posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:54 PM
you need to remember if you've had that dream before. I think if you'd assign a color to the dream, you can find out something about the timing.
What I mean is, obviously the crime or crimes did not occur last night. You could possibly be channeling thoughts like you said of a boy who hasn't
been found, or more likely thoughts of a childhood trama from a survivor/possible victim, or of a murderer, or of someone he may have told.
What I mean is these could be supressed thoughts of a murder, a victim, a witness, or of a trama. Listen, if these are suppressed thoughts from
someone, it means they scared, or someone is getting to close to them a about their thoughts, not you. This could have happened in the 70's, 80's,
90's, or this millenium, unlikely. I don't know too much about dream books, and color schemes, or how books could explain it to you. You're right
though it could be a part a larger scheme crime, with an aspect that hasn't been solved. On the other hand, it could be just a fantasy someone has
been living themselves, that they made up, and for some reason the person has now discarded these thoughts which were too important to them for so
long. I wouldn't be scared of this dream, as not being scared would be your defense. It's not like you're going to commit these crimes yourself. It
could just be a should have, could have, or would have type scenerio. The only thing I would say is, who evers thoughts these are, this person is very
angry about something. Try to find a way for yourself to realize if you've had the dream before. I've had terrifiying dreams, and realized days
later in was a dream I've had before. Let thoughts that come to you about your past come to you. For example, if you had been thinking about
something that happened 10 years ago since you woke up, like a song, or a tv show for example, it might help you with some sort of time. Chances are
this person is older than you. They could be hiding something, not necessarilly what you see, and not from you. Nice thread. /Remember, your strong
minded, not weak minded.