The Bush administration's frustration with a decade of increasingly porous sanctions against Iraq has led to active consideration of military action.
Yet one alternative has yet to be seriously tried -- indicting Saddam Hussein for his many atrocities, particularly the 1988 genocide against Iraqi
Even if everyone agreed to indict Saddam,it would still take a war to get him out of Iraq.I would like to see Saddam brought up on charges,but it will
never happen.
e-nonymous I agree with you that something must be done
And as I've posted in other threads I would prefer to see the guy tried for genocide or assasinated then watch war being waged against an entire
My post was just mocking the horrors of red tape - how many other great ideas have been lost and stiffled due to the complexities of administration?
If you think about it though ... What would happen with those that support saddam if we assasinate him? They'd swarm us like crazy. War is the ONLY
option. He's a terrorist, there's no *easy* way to deal with him excep through force.
I'd be willing to bet you that the war could be waged against Saddam very cleanly. But I'd also wager a boatload that Saddam is going to commit
atrocities against his own people in his last few hours to make the mess look like its our fault, so as to incite Islamic revolt against us.
If that happen's, we'll just take them all out ... I'm sure we have a few nuke's to spare ... It's about time we show the world we don't put up
with anyone's BS again anyway's ...
If he doesn't listen to the leaders of any other country, the UN or even adhere to any agreements he makes with anybody, what makes you think he'd
listen to a lawyer's subpenoa?
...Why do you think I'm always referring to him as "Sodamn Insane"?