posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 03:09 PM
The path to the left made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up
when I first set my foot down in that direction, but the eerieness
was gone in five seconds, replaced with a feeling of relief and
anticipation of discovery. I walked along the moss-covered path for
perhaps two miles, noticing that the further into the woods I went,
the quieter everything became. At one point I stopped to listen,
only to realize that I no longer could hear any birds or any other
sounds at all. Not even the wind ! Time to take a break !
Finding an almost perfect seat on a nearby log I took off my back-
pack, pulled out an apple and a block of cheese, and proceeded to
cut myself some slices of each, while taking in the utter peaceful-
ness of everything around me. What a place to be ! My only worry
right now was . . would it continue to be like this the rest of the
way ? If so, I swear I'll probably become the Rip Van Winkle of this
fine forest !
Twenty minutes later I was on the road again. The path wound up-
wards through a barrier of rocks and boulders some of which were
as large as barns. Just as I reached what I thought might have
been the end of the line I noticed the path turning downhill through
a grove of pear trees, and followed it accordingly. The pear trees
gave way to apple trees and the apples to maples. Suddenly I was
out of the grove and found myself staring down onto the roof of a
large house, sitting silently about a half mile down the moutain-
side ahead of me. Cautiously I made my way down towards it.
As I neared the house I saw the women ! Two of them, sitting on
the porch, watching my unsteady descent with keen interest. They
did not seem surprised, but they did not show apprehension
either. I stopped about two hundred feet from a fence that
encircled the property and covered my eyes with my hand to block
out the bright sunlight that prevented me from seeing as clearly as
I now wanted to. I could make out their long blonde hair . . . and
. . . and the fact that they were both . . .naked ! My, my, looked
like I'd finally found the goldmine !
And with that last thought in my head, I promptly tripped and fell
headfirst down into the rocks, knocking myself out cold !