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Should we keep the secret quiet?

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posted on May, 21 2004 @ 10:25 AM
i have been thinking recently about this.
why are we trying to "blow the lid off" the secret about aliens anywhay?
Maybe the governments are trying to protect us,(abit like censors)from the truth because we might not be able to accept it unless we knew about them from birth.


posted on May, 21 2004 @ 10:31 AM
cause it would be cool to see them and their technology. not to mention hopefully they would share their advanced technology with us to help our barbaric race stop killing each other over stupid stuff.

[Edited on 21-5-2004 by d1k]

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 10:33 AM
I really think they are about to disclose the reality of it all soon. Reason for all the movies like Mel Gibsons "Signs" etc Successful shows like SG1 (Star Gate). They know its getting more impossible to cover up anymore....the ets make up their own rules as they go and have broken every treaty with humans since their arrival.

just a hunch

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 10:37 AM
In my opinion, if the Government decides to reveal and disclose all it knows about aliens, we are all doomed. The Government then would expose all its black budgeting of secret projects, what technology is in development, etc. In other words, the day the Government exposes its dealing with aliens is the day the Government collapses. And they will stop anybody from getting the Government to expose them.

To protect us, yes, if we found out the truth, they'd have to eliminate us.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 10:37 AM
Do explain what you mean when you say "secrets about aliens?". Life is out there, but i don't think its intelligent life. People always think aliens are little green men in flying saucers, but sadly thats far from the truth. If there was intelligent life out there, the government would say and it would have made itself clear. I used to think that there was a global conspiracy and governments are working with Aliens, but as i got older i started to look at the bigger picture. How do we define aliens? small little creatues like ants? little green men? and also what is a ufo? a space craft from outerspace or an unidentified flying object that we cannot identified?

So how can we spill the secrets, if there isn't no secrets to spill? My theory is that the government has done research into Aliens, but was unsuccessful in finding anything.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by MUDDYFOX
Maybe the governments are trying to protect us

You're a spook aren't you? I'll believe in flying pigs before I believe that!

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 10:40 AM
Well, imho the goverment has no right to say if we are ready to see something or not.

The only reason a goverment does it is to hold power from the people.

Letting goverments make your decisions and control your life is very nice if your a git that can't hold any responsibility, because it'll be easy to say that when you do something wrong, the goverment was the governing body over your misdoing.

People should make up their own damn mind and most importantly, should be ALOWED to make up their own damn mind.

Noone has the right to tell you what and how to see things, noone.

If this means alot of people dying and the rest living on in true freedom, then so be it. Isn't that what patriotisme is all about?

But if all of us survive because the goverment has such a firm grip on our reality and doesn't let us see overly important things like an alien presence., but this also means everyone is just a blind slave to whatever is the goverments bidding.

Didn't the founding fathers themself say that the people should NEVER loose their critical view on the goverment and should always question the goverments actions, because they know that a goverment always corrupts, power corrupts and the only way to keep a goverment in line is by the people keeping a close watch on the goverment and punishing the goverment for its mistakes.

The goverment works for the people, not the other way around.

[Edited on 21-5-2004 by thematrix]

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 10:57 AM
Well, imho, we may be giving "our" government more credit than it is due. Take the US government for example.

The president can't get a rim job in the oval office without us knowing it.

The pentagon can't forge an "official" Nigerian govnmt letter with regards to selling plutonium to Irak without us finding out.

It's military can't bitch slap prisoners in its own prison wihout us finding out.

The military can't fly the Aurora without us finding out.

Can such a Huge, overwhelming secret truly be kept secret?

Can it be kept a secret for so long?

Is it fair to assume all other world governments would also be able to keep such information, if they had any, to themselves?

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by senshido
Well, imho, we may be giving "our" government more credit than it is due. Take the US government for example.

The president can't get a rim job in the oval office without us knowing it.

The pentagon can't forge an "official" Nigerian govnmt letter with regards to selling plutonium to Irak without us finding out.

It's military can't bitch slap prisoners in its own prison wihout us finding out.

The military can't fly the Aurora without us finding out.

True - but these things are relatively common. People have no problem believing in adulterous presidents, violent prison guards and corruption in the Government. But many still see aliens as being the preserve of Sci-Fi shows and books. They won't belive in ET unless he lands his ship on Bubba's lawn and offers him a can of Interstellar Bud.

[Edited on 21-5-2004 by Pisky]

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 11:04 AM
Senshido: erm, its because media outside the US is on them like a bad rash that these kind of things are shown in the media. And the goverment is able to pull of much greater things without the general populous seeing it. Just look at the Oklahoma bombing, 9/11 and the # that went on in Afghanistan.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 11:12 AM
i dont believe any of goverment in this earth telling any of the alien story or what so ever i rather believe,what the big spirit give the propechy to any of the american indian chief regarding about the doomdays or dirtyhand of whitemen or nowadays US goverment,alien thing.but to me the best of all is what was the code agains?TARAKAYANA maybe huhs!!!


posted on May, 21 2004 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by thematrix

The goverment works for the people, not the other way around.

[Edited on 21-5-2004 by thematrix]

Well put, thematrix. Well put, indeed.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 11:19 AM

I want to meat a Grey. I want to marry one! Oooh those lovely eyes and those big sexy smooth heads, hhhmmmmmmm.... come on baby.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 11:22 AM
I believe that the vast majority of Americans would not be able to handle the disclosure of an alien prescence. Far fewer would be able to take finding out their government was working with/for them. I actually doubt whether many people would actually believe them though. Look at the numbers of people who still believe that Oswald was a lone gunman. Despite presenting people with hard fact, many still choose to believe whatever is easier for them to live with.

I honestly believe there are those in the government who believe keeping secrets like this is doing what is in the public's best interest. Is it insulting? Yes to me it is, but then again I come in contact with people on a daily basis that are not intellectually capable to deal with the idea that their government or church might not be telling them the truth.

[Edited on 21-5-2004 by el_topo]

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 11:35 AM
Did you know the government had stealth technology in the 70's..???

no one in the public did......?

you dont think the government cant keep secrets........hmmmm...

not a good assumption on your part.....

Do you know what was on all those secret payloads the nasa sent up in the shuttle in the early 90's...???

no one in the public did...

The government can keep a secret but with alien tech and ufo's they havent done too good of a job.....its just that some of cant let our minds process the high probability that all this alien stuff exists....we resist it because the mind tells us to.....

it is being covered up because the government is aligned with some malefic entities and they dont want us to know...

[Edited on 21-5-2004 by watcheroftheskies]

[Edited on 21-5-2004 by watcheroftheskies]

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 11:41 AM
its the best way to take alqaida like groups the wind out of their sails. because everything they straif for is the moslim way and if it comes out that aliens are real and are here and the tech ect.. everything they stand for is wrong.. the only reason that its not out is because it would be a to great impact on the church and every religion they have so much power they won't want to loose that and they are now in controle so they won't let it out.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 11:51 AM
Well the U.S is working toward the earth joining the Universal Governments (so to speak). One of the rules says we must have peace on earth. The UN and now the wars that Bush has us fighting are part of that stratagy. This is also why we have not explored deeper space and continued our space programs simply because we were asked not to and instead work to bring peace on earth first. Once we do humanity will be welcomed into the the large race of beings in the universe. President Regan introduced these aliens to Gorbachav and brought peace between Russia and the U.S. Lybia is the most recent introduction and others will certainly follow. Those leaders who the U.S and now others do not feel will ever come to peace are being removed one way or the other.

Once G.B finishes his fathers work in establishing peace then we will get to know the current leaders of the universal neighborhood. All that techknowlogy is just waiting for us to find peace.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 12:25 PM
I really fail to understand what all the comotion is about aliens. If it were revealed by whomever that intelligent life more advanced than us existed it would be a big news story for about a month before we all get bored again.

What would it really mean for the human race? Some people seem to believe they will somehow save us from ourselves or somehow enlighten us. To me this is pure fantasy. If they were as advanced or moreso than us then they are not going to give us something for nothing. If they were to visit us then obviously they are interested in some of our resources (whatever they may be). Their economy would most likely be based on the free market model (how else would they evolve so far technologically?) and im sure they would be interested in setting up trade agreements that would benefit both economies.

Another theory is they may be here to destroy us. Well this is very hard to believe as well. Why wouldn't they have done this thousands of years ago when we were much easier to knock off? Scratch this idea off the list.

Also floating around is the idea that some are good while others are evil and the good aliens are trying to protect us from the evil aliens. Again I find it very hard to believe any race in this universe (or any other) after thousands or millions of years of evolution would suddenly revert back to war mongering and get themselves blacklisted from the cosmic economy. If an alien race is smart enough to figure out time travel they are certainly smart enough to understand basic economics and the law of comparative advantage!

Other than markets having to make the adjustment to new supplies and demands (and I pray to God they don't want oil as $2.30 a gallon is already breaking my wallet!!!) and standup comics adjusting their material how is life going to be that different? It would be a boon for the world economy certainly but not a big a deal is some people think in my opinion. And it certainly won't distract me from the Kobe and Jacko cases this summer. And lets hope they do show up with a mothership load of oil and screw the Arab's and their cartel once and for all!

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 01:10 PM
Oh and if anyone has been abducted or contacted otherwise with reliable information (and proof) of what the different alien races need or want (I hear the reptillians have a thing for copper) please post all information here so we can all start loading up on these commodities. Thanks in advance

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 01:16 PM
All I know for sure is that they go big time on strawberry ice cream

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