posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 11:32 AM
hello ATS!
ive been looking through this site for months now, made an account a while back, and im just now doing my intro post! im from Southeast Texas, so
hello to all who live around me. ive got a few of my friends stuck on this site, none of them made usernames yet even though i ask em to, but they
all think along the same lines "we" do. im in college for Homeland Security (hahahaha) and every week we have to bring in a current event, and
every week i grab an article from the Current Event board to share with the class. most of the things i bring to class, none of my class mates even
heard of (like the obama treason charge!). no i dont plan on sticking with HS as a degree (it seems like a joke, to be point blank about it), im
about to apply to emory, rice, UTA, and MIT. worked my butt off for straight As so i hope i get accepted to emory or MIT, the other 2 are backups.
im HOPING i can get a PhD in some form of advanced physics, astrobiology, or disease research, i will let fate decide which one. anyways, just saying
hello and much much respect for what yall are doing, and im very happy to now be a part of it!