Step 1: How the Universe was made. You must explain from your view how the universe was made, and how earth was made.
Step 2: How we came to be. Tell how we as humans, and animals as well, were created, and why.
Step 3: Have an All Powerful Being. This step can be skipped if not wanted. If wanted, give the being, or "god" a name, or have more than one, and
explain what they are all powerful of.
Step 4: What is in the after-life. At least have something to wait for when you die.
Step 5: The Savior/Founder. Be, or find someone, that you, your friends, and your believers can look up to.
Step 6: Good/Evil. Most religions have a good/evil scenario. This is not required, but if you want, make a bad guy to your religion.
Step 7: Life outside of Earth. Simple! Is there life in other planets or not. If so, explain what they may be like.
Step 8: Explain Miracles and Catastrophes. Explain how people are saved from doom, with almost no possible explanation. Do the same for the bad
Step 9: The Symbol. Find, or make a symbol to show who you are, and what you believe in.
Step 10: The Name. From what you made from steps 1-9, find a suitable name for your religion.
Voila! You got yourself a Religion. Now, If you want to share what you made, Post it into this thread.