Just happen to be charging your phone at this exact moment do you? What a coincidence!!!
i dont know if thats sarcasm, but unlike you, i have been an official member on this site for a long time. i have no reason to lie. my phone was dead
apparently dead all day. i didnt know, and didnt care. i was enjoying a relaxing saturday. didnt matter anyways, as my cell was not capable of filming
those ufos at night.
so here is how it went down.
i was leaving to walk to the local bar to get some food and a beer, and i was looking up in the sky as usual. im always staring at the sky. its
interesting, and there is always so much going on in the vegas sky. so i focussed on what i thought was a star for a few seconds, and i was like, is
that moving, thats weird. then i looked at what i thought were surrounding stars, and they were all moving together. i was like, holy crap! i just
literally stopped in my parking lot and stared.
so i see a neighbor come zooming in, and im like, shes cool, ill get her to check this out too. i stopped a random guy walking, and i think he was
scared, and was like, i dont know, i dont see anything. dude, relax, im not gonna kill you. lol. but i guess she saw my hype and she was staring too,
and she saw them. she said they were probably sats, but i dont know about that.
6 of them had a v formation, and the others were just scattered. i literally had one of the few gaps in the sky that had no clouds at that moment
where i could easily see the ufos. i started walking like wow, oh well, lemme go to the bar, but i was in such amazement that i ran back to my
apartment and made the first initial post, and to charge my phone. second time i went out, i counted eleven, but before that were easily twenty
grouped objects in the sky cruising along. i remember 1 pulsating a bit, and the others were just solid lights. pretty far up. higher then the usual
plains coming in and out of vegas. planes were even in the sky that i could easily recognize, and what i saw were not planes. the fact there were so
many was what was shocking. after my second post i stared for a bit, and eventually they disappeared into the cloudy sky.
i have no evidence about what i saw. why? because i dont photograph ufo's, and didnt have a digital camera on hand. i have looked up and stared at
the sky a lot, and i have never seen that in my 14 months here. so were they sats, maybe, i dont know enough about them, but would sats be grouped
together like that. it wasnt one or two. it was a freaking fleet of objects just cruising over vegas.