posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 11:33 AM
Let me give you an over all assessment on your theory of "Bullish".
It may be correct in part, but it is really just people BS'ing themselves again.
People got themselves into debt or trouble by way of ignorance, overspending, greed, envy, poor money management.
Now these same people if not aware of what happened the first time, will repeat the same fate.
The money lost on homes has to be absorb by the responsible working people and people that actually save, so this devalues their hard earned
Now you couple this with all the millions and millions of now empty commercial real estate that companies are now defaulting on, plus the fact that
banks have to maintain, pay taxes, insurance, utilities and take a huge loss if they can even sell the commercial properties, we are in trouble as a
It's time to stop BS'ing ourselves.
We are a country of consumers and produce nothing. Our US government is a prime example, they produce nothing yet they have the biggest workforce in
the USA.
Everything will be ok, but a logical no BS plan needs to be implemented financially and that is not happening overall.
[edit on 30-11-2009 by Realtruth]