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Obama Treason Charges Advance In Tennessee Grand Jury

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posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by OldDragger

This thread is, by my proclamation, a dead horse.
Believe what you want folks, but this will get nowhere, just like all the fake birth certificates, Orly's nonsense and all the other birther baloney.
Yeah, big conspiracy! Or maybe some folks are just reality challenged!

But you keep coming back.


If this is such a waste of time, why do you keep bothering?

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by OldDragger
reply to post by OpTiMuS_PrImE

Not a great analogy.
A cop is supposed to ask for ID in the performance of official duties, not random curiousity.
A better analogy is some random person asking you for ID.
You are not asking Obama in an official capacity, but just as some guy.

Sorry OldDragger, I as a sovereign citizen of the United States of America require my potus to show me his credentials.

I have that right because HE works for me, not the other way around.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Libertygal
If this is such a waste of time, why do you keep bothering?

I'm only speaking for myself, and I haven't actually visited in a while...

Because I abhor stupidity.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Libertygal

Because it's amusing to post. 99% of ATS is irrelevant, but I do like some of the posters ( a variety of political bents ). And I don'y shy away from speaking my mind or arguing my case.
I would imagine it's the same for most posters here.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

So does the mailman. why don't you demand to see his birth certificate?
The long form of course!

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 04:53 PM
Is it just me or does the response to "Obama/Birth Certificate" look earily the same as when the public wanted proof from the Bush administration for claims of "WMD's" in Iraq?

You have the devoted union Obamanites claiming it is a non-issue, when in reality due to the times and what we are all (as Americans) at war with, it seems to be quite a straight forward and simple request.

Obama - Show a birth certificate. - Bush - Show proof of WMD's

With no response from - what is it that everyone is calling them now - the TPTB, NWO, Central Bank Control, the Mob, the Union, Lobbiest Control

They are all one and the same

The fact is this - American people demand an answer for something pertaining to Law/Constitution and whatever else applies and what does the American people get - NO RESPONSE!

Obama claims real change - but change that is loyal to who - to what country - and what religion

Why all the bowing to Sheiks and Foreign leaders - a sign of weakness - or an alignment for power!

That is why we want to see a birth certificate because by showing it - it will provide some truth to his so-called-change and where his loyalty really lies.

You cannot attend a school in Indonesia without declaring your faith as Islam - yet Obama was enrolled in an Indonesia school

Why hide all records - why does Obama go out of his way to seal traces of his past and his path to the seat of Presidency?

He claimed a new age of Government transparency - yet the cloaks and shadows he keeps speak more of deception and hide the truth.

This issue is more than any of us - it is the ground for which this Nation was forged and shall not be broken by corrupt men.

Show the truth - for the darkness of lies will continue to envelope us all until the light of truth shines upon it!

40 years of questions!
JFK - 9/11 - Illigitmate President

All steps made and left in the shadows to get us to this POINT!

It gets deeper and deeper until all that is left is lies!

Destroyed from the inside out by those who claim to be elected and lead us to a better day - what day is that - a new Russia?

The darkness that is destroying our Repunlic and the evil that is at work on feeding on our own negligence, by turning a blind eye to what the law is! You have to ask, those opposed to the truth - where does their loyalty lie and for what reason?

I now see that Republicans and Democrats are just the left and right hand on the same evil beast!

For who - what real reason and to what ends?

[edit on 1-12-2009 by arizonascott]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by arizonascott

Just a couple of things.
Since when did the public ask for proof of WMD before Bush invaded iraq?
Seems like the public didn't.
Obama HAS shown his birth certificate and it's confirmed and certified by the State of Hawaii as authentic. ( Please spare us the "it's a fake-it's the short form baloney ). Guys, it's not like the public has risen up to demand proof Obama was born in Hawaii. if you look at the real world, the vast, vast majority accepts he was.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by arizonascott
Obama claims real change - but change that is loyal to who - to what country - and what religion

... and that's where this ugly beast rears it's head!

The way I see it, quite a few previous administrations were loyal to the State of Israel above the United States of America. Once in a while we get a Prez that tries to change that by one tenth of an inch, and he's under attack. Speaks volumes. You may not realize that, but you are doing the function of the Zionist conspiracy.

Support America, support Obama.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by OldDragger
reply to post by endisnighe

So does the mailman. why don't you demand to see his birth certificate?
The long form of course!

I actually know Andrew ******* quite well, he was born in the hospital one of my sisters was.

And to prove it, I bet you he would not spend 2 million bucks on hiding anything.

And also, I am sure he is required to show proof of citizenship to work their.

Here is a good joke, You know why Obama will never pass strict illegal immigration laws? He doesn't want to be deported!

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by arizonascott
Obama claims real change - but change that is loyal to who - to what country - and what religion

... and that's where this ugly beast rears it's head!

The way I see it, quite a few previous administrations were loyal to the State of Israel above the United States of America. Once in a while we get a Prez that tries to change that by one tenth of an inch, and he's under attack. Speaks volumes. You may not realize that, but you are doing the function of the Zionist conspiracy.

Support America, support Obama.

Agreed! As soon as he follows his own campaign promises, transparency, out of wars, remove Patriot Act, etc etc etc. I will support him.

By the way, how is that Change working out for you.

Edit to add as soon as disclaimer

[edit on 12/1/2009 by endisnighe]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by OldDragger
reply to post by arizonascott

Just a couple of things.
Since when did the public ask for proof of WMD before Bush invaded iraq?
Seems like the public didn't.
Obama HAS shown his birth certificate and it's confirmed and certified by the State of Hawaii as authentic. ( Please spare us the "it's a fake-it's the short form baloney ). Guys, it's not like the public has risen up to demand proof Obama was born in Hawaii. if you look at the real world, the vast, vast majority accepts he was.

Agreed! Except for the FACT that the officials in Hawaii ONLY SAID THEIR IS A CERTIFICATE THEIR not what was on it.

Since when does one crime allow another.

Your arguments are getting very THIN.

[edit on 12/1/2009 by endisnighe]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Josephus23

In all of the previous cases concerning Obama's legitimacy the judge's dismissed the case before any evidence has been permitted to be seen by a grand jury, thus the lack of an indictment and the lack of discovery. (which leads to the records in question and Obama's legal right to not have people view them)

Our legal system has turned into a house of smoke and mirrors. More people need to educate themselves on what is the actual law of the land and not what happens in court rooms. Courtrooms are under various jurisdictions according to the type of court. Line three courtroom is two words in one place and one in another. Either can be used but consistency is nice.

What utter absolute garbage! Total ignorance reigns.! Of course not one of the other cases ever made it to a grand jury. They were freakin' civil cases. Civil cases don't go to grand juries. The total ignorance about how our system of law should work is appalling. If you don't have a clue what you're talking about, don't waste the 0s and 1s involved in posting. It just confirms the total baselessness of the birther movement. It is grounded in racism, fueled by overwhelming ignorance, and is destined to be a monumental failure because the rampant racism blinds the birthers to their own ignorance. They get in bed with the Orly Taitzes and Walter the ex-con Fitzpatricks and then wonder why the spawn of these unions have three eyes and are brain-dead at conception.
Let's see, do we make fun of your command of the language, or lack thereof? Nope. Too easy. No sport there. Literacy promotes credibility. In line 1 of your post there is no apostrophe in judges.In line 2 "has been" is the wrong tense. Use "was." In paragraph 2, line 1, insert "been" between has and turned.
Sorry, sometimes I revert back to my days as a law professor.

[edit on 1-12-2009 by 4nsicphd]

[edit on 1-12-2009 by 4nsicphd]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by 4nsicphd

We are all sorry YOUR HONOR /s

As we all know, the language of corporate law and civil law and all other LAW, has been transmuted over time.

We have been duped. Is that used in proper terminology.

How about this? I did not have sexual intercourse with that woman.

Here is one your professions biggest lies. I, can be used in the terminology of the entity WILLIAM CLINTON, a fabrication of the LAWYERESQUE phrasology used by YOUR TYPE.

I am not an entity created by YOUR TYPE to be enslaved by corporate laws.

I am a human being, and by that I have been given inalienable rights by MY FRACKING CREATOR. Not to be sidestepped by YOUR TYPE.

We the sovereign people of the United States of America have awoken to your lies and manipulations.

And I believe Shakespeare said it best. You know fracking exactly what I mean here.

Being a SUPPOSED EX JUDGE, you must know THE REAL 13th amendment to the CONSTITUTION. Are you one of the people here in the United States, that has an Honorific or Title of Nobility.

You know what the penalty is for this I hope.

You can and will be deported, just as all other lawyers.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

Jeeez! Seems like you are angry in every post!

AWWW, be kind to us "sheeple" ( from your profile), we just aren't "awake" like you!
Well with your Clinton thing you absolutely proved all lawyers are corrupt and the entire legal system is a sham and Obama is a Muslim spy and....

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by 4nsicphd

I am more than man enough to admit my grammatical errors, but you should check your own before you criticize others. (just reread your post)

As far as my info. being garbage, I do not think that you took the time to read all of my posts.
The point to what I was saying is that the judge's in this case do not want any evidence in from any civil case concerning Obama to be made public, because if they do, then a criminal case would be inevitable.
Not all of the cases were civil cases. (See my posts)

I expect more from a previous law professor than baseless personal attacks and hypocritical grammar, but I also expect that you are completely full of it regarding your history as a law professor, and that the readers of this thread who actually have critical thinking skills will see straight through your BS laden comment.

You must be a "semi-professional" debunker. (I would say professional, but you did such a poor job)
When anyone presents a well thought and succinct argument on ATS, then the trolls come out of the woodwork with the ad hominem attacks.

I do not wish to waste my time responding to such utter tripe.
Please re-read my previous posts.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 07:21 PM
So, does anyone actually know what happened in court today with this guy?

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by 4nsicphd

We are all sorry YOUR HONOR /s

As we all know, the language of corporate law and civil law and all other LAW, has been transmuted over time.

We have been duped. Is that used in proper terminology.

How about this? I did not have sexual intercourse with that woman.

Here is one your professions biggest lies. I, can be used in the terminology of the entity WILLIAM CLINTON, a fabrication of the LAWYERESQUE phrasology used by YOUR TYPE.

I am not an entity created by YOUR TYPE to be enslaved by corporate laws.

I am a human being, and by that I have been given inalienable rights by MY FRACKING CREATOR. Not to be sidestepped by YOUR TYPE.

We the sovereign people of the United States of America have awoken to your lies and manipulations.

And I believe Shakespeare said it best. You know fracking exactly what I mean here.

Being a SUPPOSED EX JUDGE, you must know THE REAL 13th amendment to the CONSTITUTION. Are you one of the people here in the United States, that has an Honorific or Title of Nobility.

You know what the penalty is for this I hope.

You can and will be deported, just as all other lawyers.

Hmm, a threat. That opens the ats files to subpoena, including the identities of posters. Great job, there. I have an honorific. It's USAF Retired. Want to compare, hotshot? I know the real 13th Amendment. It abolished slavery, but apparently not the slavery to ideological ignorance. You know, you could have jusy stomped your little footie and screamed "Oh, Felgercarb! But no. Why use humor when a threatening rant will do.
Oh well, the Gulfstream leaves early for St. Kitts. I better pack.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
So, does anyone actually know what happened in court today with this guy?

The full grand jury refused to hear the case. I presume because his complaint alleges a federal crine and the grand jury only hears state cases,

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by 4nsicphd

the release will come December 7th

MADISONVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) -- Assaults, thefts, even murder cases routinely come before the Monroe County grand jury.

But today, the small town grand jury heard a big time case against the president of the United States.
Click here to find out more!

Walt Fitzpatrick is dead serious.

He thinks the president is guilty of treason.

He wanted to take his case in front of the full grand jury.

But when he was only offered a panel of three, there were some fireworks.

"I need to know now. Tell me now what's going on now? says Walt Fitzpatrick to Monroe County Grand Jury Foreman Gary Pettway.

"Your choice is to go in when we take you in or stay out," says Pettway.

Taking his case before a three member grand jury panel instead of a full grand jury is not what Walt Fitzpatrick wanted to hear.

"I'm not here to play games with you. What's the deal?" asks Fitzpatrick.

"You need to calm down," says Pettway.

Fitzpatrick went to speak to the grand jury panel for nearly an hour and a half but wouldn't answer reporters questions.

"What do you want to tell them Mr. Fitzpatrick? Anything?" questioned WVLT Reporter Stephen McLamb to Fitzpatrick.

After his appearance he informed supporters they would only deal with the issue of the assistant attorney general and grand jury foreman's attempts to keep him from presenting his case.

But he maintains President Obama has no legitimate birth certificate.

"Mr. Obama is an infiltrator. Mr. Obama is my sworn enemy. Mr. Obama is not the legitimate commander in chief," says Fitzpatrick.

Fitzpatrick hopes to get indictments against the president and his supporters agree.

"Well, I'd love to see it go to the federal level and I personally would love to see him escorted out of the White House in handcuffs," says Anthony Shreeve.

John Coker says, "Our government has absolutely taken over this country. We the people don't matter anymore."


[edit on 1-12-2009 by OpTiMuS_PrImE]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by 4nsicphd

Thank you for answering. I think if the guy felt this is really important he would have gotten some better legal advice.. I am kinda shocked he didn't know this would happen and appeal to a federal court.

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