posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 04:22 PM
This seems like the most fitting forum. I'm aware some of you are parents on here, and I had a question for you. I am going to have a baby in May and
have always been weary of birth certificates and social security cards. These things are not necessary, they just make living "easier". Social
security numbers are asked for everywhere, and they're in almost every online form, but I'm almost certain it isn't a requirement to have. I could
be misinformed, and if I am, by all means let me know.
My boyfriend and I have been discussing what our options are when it comes to those two things. I disagree with the hospital being pushy about naming
your child as soon as possible, and so does he. We want a home birth, but in the state we live in and in the surrounding states, it is illegal for
mid-wives to perform home births. So, we're going to a birthing center. I am unfamiliar with their "priorities", but it seems slightly more
relaxed, and more about the birthing process than the recording process.
Has anyone here opted out of getting their child a social security card/birth certificate? I'm expecting a world of frustration and challenges. A
friend of mine recently gave birth, and we generally agree on the idea of social security cards, but she said she was forced to get her baby one? That
doesn't make sense to me. Am I wrong and it is completely required for some reason?
My other issue is putting my child in a situation he or she may not necessarily want to be in (by not having a social security card or birth
certificate), and in turn that would be forcing them into a lifestyle they don't want. That's just as bad.
I'm just curious about what other ATS parents have decided to do in raising their children, understanding the type of government system we live in
and what the government's true interests are.