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What do you want to know about the secrets of the world and existence?

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posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:32 PM

1. Yes, Jesus was of higher planes and had chosen to reborn on Earth to carry out his work for Mankind, as was the 12 Apostles whom he worked with, which started the Great Work in those times. He was completely unselfish, and came back only to help makind ascend and be free as he knew the suffering of those trapped here on Earth, as do I, and since then my work has been the same and I have come back time after time teaching Mankind various Higher Truths in my own incarnations.

2. I do not have time to browse through all pages on that page you linked to, and I just briefly looked quickly over it, but to answer your question "Yes" - Such entities you describe do exist. Also, there are truths to other things on that website, at least the little I quickly looked over.

3. Live on a varied diet of natural organic food you prepare and make yourself from its basic ingredients like vegetables, meat, fruits, spices etc, and try stay away from all the chemical-mixed processed food you find in the supermarkets, and you will be fine. You don't need any "magic gold" supplements and the gold you refer to has nothing to do with the ark. The Ark is symbolic in its nature and has to do with higher principles and understanding and unlocking such "secrets".

4. Humans have not evolved here on Earth because they come from various other planets. Where do they originally come from? I do not know the first Human planet, but many originate from places such as Mars, and further away places like the Pleiades, Orion, Sirius etc.

This is the reason for the very large difference in the human races around the world, and also why Africa is not the "motherland", which by pure logic itself can be explained by just looking at where the most advanced civilizations are and were located. If Africa was the Origin, obviously it should be the leading continent on both Spirituality, Technology, Society and so on, yet it seem to be the place lacking more of these than any other place. This is because the knowledge and understanding about such matters came from elsewhere, from other races, from other planets and from other planes of existence.

Referring to Egypt as an advanced African Civilization do not count due to it not being constructed by the original africans but rather by immigrants coming over from the oceans, and mixed races, which explains why you only find this in North of Africa, where Egypt is, as they did not spread much downwards further than that before the Egyptian kingdom eventually fell.

Evolution does not go backwards, so if Darwin was right , Africa should be blooming of civilizations, technology, advanced societies etc.

5. I do not know enough about the Christian Spiritualism you refer to to comment much. If you can give a brief overview over its main beliefs and practices it would be easier for me to comment. I do not have time to look through that huge site you linked to.

6. It is true that the Elite have connections with entities relating to other Stars and Planets, which is why many constellations, stars and star systems are so important in various secret orders as well, as they receive information, teachings and knowledge from entities there, and they also worship false gods from such places that they devote themselves to. Astral travel is the way of contact.

7. Yes MK Ultra is true, and is still being conducted, I believe they are on third or fourth generation now. They use people, that are brainwashed and mind controlled, for many purposes, from spies, to soldiers, to psychic channels, and so on. They also work on exploring the mind/spirit to abuse the public in general, for mass-population control and spiritual and mental abuse.

8. In Bohemian Grove various members of the Elite whom are part of the secret societies running the world gathers to perform great rituals to increase their powers and do specific rituals and sacrifices towards specific goals such as gaining more control and power over the rest of the worlds population etc, to gain more success, to worship their false gods, and so on. Sex is a tool for spiritual practices and used to charge certain elements with certain energies, or to gain certain spiritual experiences and contacts.

9. Many of the missing children go into the sex and slave industry, others go into programs like the mentioned MK-Ultra, and others into a lot of different other research and experiments, and many simply get kidnapped by "ordinary" offenders and abusers such as rapists etc, while others simply escape on their own - there are many answers and reasons behind missing people, both children and adults. Some are even used in ritual sacrifices among other things.

10. The All-Seeing Eye basically means "I see you!" and is a form of symbolically saying "We are in control, and we know everything you do, and we control it all"

11. If you are asking if the pyramids where used for spiritual and astral travel and teleportation then yes they were and this was one of their main functions, as well as teaching temples for spiritual students.

12. 666 is here. Bar codes contains the number - it is the sign of "satan" being here. The vaccinations mark you - just as prophesized - and it carries the Mark of the Beast, the Human Number, 666 - the vaccinations are code-named US666 and EU666 (US for USA vaccinations, EU for Europe - referring to the swine flu vaccination).

Basically its showing you that we are in the "end of times" and we are marked and monitored and controlled by "satan" - the negative entity whom controls this World.

More info on barcodes and 666:
More info on vaccinations and 666:

You also have the chips, rfids, that can be easily injected through such 666 vaccination programs.

144 has been explained pretty well in a way I agree with here:

Of course that leads into the number 12 and its significance, why we have 12 months, 12 zodiacs, two time periods per day of 12 hours each, etc. 12 apostles.

13. I don't have time to check your video, but the Nephilim is a biblical term referring to the fallen angels, which is a lost reference to beings coming here from elsewhere, both in physical and non-physical form. It is possible that the grat Pyrmamid is a Calendar system as well, just as is the case with some Mayan pyramids, I have not looked into that particular possibility before. The Egyptian book of the dead is intended for after-life navigation and was taught in the Pyramids where astral projection were exercised and practiced to prepare for the final projection.

14. I have stated my mission and intention previously: After completing this current incarnation I intend to stay for a while in my Higher Soul and explore existence still as my own individual being, and assist and help other entities and beings as I can on my way, and continue my work in the Higher Planes and Orders that I am already part of and now spreading some of the knowledge of here on Earth in these crucial times for you. I do not intend to "go back to God".

15. The time travel / teleportation experiments you refer too are real and took place and they still work on this. Now they have portals going to Mars among other places. One of my close friends for 5 years was a NSA agent / scientist whom worked directly with these projects and we had some work planned together but he suddenly disappeared and have not been heard from in several years now nor have I been able to locate him or find out what happened to him. During those years I was still in touch with him I learned a tremendous amount of information regarding what the governments are involved with, specially in this field. I had various material and documents he had given me, some that which was stored on my computer, but is now lost because it got confiscated by governments.


posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:48 PM

Is it possible the word was "chi" and not "ching" ? As the energy, Chi, as in Tai Chi, and Chi Kung, etc.

Regardless, it is pretty obvious to me that the meaning of the dream is that if you just face your fears regarding other people, they will lose the power over you (which is that fear itself) and you will be free and have "their power", meaning that you will be equal, as in one of those whom used to have the power to create fear in you, but you now control that.

I recommend doing some meditations and self-confidence exercises. You can find good programs for such online, such as audio courses, I would recommend you Paul McKenna's Supreme Confidence course, and any cleansing and balancing meditations that fill you with peace and harmony and do this trick: when at the peak of inner peace and harmony, pinch your thumb and index finger together and imagine this peace and harmony be attached to that specific grip, so that whenever you do that in any situation where you feel anxious the peace and harmony will come back because you programmed it into your finger-grip. This is very useful, you should practice this and do it often and the more frequent the more useful and effective it will be. I think the Paul McKenna course has some exercise like this, as well as some good ones regarding people you fear and how to overcome such.

Here is a link:
Check the reviews, I'm sure you too will find this specific course beneficial.

I also highly recommend Self Mastery by Dick Sutphen:

He also got tons of great audio courses cheap and downloadable in mp3 format at his website: - The 74-Minute courses and Metaphysical ones are particularly interesting and useful in my opinion.

Good luck!


Paradoxos: Some astral entity contacted you. This is how people "channel" stuff. Whom this entity was I can't tell, you will have to find out that on your own, could be anything from a spirit guide to a random spirit to a demon etc.


Wingmakers, well I used to believe it was bullocks, as I just briefly checked the website many years ago.

But recently I read an interview with the creator, James, and it fits more or less perfectly with my own discoveries regarding the Trap System and the nature of our existence etc, though he uses various self-made terms and descriptions, it still is something I agree almost 100% with. The specific interview can be read here:

So - I have come to the conclusion he must be an advanced spirit, whom have come here to help mankind in a similar way as myself. I have never contacted him to discuss these matters further, but from what he speaks of, his insights are so profound it can only come from someone whom have experienced the Higher Soul and ones True Being and seen the Trap System from an outside perspective as myself, and I was rather astounded when I first read his interview and saw how it matched my own discoveries as it is not exactly the common type of material you will find around.

I have briefly touched upon this before, where someone asked if I could tell about anyone else that had made similar discoveries, to "back up" my own claims, and someone pointed me towards a couple other people whom had made similar discoveries, I mentioned Robert Monroe and Carlos Castaneda among others (whom I was made aware of by that other person, search and you'll find the specific post and links to the articles relating to this subject).

[edit on 26-5-2010 by IX-777]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 02:52 AM
Thanks for the response.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 03:11 AM
Don't Forget about "Bashar" the multi-dimensional being......
You can U tube him:

He also backups alot of statements that Maggador has spoke of and more.....

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:17 AM
hi OP!

I would like to know what it means to be "awake". How does one "wake up" in a spiritual way? I have read many threads with this term here on ATS. Practically, what should a person do in order to "wake up"? I have meditated for years, been initiated in reiki, worked with myself and studied yoga for year and years, but never have I experienced anything out of the ordinary. I sometimes joke with my husband that I am spiritually handicapped. I have been a seeker since childhood, but I can´t seem to reach/come in contact with that special part of myself/life.

Do you think some people can be totally blocked in some way?

Hope my question made sense..

Love n light/ Maggie

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 11:58 AM
Hi OP, could you tell me who thought it a good idea to create purple lensed sunglasses... oh wait.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 01:03 PM
One thing that I found which Maggador says that conflicts with Bashar, is that Earth is a prison and that we are reincarnated here to serve the elite. However Bashar states that we chose to become physicalized here on earth for whatever reasons we felt were valid, most likely to explore some sort of theme.

I suppose Earth will feel like a prison if you define it as one.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by IX-777

I also highly recommend Self Mastery by Dick Sutphen:

He also got tons of great audio courses cheap and downloadable in mp3 format at his website: - The 74-Minute courses and Metaphysical ones are particularly interesting and useful in my opinion.

Good luck!



Wingmakers, well I used to believe it was bullocks, as I just briefly checked the website many years ago.

But recently I read an interview with the creator, James, and it fits more or less perfectly with my own discoveries regarding the Trap System and the nature of our existence etc, though he uses various self-made terms and descriptions, it still is something I agree almost 100% with. The specific interview can be read here:

I have been aware of Wingmakers for many many years and never checked it out until today. Good stuff also follows what I believe to be true, so far!

[edit on 26-5-2010 by IX-777]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by IX-777
If Africa was the Origin, obviously it should be the leading continent on both Spirituality, Technology, Society and so on, yet it seem to be the place lacking more of these than any other place. This is because the knowledge and understanding about such matters came from elsewhere, from other races, from other planets and from other planes of existence.

Evolution does not go backwards, so if Darwin was right , Africa should be blooming of civilizations, technology, advanced societies etc.

What utter nonsense. Africa is largely undeveloped due to its hostile climate and its rough, infertile land.

It doesn't require much intelligence to surmise that as soon as human beings had the means - technologically and linguistically - to organize thamselves then they would migrate away from the origin point.

As for your suggestion that Africa "should be the leading continent on both Spirituality, Technology, Society and so on" - I have to ask, are you being serious?

Can you imagine building cities in the middle of the Savanna? Can you imagine bankers walking to work among elephants and lions?

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 04:33 PM

"Awakening" means to realize and experience ones true being, the Higher Soul, which is separate from the Physical Body, and even the Astral Body. It means to experience reality as you know it slip away and see it from an outside perspective where you will be able to understand your True Being and the different levels of Existence.

People can be "blocked" but there is always a way to "unblock" even though in many cases it may be hard due to various indoctrination and mind control and brainwashing programs put upon the human population, and in some groups more than others. Hypnotherapists specialized in the metaphysical field can often help people such as yourself with what you are asking. Some of them offer audio courses that can be bought and downloaded online, such as Dick Sutphen at



It is possible to chose to come to Earth, like I did, but most people whom do that do it out of that very ignorance of believing that they need to go here to experience those things you mention, which only will trap them here again, and most people doing that are from lower astral realms and have not seen the outside perspective from the higher planes of existence. They are basically just following the programming of their being, rather than being free, and their "choice" to come back is only an illusion created for them to trap them here, because they are still within the Trap System.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:24 AM
have you heard of Nassim Haramein and his theories?

If you have, what is your opinion on them?

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:50 AM
Thank you for the answer.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 03:28 AM
Well, thanks a bunch for opening this thread.
I've always knew that deep down instinctively, I basically knew everything by at least remembering it from times before I was born.
I agree with you on everything that you said on your posts so far.

My question is:
Is the real location for headquarters and command for the U.S. Airforce
in case of nuclear war a safe place to be when that 2012 cosmic event reaches its climax so to speak?

Most people may not know this place or know what cosmic event that I'm talking about, but I know that you know.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 04:57 PM

Yes, someone made me aware of Nassim Haramein after some of my posts that were similar to his theories and findings. So I have checked out some of his videos and found his level of knowledge impressive and I am convinced he too is of non-earthly origins and have come here to share such knowledge as he does, whether he is consciously aware of that or not. In fact I am currently in contact with him and I am trying to get an interview with him arranged for my SuppressedStories site.



It is impossible to predict anything regarding the future and the outcome of the 2012 events. The event itself is not even sure to take place, as there are many factors playing an role in the outcome, different groups and energies working towards different goals. There are those trying to make the 2012-megaritual take place, and those whom are trying to avoid it from happening.

I have seen many things coming towards 2012 and thereafter, but it is not fixed or set, the future is fluid and subject to change, and it really depends on what event will take place, where and how strong effects it will have, and if it will be of the negative or positive type. None of these are currently "decided", with the exception of certiain cosmic events that are almost certain to take place due to the strong forces leading these which are hard to manipulate from outside forces, including various causes that will result in further Earth-changes as far as climate and wheather goes, earthquakes and vulcanos, and a certain solar phenomena.

If things goes as the ones you mention wants, plans and prepars for, it is unlikely that their current base will be safe enough but they do use their psychic soldiers & spies to constantly look into the future for finding the best spots and see what will happen and how to properly prepare, so even such bases are likely to change as time moves on and future events changes (before they happen).

As a final note though, personally I feel I am in the most safe part of the world regarding coming events and worst-case scenario, which is one of the reasons I am exactly where I am.


posted on May, 28 2010 @ 08:00 PM

Regarding Africa, you may not have been there, it is not all savannas and deserts if that's what you think.

Look at South Africa - and whom created it as it is per now. "White man", not the blacks whom live there.

Nothing to do with racism, just pure facts that anyone can look up and see to be true for themselves.

Africa has many great places where people can thrive and live together in societies that are "advanced", but yet it has been lacking this, until recently, when "white men" came to the lands there.

Obviously the true negroid race , if they were the "origin race" of all, should have gone further than what they have, and been able to establish something a bit more interesting and advanced during all those hundreds of thousands of years.

You can blabber on as much you want and call that racism, but it is the truth, and I am in no way saying that africans or the negroid race is "under developed" - in fact many of them are better of than many "whites". And, there are still some spiritual presence there which the "white man" has lost, and whom is to say that the "white mans" society and "technology" is "good" in either case?

I'm simply using it as an example on easy to verify facts, facts that is so logical a child could understand it, if you just take a look at it and think some.

Also, there is absolutely NO reason a black person migrating away from Africa suddenly would turn white and blue eyed and blond etc. The basic makeup would stay with the genes, and the black genes are dominant and as known if a white and a black have children together, the children will obviously show signs of being towards the "black" side.

There is absolutely no evidence supporting the theories that blacks emmigrated and turned white and so on - the races are different because of their OWN origins, which do NOT relate to Africans.

Here is a pretty interesting resource site with a lot of information and facts regarding races and their development and spreading around the world:


[edit on 28-5-2010 by IX-777]

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 03:23 AM
I agree that the most inland parts of South America is safe from nuclear war and pole shift, but my information tells a near future that doesn't involve any full scale nuclear suicide war.
Lets just say that there is a reason why major cities are built nearby oceans.
The people that control the population (which is where the money trails lead to) have full intention to reduce the population after they use them for power and money.
The Mayans are right about a solar event effecting this planet in the near future, but it will be a different star. Not our Sun.
Y2K was the dumb down event for September 11.
And 2012 is most likely the dumb down event for 2015.
Remember where you'll heard it first.
The one to remember, REALanswers.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 10:08 AM
"Obviously the true negroid race , if they were the "origin race" of all, should have gone further than what they have, and been able to establish something a bit more interesting and advanced during all those hundreds of thousands of years."

Can you please stop spouting nonsence!!! Many people earlier in the thread showed how completley wrong you are!!

[edit on 29-5-2010 by Kurokage]

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 12:27 PM
realanswers: Well, as you say, the time will show. Better to be prepared than not that's for sure.

kurokage: No nobody showed me anything, but they claimed a lot. I have not seen one piece of evidence suggesting what you are indicating. Quite the contrary I have seen a lot of evidence of what I am claiming - something which is easy for everyone to see if studying some basic history and looking at the real actual physical evidence that is available.


posted on May, 29 2010 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by IX-777

Regarding Africa, you may not have been there, it is not all savannas and deserts if that's what you think.

Look at South Africa - and whom created it as it is per now. "White man", not the blacks whom live there.

Nothing to do with racism, just pure facts that anyone can look up and see to be true for themselves.

Africa has many great places where people can thrive and live together in societies that are "advanced", but yet it has been lacking this, until recently, when "white men" came to the lands there.

Obviously the true negroid race , if they were the "origin race" of all, should have gone further than what they have, and been able to establish something a bit more interesting and advanced during all those hundreds of thousands of years.
[edit on 28-5-2010 by IX-777]

Blah Blah Blah Blah, "I have inferior qualities so I spit on the next man!" Quit this crap already for I H-Bomb this thread with all the scientific and historic evidence that makes you look like a Pillow Case Head.

I don't care who your daddy was, both my grandfathers where master mason's one from the york rite and the other from the scottish rite and were WWII Fighter Pilots/CIA/Congressmen..., that doesn't give me the right to go around brainwashing people to a bunch of lies that I want them to believe. Forgive yourself, it is a new day and a new age where we can no longer spread falsities to benefit the self, we are all one. If you want the facts I will give them to you! And it won't be that the "negroids", as you call them, are inherently too dumb or un-evolved to become "Advanced". Cripes!

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:54 PM
Can you please tell us about the link of the US Government and ET's and UFOs?

Is there an alliance and what have they given us?

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