I love replying to you all individually, so here we go:
SerialLurker- Thank you!!
Ridhya- Generally encyclopedias are, you know, organized by category.
Serbsta- Thanks! I added it to the index anyway, nice job! Some threads in the index aren't really in crypto, so it's not a big deal. It's still
related to the board.
morbidity- Thanks!
Gemwolf- This was a blast and you know it (aaahahaha)! I have the same hopes for the use of this index as you do. Thank you again so much for all your
help. If it wasn't for your guidance, this would never have worked out.
jkrog- Aww, thanks honey! I'm flattered, I have nothing else to say.
Anamnesis- Thank you! I have heard about them, actually, thanks to many of the members who did some great research in their threads! I believe
information on them can be found in the Mysterious Felines category. And you're very welcome.
Djarums- On the bright side, I did read just about every single thread in the crypto forum. I feel very enlightened. I really hope that this tool is
used. And you're right, some of the older threads are magnificent, well-researched, and completely ignored. They shouldn't be. I'm tired of the bad
threads being bumped, it's about time for the really great ones to come back into the spotlight. And this way, when people say "Oh, how come there
are no threads on X, no one ever covers X" they can consult the index. If it has been covered, hah, go learn about it and discuss it in whatever
thread works best. If it hasn't, then go do some research and start a new thread. It makes sense to me. I'm so glad that you like it.
MysterE- Oh... that's so sweet. Thank you so much! And on another note, I love your avatar.
the_denv- Thank you so much! Yeah, it took me about 6 months, maybe a little more. I got very burnt out on it, and I didn't work on it so much when I
was taking classes. My term ended so it was the perfect time to wrap it up. I started in about May, I think. Anyway, no, I believe that this index
belongs to the members of ATS. Maybe in a couple years I could publish it online from ATS, but I would need explicit permission from all of the
members, and many members are no longer active. No, I believe I would rather be paid in love, appreciation, and flags. Did I mention flags? I need
some of those... haven't been posting threads nearly as much as I had been, because I was working on this for so long. But what really would be the
best payment is if people actually use this resource. I've tried it out a few times when people are like "Hey, do you know about the... Beast of
Exmoor?" I'm like "Chyes there are threads on it" and I was copying and pasting categories into threads from the .txt document that I had been
making this in. It actually worked out pretty well. Now everyone can do it! And the more quality threads there are, the less I have to complain. That
makes everyone happy! Consider it your payment.
Zeta Reticuli- Thank you! I don't know what Destination Truth is... Is the cast cute?
boredsilly- No problem! Enjoy!!
Jimmy910130- Thank you so much! It was a lot of effort, but it didn't really take research. You guys all did the research for me! We did sticky it to
the top of the crypto page, and apparently it's doing well elsewhere. But that's all flag-based, so whatever. I just want to make sure people know
that this is here.
DracoMama- Oh dear. Well, you're welcome! Not a problem.