posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 10:38 PM
Hello fellow ATS'ers!!! I am ATCwatcher (take a guess at my profession
) I am a long time reader of ATS boards, mainly Top Topics. I created
an account a long time ago due to the frustration caused by delusional members and posts but usually cooled off by the time I could remember my name
and password. I will be a voice of reason in the ATC community, a member far from insane like others but with an open mind to every idea here.
Thanks for your time reviewing my post, and I hope someone would like to pick me up and teach me the ropes. Any credible realistic (not haters!!!)
members that would like to take me under there wing please feel free to do so!
Oh and by the way, chemtrails are real! It is not a far fetched idea as we have been dropping things from planes since there invention. However for
someone in Denver to look out side and say Holy #it chemtrails are everywhere is silly. Denver is one of the nations busiest airports because of its
centralized location in the US. Please use your brains and don't be idiots, this is why the real 'seekers of truth' get laughed at. As far as
every streak in the air being a chemtrail do some research on contrails and be sure to use your logic. And if it is increasing rain in your area and
there has been (non civil) aircraft in the area, it could be cloud seeding, which is not a chemtrail and definitely not a conspiracy!
Thank You All