posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 02:53 PM
Yes,of course.
I don't put a word limit on but if it's too long the chances are it'll get marked down (The judges have a short attention span.
We've had a few competitions before.We had a Halloween one last year.The others have been themed around the colour groupings of the forums on the
main index page.
This competition is themed around the turquoise forums,those grouped as Scientific Topics,and they include Science & Technology,Aircraft
Projects,Space Exploration.
This is short story fiction so I guess this competition will have alot of SciFi entries.
There are good points awards for the top stories so new members might be get a nice start(the winner would receive enough points to join RATS and the
MudPit if they wanted) but mainly it's just good fun.
This competition gives people who may have thought about writing but may have felt inhibited the forum to do it.Or perhaps your a really good writer
then this is the place to shine.
This is a friendly community and I'm proud to say I've never seen a nasty reply yet to a members story just encouragement and compliments and honest
criticism (but only when it's been asked for.)
Marg6043,Yes that's fine as long as she gives permission and you credit her in the story and her name isn't Jackie Collins or Jilly Cooper
she could join and post it herself.