posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 07:05 AM
It's about... brainwaves. Heck yeah! I'm sure most of you are already familiar with applications such as I-Doser (a total sham! don't buy
it,torrent it...) which is based on the program SBaGen - a binaural beat generator (which is 100% free btw)
Now... I've recently started doing less drugs and trying to occupy my time doing something useful - yet the influence of mind altering substances
remains with me, and I have started to self-teach myself programming and a little bit more advanced mathematics (and i feel soon i must to learn
physics)... I know a little about how binaural beats work through the entrainment process - but i find it to be too hard on the user i.e. must have
Isochronic tones do not need headphones as they produce the same 'entrainment' effect... I'm not 100% sure on how isochronic tones work, but I have
my own little theory on how to entrain the brain (hey that rhymes)
If any of you play instruments, such as a guitar or a violin, when you're tuning it in accordance with a piano, you'll notice that when your
instrument is slightly out of tune, there is a little, huh, how do i explain it, like a 'wah wah wah wah' you know?
well i believe that sound could be used for entrainment, and the beauty of it is that you do not need headphones!
I'm still quite a ways off indeed to be able to finish off this project (heck i haven't even started), as i still have troubles with C++ which I
foolishly decided to learn, after dropping Python, in favour of it, but sooner or later, I'll get around to it
but I just want to hear from you guys - can you think of any new ways of brain entrainment?