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What do you want to know about the secrets of the world and existence?

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posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by IX-777
My own purpose here is to serve you, bring you that spark of self-realization that you all have within - so that you can once again be more connected with yourselves, in balance with your being - harmony with Creation.

Ok, your thread has really grown since it started, and I may be asking a question you have already answered, but here goes.

How does one figure out their purpose for being here? How did you come to understand your purpose? Also, I read in a past post you remember a life from the time of Jesus? How did you become aware of that?

What about people who feel like they have no purpose? Is a purpose for being here always about the good of all, or for an individual soul?

What about people who are so out of touch with their purpose, that they end up comitting suicide? What happens to their souls? This seems to have touched my life in more than a few cases, and how does one explain this to the surviving friends, family members?

What is love, is it something selfish, or does it really exist? Are there people that are completely incapable of this emotion? Is it merely a capability that is acceptance of all others, even though they mean nothing to you personally? What is love, really? Does it matter?

Those are the first questions to cross my mind, and I do apologize if you have answered them already. I tried to catch off to where I last left reading the thread, but it has grown. Grrrrr, some interesting questions and answeres here.

Oh yeah, one more thing.....Do you feel we are all capable of getting these answers on our own, like pulling a rabbit out of a hat? If so, how do we do it?


I do see you have answered a bit more to some of my questions in the post, but could you please expound a bit more on my specific questions?

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:04 PM

The true reality of the Source of All, God, can not be comprehended by any beings lesser than that Source of All itself. Thus, how God perceives himself, or itself, however we should term it, is impossible to know, it is not even worth speculating in as it will not lead to anything else than speculations and thoughts with no foundation.

From my observation of the Source, the God-Force, what does seem to be the reality of existence, is that Everything exists within the Mind of God. Everything is Mental and exists within the Mind of the All.

How this energy construct we call God is made up, or structured, is impossible to say, but it is obvious that nothing can exist outside of God as God must be all that exists, ever have existed, and always will exist.

Everything else is just different expressions of God, various fragments, that have been scattered around within Gods own infinite being/Mind.

In a sense, that could be in a similar way that we are fragments of souls connected to our true Higher Soul, where our Higher Soul have split itself into many different Soul Fragments inhabiting different bodies in different times and places simultanesouly. So one can say that God is the Highest Soul of All, and that all other Higher Souls thus are Soul Fragments of this Highest Soul, God. All lesser Souls, such as our own personal souls on a physical/astral level, and our Higher Soul, are thus fragments of their true being, the true self, which indeed is God - The Highest Soul, the First Cause of All, the Everlasting.


Jesus was a man, whom practiced and studied the spiritual and occult, and obtained deeper inisights and knowledge and experienced his true being in a far greater way than most people ever do, he was in direct contact with his Higher Self, the Spiritual Realms, able to communicate such experiences and teach others on how to achieve similar things themselves. Just as now, back then those in power, the Church, did not like people whom managed to become Free and Understand their own Being, thus he was tried shut down and killed for doing so, just as thousands of other people before and after him, from so called whitches to sorcerers and magicians and other spiritually evolved people whom did no fit into the establishments "slave society of ignorance".


On the moon exist a people, similar to us, and related to us, that came there after great cataclysms destroying most of the surface of Mars. Those whom escaped from Mars ended up mostly on Earth, after passing by the Moon where some settled down and live mostly in underground bases but also in artificially created atmosphere on the surface within certain structures.

On Mars there are also people, similar to us, and related to us, and there are structures and ruins left over of the ancient civilization before the cataclysmic event, and at this moment terraforming is being done to once again make the surface of Mars completely inhabitable.

There is an ongoing collaboration as well as conflict between both those from Earth, Mars and Moon.

Gateways and portals between these worlds also exists, but is a governmental secret which has yet not been revealed to the public, thus the only official space travel shown is the space shuttles and satellites and such which they must maintain in operation due to the coverup going back for so many decades and the lies and deceit being so great that they simply can not just come out with the truth without losing all credibility and respect from the people they want as their slaves. So, you have a public space program, and a secret space program with much greater technology.


To put it like this, any healing technique works, as long as both the healer and the patient believe in it. Of course certain techniques have more chance for success due to them actually stimulating or interfering with direct physical organs that may help with various health problems, as far as EFT goes I believe it works by stimulating meridians in similar ways as acupuncture and reflexology. The best way to determine if a system of healing works or not is simply to try it out oneself. And as said, belief plays a large role, the Mind is the most powerful tool in the universe, as in fact the whole Universe itself is Mind and created by the power of Mind.


Thanks for your comment. As far as people whom do not believe me, as I have stated before, people are often subconsiously afraid of things that they are not used to, and programmed to not believe in. It is a part of the system, and it is not their fault. Being aggressive is a mechanism caused by supressing ones true being, so is fear. Those whom feel like attacking me, are in reality only attacking themselves as their words have no effect on me, and they only waste their own time and energy, and they are free to do so if they please.

So, now to your questions.

1. Karma is in a sense a lower level "trap", similar to reincarnation, put in place to keep people either here, or coming back by reincarnation, or ending up in one of the other lower levels of existence until they once again reincarnate as slaves on the physical plane.

We can neutralize the effect of Karma rather simply , all one need to do is live in harmony with oneself and others, and understand ones true being and how our existence is structured, see beyond the lies and deceit that keeps us here. It is mostly the ignorant ones whom suffer from karma, reincarnation, ending up in lower planes of existence and so on.

People whom have reached self-realization and spiritual insights will most often manage to keep themselves conscious and aware during the process of death, and remember who they are after death, and thus have the freedom to venture further and away from the slave-system world which is the physical. People whom are in Hell, for example, are not aware of their true spiritual potential, because if they were, they would not be in Hell in the first place, but find themselves in higher planes of existence.

The same goes for ghosts - though there are certain individuals whom chose to stay on Earth as ghosts after death by their own will, either to explore the world and universe, or because they want to try contact loved ones, or do other "experiments" close to the physical plane. However "lost souls", the ghosts that are not aware of being dead, are as those in "Hell", confused, ignorant, lacking spiritual development, and such.

(continues below)

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:05 PM

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:14 PM

If you do not wish to personally experience yourself, that is your choice, and thus I can help you no further. I have given instructions on various practices you can perform to find out more about yourself, and I have also suggested places you can go, where you can find people whom can assist you, and groups you can join for more direct evidence, practice and experience.

I am not speaking much in riddles, in fact I am being as clear as I can, and telling you exactly what you can do to find the truth for yourself. The only way to get any real evidence or proof of anything is from personal experience, if you are too lazy to seek out the oppurtunies for that yourself, it is your loss and not mine nor anyone elses.

But nevertheless, I wish you best of luck on your path, wherever it may lead.

Ophiuchus 13:

Dragons are real in certain realms, however not on Earth, but rather in various astral realms of a more "fantasy related" theme. Yes, there exists realms out there for anyone, with all sorts of inhabitants and creatures, from what you have read about in books and seen on TV - in fact many of the authors of such fantasy stories, science fiction, etc , have drawn their inspiration from these very realms, whether they have done that consciously, or from dreams or astral projection experiences. Most inspiration is received, or implanted, from external sources, and not directly created by ones own mind.


posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:25 PM

The Ninth density, or Seventh plane, is the return to the Source itself, where even the Higher Souls will emerge with their origin, from where all life and existence once came, to what many call God. I call this the First Cause, the Source of All Existence. It is the Mind of All. It is the Complete Oneness.

There's no such thing as 9th density.

[edit on 3-12-2009 by GrandKitaro777]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:30 PM
Indeed, there are no densities, I simply used it for convenience due to the new-agers whom constantly use the density-terms, which I did explain already by the way. As I said, I call it Planes, and they are 7 main planes of existence as per my definition mentioned in my previous post that you quoted from.


posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by IX-777
Indeed, there are no densities, I simply used it for convenience due to the new-agers whom constantly use the density-terms, which I did explain already by the way. As I said, I call it Planes, and they are 7 main planes of existence as per my definition mentioned in my previous post that you quoted from.


There are densities, but it just stop at eight from my sources. Densities correspond with the colors of light, simply because densities emerged and made from light. (I don't want to sound like a know it all, excuse my last post, I was going to edit but you responded to fast.)

Red correspond with 1st density.
Orange Correspond with 2nd density.
Yellow correspond with 3rd density.
Green Correspond with 4th density.
Blue correspond with 5th density.
Purple correspond with 6th density.
Indigo correspond with 7th density.
Black correspond with 8th density.

Black represent the black hole where light is drawn into unity.

[edit on 3-12-2009 by GrandKitaro777]

[edit on 3-12-2009 by GrandKitaro777]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 05:16 PM
Sorry but I do not see any connection betwee colors and so called densities. It would be irrelevant in either case.

The fact of the matter is that we are multidimensional beings, and we exist in several planes of existence, and putting colors to them serves little to no purpose.

To completely explore the multidimensional reality, one would actually have to say there exists infinite amounts of densities, dimensions and planes of existence, and using numbers is in fact rather limiting though somewhat useful for the analytical mind to create a better overview of different types of such realities.

One can say there exist many major planes of existence, with countless sub-planes for each.


posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by IX-777
Sorry but I do not see any connection betwee colors and so called densities. It would be irrelevant in either case.

The fact of the matter is that we are multidimensional beings, and we exist in several planes of existence, and putting colors to them serves little to no purpose.

To completely explore the multidimensional reality, one would actually have to say there exists infinite amounts of densities, dimensions and planes of existence, and using numbers is in fact rather limiting though somewhat useful for the analytical mind to create a better overview of different types of such realities.

One can say there exist many major planes of existence, with countless sub-planes for each.


I gave an simplified answer on the colors. As we both concurred we return to the original source, or "the source of all."

I use the phenomenon of a black hole to represent the pulling to unity of light, which we are made of, to begin the next octave of densities.

It's quite an complex concept to dig into, but nevertheless, I agree with most things you've stated besides the ninth density.

[edit on 3-12-2009 by GrandKitaro777]

[edit on 3-12-2009 by GrandKitaro777]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by GrandKitaro777

Originally posted by IX-777
Indeed, there are no densities, I simply used it for convenience due to the new-agers whom constantly use the density-terms, which I did explain already by the way. As I said, I call it Planes, and they are 7 main planes of existence as per my definition mentioned in my previous post that you quoted from.


There are densities, but it just stop at eight from my sources. Densities correspond with the colors of light, simply because densities emerged and made from light. (I don't want to sound like a know it all, excuse my last post, I was going to edit but you responded to fast.)

Red correspond with 1st density.
Orange Correspond with 2nd density.
Yellow correspond with 3rd density.
Green Correspond with 4th density.
Blue correspond with 5th density.
Purple correspond with 6th density.
Indigo correspond with 7th density.
Black correspond with 8th density.

Black represent the black hole where light is drawn into unity.

[edit on 3-12-2009 by GrandKitaro777]

[edit on 3-12-2009 by GrandKitaro777]

Reminds me of our chakra system. The crown chakra-white in some traditions as with your black to represent all as one. i have seen the chakras with my abilities, very beautiful our energies are. I think colour is present indeed.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 06:59 PM
The only density we can enter, is our next "body". That would mean our astral body. So, to enter next density, we first must discard the physical body. When going through death, we do this process and find ourself in the new density, or rather our astral body in the astral plane.

The physical body itself will not shift into other densities, and the physical body is in fact an artificial creation meant to hold our astral body, mind and soul trapped within it from lifetime to lifetime in this physical world.

But fortunately, some have discovered this system, and thus have been able to free themselves from the gross and dense limitation of the physical world and body.

Even logically, it makes no sense to have a physical body for any other purpose than as a means to hold us bound to the physical, as we can function well and fine without the physical body, and indeed even have the same sensory abilities as with the physical body.

Thus, it is not natural per se to inhabit a physical body, it is something that has been forced upon us.


posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by IX-777
Than you for this post, its quite ingenious.

Now my question to you.

what knowledge to you posses concerning the "Ancient Ones". In that I am referring to the original humans of the Atlantis period and before. Is their any truth in the rumor that they still exist, here on earth, and for the most part undetectable by our present society, but known about by the secret societies, by the very few at the top who are charged with keeping the secret.

It is also said that Jesus was a member of this ancient society who was sent to us to remind us of our true divine nature.

Do you feel that such a covert mission in essence does more harm than good. I mean, look what happened to him, not to mention all the bloodshed between the religions it lead to. Don't you believe honesty is the best policy? Why do you think trickery is the method of choice compared to just telling the truth.

Some have had comments that it is none of my business to even consider these things because I am not a initiate. But I say, since we are all one anyways, what effects one, effects all, especially when it comes to what direction this planet takes.

Logically, there should be no secret societies because it is not natural to the human being or animal kingdom. The only ones that need a secret society, are ones who have a secret to hide.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 07:27 PM
You guys are missing the point of what a unknown density or dimension is, you can't color code them. They would have very different concept of colors, if any.

[edit on 3-12-2009 by Zsaqulz78th]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 07:34 PM
Amazing... thats all i needed to hear =]
Like i said if its true or fake, it seems to resonate in me, and thats all i need =]

one more question? lol feel like a reporter...
Out of all the spiritual gurus in our time; Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi etc.
Who would you say had it "RIGHT", as well where do you THINK or FEEL they went?

for example...jesus only to the 3 density... Buddha to the farthest... Gandhi to the highest...

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by IX-777

Nice one dude thanks for your reply.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Zerra

Originally posted by GrandKitaro777

Originally posted by IX-777
Indeed, there are no densities, I simply used it for convenience due to the new-agers whom constantly use the density-terms, which I did explain already by the way. As I said, I call it Planes, and they are 7 main planes of existence as per my definition mentioned in my previous post that you quoted from.


There are densities, but it just stop at eight from my sources. Densities correspond with the colors of light, simply because densities emerged and made from light. (I don't want to sound like a know it all, excuse my last post, I was going to edit but you responded to fast.)

Red correspond with 1st density.
Orange Correspond with 2nd density.
Yellow correspond with 3rd density.
Green Correspond with 4th density.
Blue correspond with 5th density.
Purple correspond with 6th density.
Indigo correspond with 7th density.
Black correspond with 8th density.

Black represent the black hole where light is drawn into unity.

[edit on 3-12-2009 by GrandKitaro777]

[edit on 3-12-2009 by GrandKitaro777]

Reminds me of our chakra system. The crown chakra-white in some traditions as with your black to represent all as one. i have seen the chakras with my abilities, very beautiful our energies are. I think colour is present indeed.

It's exactly that.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by GrandKitaro777

Originally posted by Zerra

Originally posted by GrandKitaro777

Originally posted by IX-777
Indeed, there are no densities, I simply used it for convenience due to the new-agers whom constantly use the density-terms, which I did explain already by the way. As I said, I call it Planes, and they are 7 main planes of existence as per my definition mentioned in my previous post that you quoted from.


There are densities, but it just stop at eight from my sources. Densities correspond with the colors of light, simply because densities emerged and made from light. (I don't want to sound like a know it all, excuse my last post, I was going to edit but you responded to fast.)

Red correspond with 1st density.
Orange Correspond with 2nd density.
Yellow correspond with 3rd density.
Green Correspond with 4th density.
Blue correspond with 5th density.
Purple correspond with 6th density.
Indigo correspond with 7th density.
Black correspond with 8th density.

Black represent the black hole where light is drawn into unity.

[edit on 3-12-2009 by GrandKitaro777]

[edit on 3-12-2009 by GrandKitaro777]

Reminds me of our chakra system. The crown chakra-white in some traditions as with your black to represent all as one. i have seen the chakras with my abilities, very beautiful our energies are. I think colour is present indeed.

It's exactly that.

Nice! Colours do exist on all planes and can also be recognized by their frequency and vibrations. We use certain colours to heal as well. It makes sense the 1st would be associated with red's vibration as it is such me me me energy. Though good for those who need to survive!

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:39 PM
All Seeing Eye:

Some of us walking the Earth today are direct descendants of the Atlanteans. They survived, and they spread. Many of them ended up in Latin America, others in Egypt, and for a period of time there were a trade route and contact between these two continents due to their common origin, and they stayed in contact and shared information and knowledge from technology to masonry to spiritual aspects. Even drug trade was taking place, along with other things.

There are those in certain secret societies whom are not only direct descendants of such Atlanteans, but they are also in the bloodline of people such as Jesus - whom himself was part of a secret societies back in his days, along with his apostles. Some of the secret societies active today can be traced directly back to the time of Jesus and the societies he and his men were part of, indeed those very societies have lived on up until this present time, and an important role there has also been played out by the Egyptians which Jesus himself was part of as he was raised up there and part of secret teachings and brotherhoods in Egypt itself.

I myself am member of a secret order directly connected to this, and it has a history going back more than 3000 years thus far predating Jesus himself.

Our records show that he traveled for many years, both as a member of a certain Order, but also by his own will for further exploration and finding other places to obtain knowledge and insights, and he explored many countries and many societies, orders and brotherhoods, collecting a wealth of sacred knowledge that since were implemented into his own teachings and into the orders he himself was part of, and spread through his apostles, whom themselves were high initiates and leaders of branches of such a society.

He himself was a gnostic and spiritualist and not a religious man per se, and in fact he was teaching people true spirituality with practical exercises enabling people to experience the divine first hand on their own, without the need for any beliefs or blindly follow what others simply say is the "truth" without providing any evidence or ways to experience such claims to be real.

This is one of the reasons the Vatican and the Church, the Romans, were after him, wanted him dead, and almost succeeded. But they did not, he survived, escaped, and moved far away from ancient Jerusalem, along with his wife.

What I can only term the "dark societies" have always been trying to shut down the true teachings of Jesus and those whom are part of Orders and Societies that directly relate to those very teachings and insights, as the knowledge contained within such Orders will ruin the Church, and make Christianity fall apart if the truth was ever to come out. It would show that Jesus was not a son of God, nor Divine, but a mortal man as anyone else.

It is the evidence of Jesus life after the crucifixion they have been concealing for centuries, and the fact that he was married, had children and moved to other parts of the world, where eventually he died and was buried by Brethrens.

The Church need belief, not facts nor true spirituality, but people whom will blindly follow their sayings and be their slaves, so they can maintain their enormous power and control, indeed the Vatican is one of the most evil instituions on the face of the Earth, and more sins and atrocities have been carried out by this institution than any other.

They are the ones responsible for all the bloodshred, the murders, the removal of spirituality, the lies and deceit, and blinding the people with false religions and beliefs. They can indeed be called directly Satanic, and they do worship spiritual entities whom are far from saints to put it that way.

As far as the secrets themselves goes, that is taught and revealed within the various secret orders and societies, they are mostly of a nature such that they would serve little purpose revealing to the common man, and they also remain secret due to the great power people can abuse such knowledge for - and they do, Governments and the Vatican are some examples on groups using this knowledge for their own benefit, for control and power, and to carry out their own evil agendas.

Some things simply should not be put in the wrong hands - unfortunately the wrong hands already got a good grip on a lot of it. The good thing is that their is opposition, there are those secret orders and societies working on turning the system the other way and remove the ones of greed, lusts and power, and replace them with more truthful honest and beneficial systems for all of Mankind. There is a war going on between many groups of secret orders and societies, even within several of the same societies themselves, there are infiltrations, there are occult and magical wars, what lies beneath the surface is in fact quite astonishing and beyond what most people can even imagine.

I have personally worked on infiltrating one of these dark orders, to help the Good Ones to gain further information on what is going on within such orders, plan how to shut them down or turn them around, and it is in fact quite a dangerous task and I myself had to eventually leave that work and get far away.

There are not many names I can mention, nor much information I can share, as I am still involved with these matters, and by doing so I am not only putting myself in an unwanted position but I may risk ruining the whole operation that is ongoing so I have to leave it at this which I have stated now.

For your own last statement, regarding no need for secret societies, I have to disagree. There is a very high need for such, due to the nature of existence, our origins, where we come from, what powers we possess, what entities are out there, and the very fact that this physical level of existence itself is not our true place to be, and care must be taken in regards of whom are allowed to gain access to certain knowledge on such things and whom are not. Certain things can be shared to the public, which will be beneficial and bring little harm even in the wrong hands, but some things must be concealed for only the most trusted individuals that are deeply involved with these matters and the liberation of Mankind from the System.

Or, to put it this way: If you are captured by a terrorist, you do not want to inform him on your plans on how to escape, or give him instructions on how you are building your defense and planning to take him down.


posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 08:55 PM

Please forget the "densities", that is a new age term and has little to do with reality. But, to answer your question, Gandhi was the least worthy person - to put it like that - and not what he seemed to be. He can not even be compared to Jesus or Buddha.

As far as Jesus and Buddha goes, they ventured on with awareness and consciousness intact after death so they could continue their work in other planes of existence, and the secret orders and societies actually also exist on these other planes of existence and work is continued there in similar ways as here on Earth, but with more ease and better possibilities.

It is still possible to meet these individuals on the higher planes, and they do still teach other people both physical and nonphysical about the spiritual truths of existence, which again manifests from time to time in various spiritual masters here on Earth in physical form.

In fact one can always get in contact with any person whom have ever lived, regardless of this person having reincarnated, or ascended further, merged with his Higher Soul, or become One with the Source itself and so on.

The reason for this is that all living beings have an astral body that is identical in every way to their physical body, except that it is not physical of course, but as far as the Mind and Consciousness, and the Personality goes, these are identical, and upon Death a person may after a while venture further but still his astral body will live on as its own individual being, as a shell of its former inhabitant, with its own consciousnes that remains identical to its true form, even though its higher soul aspect have moved on.

This is why people can communicate with passed on people from all ages of history through channeling, ouija boards, automatic writing and so on, family members and dead friends included, even though these people technically have moved on long time ago, their "astral shell" will still remain and be available for contact.

And this in its essence relates to the fact that we are all only fragments of our true selves, and our higher selves exist at different planes of existence simultaneously with our fragment-selves at the lower planes, and we have many bodies, many lives, we coexist in many realities at the same time.


posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 10:07 PM
Erm, as usual I am invisible, and don't deserve a reply to my questions.
So, is it true, you just breezed right by me? Darn, I am so not in the mood to be ugly or fight.

I asked a few questions.

Did you answer?

Somebody else did, graciously,in a U2U. So far, I am of the opinion that you either suck, or you can't give me answeres. Which shall it be?

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