When considering more the levels of consciousness, following representation may be made:
On X axis, we have increasing consciousness where on far left there is zero and little consciousness and it increases towards the right end of axis.
In the end of X, there are fully or highly conscious beings.
On Y axis, there are freedom of choices, or free will, or however we want to express it. More high the gaussian curve peaks on axis Y, the more we
have possible choices that the being can make, or choose from.
So, as the level of consciousness increases, more the possibilities seems to become. But as we reach the peak of the curve, suddenly the choices begin
to decrease.
Explanation goes as follows:
Imagine an insect or animal on the far left of the X axis. It has little choices and small to none free will - it is more like driven by it's
instincts and it reacts to the any given stimuli by instinct.
In the middle, both sides of the peak, are the human beings (with various levels of consciousness) described in the OP. Level 0 person does not really
have lot of choices. One has to behave as the society and culture demands. But here one can still exert some freedom. As we approach levels 2 and 3,
there are more freedoms, and more consciousness.
But as the consciousness begins to reach very high levels, the options seems to decrease, as one is aware of the right choices, and most likely is
bound to commit them. They know what needs to be done, and they usually do it.
On far right are fully conscious beings that cannot err. They simply make the right choices, demanded by their consciousness and awareness.
Does this make any sense?
edit on 23-9-2010 by v01i0 because: 518