Read below the opening post for an update...
I recently found this site while at work. Where I work exactly I can not say but I am certain that my username will allow you to determine where I
work and what I do for a living.
I had initially planned on creating a post to blow the lid off something that I do for a living. Then I found out about the twenty posts rule.
I figured I might as well get banned for breaking the rule because I feel the information I am about to share is that important.
So MODS take a moment and read the post and go ahead and ban me for breaking the twenty posts rule because I'm breaking it right now only because I
felt so strongly that the information I am sharing is truly that important.
I work for a US Government agency. We have a lot of rules in this organization but they have offices around the country typically in what they call
A hub is an area that is connected to spokes which are centralized areas. I work in a hub which connects two major bandwidth locations in our
My job is simple. Each day a large chunk of data is dumped from a monitoring system. It looks for certain keywords on the Internet that have passed
through that hub. Thanks to our friends at a major telecommunications company we can easily monitor Internet traffic at each hub really well.
The data is huge though and a system hasn't been developed to handle it. People ASSUME that we have something like this. We don't. We rely on
computers and humans and what is called inside the organization as Crowdthink. Crowdthink is the human element. After a word is found it is sent to an
unknown number of employees on workstations at the hub to be reviewed. Each gives the content a simple flag rating. The crowd's overall idea on the
material is calculated. If we select Further Review it gets sent to more people typically outside the hub (at another hub or sometimes the big
The data is collected for further review if required at the spoke or at the big spoke "central spoke".
We are not allowed to have cell phones in our workplace or any cameras or anything of that nature. We are each suppose to be monitored via camera but
a few of us have determined that isn't the case at all times. Each person's results are not shared with another person nor do we know the URLs of
the content we are reviewing (easy to determine though from banners, images, etc) to not bias us on any certain material we are being displayed.
This project was started in 2006 and recently we are hearing talks of being laid off. If this is the case I am not sure but I've broken the biggest
rule by bringing a camera phone in to my work station and recording as much video as I felt safe doing. I hope some day to share everything I know but
fear for now that is a bad idea.
I felt strongly about this to make this my introduction post knowing I will be banned. I feel that is okay because the reality is making a lot of
posts on here could get me in more trouble then a ban on a website.
Here is the video. Feel free to pick it apart. Likely it will be removed when I am banned anyways but at least I can feel better knowing I posted this
online somewhere.
View My Video
BTW: Some hub cities just in the Midwest are: Madison, Fort Wayne, Toledo. Some spokes are Chicago, and Indy.
An ATS member was able to reproduce the video in
this post
Also, this thread-author suggested we might figure out his point of origin via his username... so I took him up on that, but one step further and
confirmed his registration email address. His email is that of an Internet game company (not government agency), and many of his posts also originate
from an IP that correlate to the game company.
Moved to the Hoax forum.
Member banned.
- SkepticOverlord
[edit on 4-12-2009 by SkepticOverlord]