entirely, and so is "Thanks be to God." Can't do it. Shouldn't do it.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by EyesWideShut
reply to post by jpmail

Were you as livid when your government took your guns away?
.... Just Curious.

Absolutley the UK Goverment is a knee jerk Goverment have been for years.

After the hungerford massacre they banned rifles

After Dunblane the banned handguns

Nowadays if you want to join an Air Rifle club you must be reffered to the local police who will perform a background check and decide if you are suitable to be in possesion of an air rifle. (all though this in no way stops people from buying air rifles)

None of these measures have stopped gangs having guns nor has it reduced the amount of deaths by firearms.

I beleive that goverment should be by the people for the people but at the moment our goverment is run by only those and such as those that went to Right school.

[edit on 3-12-2009 by jpmail]

[edit on 3-12-2009 by jpmail]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by kenochs

"Race Card" Implies that someone is pulling race into an issue that has nothing to do with race because they think white people are so afraid of being called a racist in front of others that they will fold their standing on the argument.


People that think like you are the ones that are going to start the next civil war in the U.S.

I think we will have a civil war before we have a violent overthrow of the federal govt. They are really shoving the partisan crap down our throats. And some idiots are still crying racism...

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 02:38 PM
Separation of church and state also means that im allowed to say merry christmas wherever, whenever and to whomever i want to.

When are people going to learn that the constitution gives us a list of things the GOVERNMENT CANT DO not what the people cant do?

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by BingeBob

And may I say Amen to that my friend. and Merry Christmas to you and your family

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by kenochs
Posts and vids like this always make me sad.
In my mind, the Feds are what they are, they can be heavy handed and they can be downright wrong. They can mismanage and their actions can lead to injustice and even death in some cases.
But the thing that bothers me is this, almost every militia type leader I've ever heard talks about liberty in a way that makes me think they don't understand it at all.
It's all about returning our country to traditional values which means 'their version of values.' That means the Americans who aren't white and christian have no place in it.


The BIG plan is make Black hate White, Make Brown fear Black... split us up into demographics while frozen in fear of any others...

all so that we might not stand together.

May you learn the definition of the word LIBERTY from those spoken in 1766:

At a dedication of a Tree of Liberty in 1766, outside Providence Rhode Island
A Son of Liberty,...Silas Downer said:

"We do therefore, in the name and behalf
of all the true SONS of LIBERTY in America,
Great Britain, Corsica, Ireland or wheresoever
they are dispersed throughout the world, dedicate
and solemnly devote this tree to be a
TREE of LIBERTY.----May all our councils and
deliberations under its venerable branches be
guided by wisdome, and directed to the support
and maintenance of that liberty, which our
forefathers sought out and found under trees and
May all our councils and deliberations under
its venerable branches be guided by wisdome,
and directed to the support and maintenance of
that liberty, which our forefathers sought out and
found under trees and and in the wilderness

---May it long flourish, and may
the SONS of LIBERTY often repair hither, to confirm
and strengthen each other. --When they
look towards the sacred ELM, may they be
penetrated with a sense of duty to themselves,
their country, and their posterity:--And may they,
like the house of David, grow stronger and stronger,
while their enemies, like the house of Saul,
grow weaker and weaker. AMEN

[edit on 3-12-2009 by seataka]

[edit on 3-12-2009 by seataka]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by seataka

I love your response and would be honored if you visited my threads surrounding this very issue. Of separation. I would love to hear more thought out wisdom such as you have presented here. Thank you.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:23 PM
Not all of us in the "Patriot" movement are christian fundamentalists, some aren't even christian. Being of a certain religion is not a prerequisite to having certain political beliefs. I consider myself to be a part of the "Patriot" movement, and if I'm anything I'm pagan. We shouldn't let religious/personal beliefs get in the way of reaffirming ourselves and our political ideas against what can be generously considered a soft fascist regime forming in our government.

Fascism is the merging of state and corporate powers. We see this in corporate lobbyists, particularly in the fields of defense (offense) and medicine. Your taxes are what pay for our military operations. Every industrialized nation needs national defense. This would be acceptable, except for the fact that we have over 700 military installations worldwide. This benefits private firms, in that its very profitable to build and maintain these bases. Its also a huge economic sector in new arms research, manufacturing, engineering, construction, just about anything you could imagine. It also benefits the US government in that, the government can more easily exert its force and influence. The United States runs the world by the dollar and by the bullet. However, both corporate CEO's and government officials profit enormously from this type of system. This is at the expense of the tax-payer and the hosts of whichever unfortunate country the US has decided to exploit at the time. It is also completely unnecessary, except for the few who are able to profit from such a system. If anything, the US population is exposed to even greater danger from "blow-back" (9/11). Health Care is the other major industry which is profiting from this type of system. Huge overhead, medical malpractice insurance and unnecessary tests, costs of drug research and health insurance companies all contribute to the cost of health care. And the Congress is heavily influenced by the Health Care industry to keep the status quo, as it is profitable for both. The current proposals in the Congress are *not* health coverage, they are mandates for the forced purchase of health insurance. They are forcing you to purchase a product from a private company. Health insurance does not necessarily mean health care, keep that in mind. You still must pay an insurance company monthly premiums, you still must pay the co-pay at doctors visits, and you can still be denied coverage by your health insurance company. The only difference now is that you must purchase it, or face paying a huge fine. The health care industry is delighted that most Americans must now (if the bill is passed) be forced to purchase health insurance. They even helped write the bill!

This is a brief summary of the situation, and there are many other facets to it. Up to now it can be considered soft fascism, in that resistance is still possible. However, I do fear a new event is on the horizon sometime in the next two years, possibly in 2010. This new event will be a catalyst for the other requirement of pure fascism, and that is blind, militant nationalism. The question is, if we were hit by another 9/11-scale attack (whether real or false-flag, it matters not), how many would blindly follow the government, and how many would resist? Think long and hard about that. I would like to think a majority would resist, but I'm afraid most would go along with the government. The patriot movement is effective, but it's simply not moving quickly enough. And our current president is very charismatic and influential; hell I voted for him, hoping for the best! Couple that kind of "cult of personality" with an obedient media and an army of talking heads, and you have the populace under control.

Let us hope it's not too late.

[edit on 3-12-2009 by scrybe]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by scrybe

Well written and thought out thumbs up my friend please bring your insights to my threads I welcome your opinion with open arms. Keep it up great job

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by AnonymousMoose
Looks like the vid is part of some militia forum site...

Looks like a neat forum with lots of good info from people serious about a possible civil war/revolution some day, but I don't know if I'd want to fully register...I bet the feds are all over that site!

Don't be surprised if the Feds put this site out to track/capture those allied to this movement.

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by silent thunder
Despite a few cheezy lines it is extremely noteworthy. The actual existence of this clip on youtube is noteworthy. The TBTB are going to go ape**** if this and similar clips start to really go viral.

TPTB would most likely support these types of films. It's encouraging people to resist with violence. They already have laws in place to deal with this situation, if it occurs, and it would probably be far easier for them to achieve their agenda by brute force.

But they need a reason to use force, don't they?

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

This is one thing I'm certainly concerned about.

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