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Swine Flu: Something is bothering me, please help

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posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 10:26 AM
Firstly, I believe that this virus was engineered and released so the big pharma and other entities can fill their corrupt pockets.
Secondly I refuse to take the vaccine, on moral grounds and because it has been rushed with no proper testing.

Now, some countries have refused this vaccine or are doubting the motives of the WHO. Russia is even threatening to withdraw and smells something fishy with this pandemic.

So why are many other governments pushing health service and military personel to take the shot?

I mean no president or prime minister would risk the health of their armed forces so a pharma can make a few millions. Are they rushing because it may be the other way around, the vaccine is here to protect westerners?
Was the virus actually released to cause damage to places like Africa, Asia and those like Russia against the NWO?
Was it simply released to cause havoc and reduce the world population? Maybe our governments are trying to protect us from an incoming doom?

For me it doesnt add up, a country like France can't be that corrupt for gving its armed forces and key workers this vaccine. The virus isn't that deadly but obviously there is a sentiment of urgency that tells me that they probably know something we don't.

I am beginning to believe I rather take the shot. What would you do?

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 10:50 AM
I can only talk about the US government and the military vaccinations, all you have to do is follow the money, remember that many countries run their own vaccine making.

History tends to repeat itself, it seems that the same corrupted names that were behind the pandemic of 76 are now behind the new one.

Who Will Profit from the Deadly Flu This Time?

Rumsfeld made the most profit from swine flu in 1976 and bird flu in 2005. Potential profiteers of swine flu are Kleiner Perkins or Baxter.

Nobody has yet issued any official information about the origin of the new swine flu virus. Some media have recalled the bird flu epidemic in 2005 and early 2006. The only cure for the deadly disease was a drug called Tamiflu, which was produced by the Gilead Sciences pharmaceutical company, whose CEO happened to be Donald Rumsfeld from 1997 to 2001. He stepped down from the position after he took up office as the chief of the Pentagon in Bush’s administration. But he did not give up his shares in the company.

After Rumsfeld made millions with the bird flu, the company rights to Tamiflu was sold to a swiss company.

How Rumsfeld was link to profits in 76?

But Rumsfeld’s name was not just connected with the bird flu, but also with the swine flu in the United States in 1976. The story began when one soldier died in New Jersey from what experts believed to be an identical strain of the swine flu virus from 1918. At the time, Rumsfeld was Secretary of Defence and initiated swift action, convincing the people that the new administration would make sure that every man, woman and child in America are vaccinated. At that time the presidential campaign was underway and candidate Gerard Ford received additional support from this and became the president. The vaccine was produced and distributed across the country at lightning speed. The programme stopped just a month after the elections. The only problem was that the vaccine had been contaminated which resulted in hundreds of people becoming ill from it, while 52 people died.

Rumsfeld along with a few well known names are now behind the swine flu profeteering.

Tags | drugs, ebola, nucleotide, rna, zaireAVI BioPharma Under Contract With U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency for Development of Therapeutics Targeting H1N1 Swine Flu

Government awards $1B in contracts to vaccine-makers

GlaxoSmithKline, $274.8 million; MedImmune, $169.5 million; Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics, $220.5 million; DynPort Vaccine, $41 million; and Solvay Pharmaceuticals, $298.6 million.

If you notice many of the producers of vaccines are located in other nations and they are not all American base

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by TheOracle

For me it doesnt add up, a country like France can't be that corrupt for gving its armed forces and key workers this vaccine. The virus isn't that deadly but obviously there is a sentiment of urgency that tells me that they probably know something we don't.

If it's like that and they know something we don't. What would keep them from telling us?

There are other choices

above top secret...

[edit on 30-11-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by TheOracle
Firstly, I believe that this virus was engineered and released so the big pharma and other entities can fill their corrupt pockets.

Actually, these annual influenzas are the by-product of the meat farm industry. Those filthy places are breeding grounds for influenza every year since man began to keep animals for food.

These different strains of influenza are the result of your medical industries attempt to find an inoculation for what the meat industry creates: influenza and other diseases each year. These inoculations in turn is what causes these viruses to morph and change and adapt so quickly.

So basically, swine flu, as well as all other influenzas that just keep coming back year after year, are the result of factory meat farms (as well as those that want cheap meat, blame them too for all those influenza deaths), and the medical industry for causing these viruses to keep becoming worse and worse each year.

The solution to getting rid of influenza of course is to shut down all those factory meat farms, but you know the flesh and blood thirsty meat eaters would never be willing to do that if it means their tiny little free range roasts would now cost $100 or more. Swine flu is karmic payback from the animals being kept imprisoned as food. And they keep getting worse because of these lame attempts to combat karma.

Just wait until they morph into the next plague and kill millions, by then it won't be much of a secret who should we blame.
It's the meat farm people and the medical people that are making a buck off of all this.

[edit on 30-11-2009 by Divinorumus]

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 01:11 PM
I am in the US Military and I was "given" the Swine Flu Vaccine last week. Let's just say I was able to make it look like I got the vaccine, but I actually didn't. There was a lot of hesitation by people in my command to get this, and quite a few people requested to not receive it. We were all quickly declined, but that's more on the senior leadership being hard headed.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 09:01 AM

So why are many other governments pushing health service and military personel to take the shot?

Because the payload is in the vaccine, not in a "Stand" or "Andromeda Strain" type virus out to destroy the world. And all vaccines are not the same. They are diffferent by company (there is singe pre-filled vaccine that is thimeresol (mercury) free, there is multi dose vaccine, there is nasal spray vaccine, and there is multi dose with adjuvant vaccine. They also differ by country and timing. These different vaccines are made so as to have different killing percentages- a selected portion given a lethal ingredient of some sort.

Notice that all the hulabulu about "safety". This is to implement the sculpting of various target demographics, the pregnant and over 65 set will get the "safest" vaccine (which will in fact be the most lethal), the young will get the un adjuvanted vaccine, and the masses will get the adjuvanted vaccine (probably the safest - an older population is more politically stable and not prone to reproducing).

The reason they need the health workers and armies to take the shot is because the initial "photo-oppurtunity" vaccine is the un-poisoned vaccine. They need these people to implement their plan, so they must not be poisoned at all (although the regular vaccine is bad enough). They need everyone they can get their hands on to give people their poisoned vaccine. You have to understand that (if you live in the US) the govt has a plan in place to be able to vaccinate everyone within the span of 48 hours. This is the Cities Readiness Initiative. Look it up.

When you hear people talk about "the vaccine distribution system is broken" this is what the PTB are angling toward, the emergency distribution of vaccines. This is how they will be able to kill many people all in one shot. If this was a long process, people would catch on to the fact that the vaccine is killing them.

This is a depopulation measure in response to Peak Oil. Just as oil production follows a bell curve, and as a whistleblower at the IEA just outed, we are currently at its peak. Similarly, greenhouse gas emissions will follow the same bell curve and rise and fall with oil production, right? Therefore, we are at Peak Emissions also, and the world govts know it. So why have a climate treaty to enforce something they know will fix itself?

The "tax" on emissions is to disguise the fact that industrial civilization is doomed from lack of oil. People will just chalk up the fact we are using less oil due to the tax. And they will not panic. But how to rectify the all the populations that can't afford to feed themselves anymore? That's where the vaccine comes in. In the same manner that the govts rigged the climate data, they are rigging h1n1 data so that people will rush to the vaccine.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 09:53 AM
The original poster's idea occurred to me too - I too think it is possible that Western population will receive the vaccine to ensure safety, while poorer nations - in Africa, the Middle-East, etc, will suffer the full force and have their populkations dramatically culled. Obviously if Western governments are allowing this to happen, they couldn't publicly acknowledge the fact - there would be an outcry that they are allowing millions to die.

One other idea which I think may be possible is that this current version of the virus isn't what is making the governments worry. I think they may suspect that with just a few small mutations, we could have something far more deadly on our hands. By limiting the spread of this virus, we are reducing the chances of a mutated and more powerful form emerging. Again, they cannot acknowledge these fears publicly for the fear of starting a panic.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 10:09 AM
The vaccine in my opinion is an engineered bio weapon. It does protect against the H1N1 virus as it is supposed to do, but I understand that it then starts to break down the immune system and damage the nervous system over time. Two scenarios pose themselves about the military. The first is that they will be excluded from receiving any vaccine with the harmful agents in it. The other is that they too will fall prey to it. In the end when a super plague sweeps the Earth, there will almost immediate population reduction to levels designed, or at about 500 million. The US being one of the most powerful nations will take a bigger hit to diminish it's defensive abilities. tml

[edit on 1-12-2009 by Fromabove]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 10:19 AM
the flu virus is not what worries
its the heavy metals and other yummy dead animal in the shot that is the wonder factor being pumped directly in to your blood stream and clogging up your pinalgland

behave drone

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by EVILteddie
I am in the US Military and I was "given" the Swine Flu Vaccine last week. Let's just say I was able to make it look like I got the vaccine, but I actually didn't. There was a lot of hesitation by people in my command to get this, and quite a few people requested to not receive it. We were all quickly declined, but that's more on the senior leadership being hard headed.

EVILteddie, I don't want you to freak out over this because you may know quite a few people that got the shot. Be watchful of the symptoms of the vaccine. It's a ticking timebomb that kills over a matter of months or even a few years.

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