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Bloomberg reporter who sued the Fed has died

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posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by AlienChaser

"The coincidence of people dying just when they are bothering the powers seems to happen quite often don't you think? "

Well said!

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:41 AM
CDC posting facts?

lol no thanks

trusting them its like trusting that H1N1 shots are safe.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:44 AM
Federal Reservations

Originally posted by AlienChaser
The coincidence of people dying just when they are bothering the powers seems to happen quite often don't you think?

Perhaps they killed him, perhaps not, but WE will never know for sure.

One of the most frustrating things about being a conspiracy buff is dealing with the fact that regardless of how suspicious some event may be, we are rarely able to gather enough reliable evidence to know what really happened.

Unless something truly extraordinary comes to light, odds are all too high that the same will be true of this case.

Was Mark Pittman murdered? At this point it's not clear, and the cause of death hasn't been disclosed. The article points out that he "suffered from heart-related illnesses", and while that infers a likely cause of death, it doesn't prove anything.

Even if he is officially declared to have died of heart disease in the coming days, it has already been observed that methods for artificially inducing heart failure are well-known, numerous, varied and employed by agencies and groups both "good" and "evil" around the world, and which could easily be overlooked by a coroner not specifically checking for signs of foul play.

So even an official "natural causes" ruling wouldn't prove that he wasn't murdered.

What can we hope for? That those entrusted with investigating the cause of his death will be more diligent than average.

Odds are that he did in fact die "naturally" of a heart attack, since it is the leading cause of death in his age group regardless of his specific medical history.

But then again, the death of anyone involved in legal action with a controversial organization like the Federal Reserve deserves a more thorough examination than someone whose enemies don't include one of the most powerful cartels on earth.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by wiredamerican

Bite your tongue! 52 is the age where life is just getting interesting! I am 62, and the 24yr old wife and I just celebrated our 2nd anniversary. We may start a family! 52 is just a young whippersnapper. They probably offed the guy with one of those cardiac electrical disrupter gadgets they nailed some other people with who got too close to developing free energy devices.
BTW thats the reason there won't be disclosure... they could give a rats a about aliens..disclosure would also reveal the secret of free energy.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 03:11 AM
Just a note to all the folks noting that 52 is hardly 'old-age'. I have to agree, it certainly is not.

Besides, I have it on very good authority you are only as old as a men/women you feel.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by expat2368
reply to post by wiredamerican

Bite your tongue! 52 is the age where life is just getting interesting! I am 62, and the 24yr old wife and I just celebrated our 2nd anniversary. We may start a family! 52 is just a young whippersnapper. They probably offed the guy with one of those cardiac electrical disrupter gadgets they nailed some other people with who got too close to developing free energy devices.
BTW thats the reason there won't be disclosure... they could give a rats a about aliens..disclosure would also reveal the secret of free energy.

Congratulations. If you have children, they will be able to collect social security checks on your 65th birthday (providing there is S.S.)

[edit on 29-11-2009 by Violater1]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 12:23 PM
Here's just a couple names in the past year whom died at odd times.

James S. McDonald, CEO of Rockefeller & Co., dead in apparent suicide at 56.
James S. McDonald

David Kellerman, the acting Chief Financial Officer and Senior VP at Freddie Mac, was found dead early this morning from an apparent suicide at his home in Virginia.
David Kellerman

Mark Pittman

Bloomberg’s lawsuit against the Fed, which was filed after Pittman’s requests under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act were denied, continues without him. The central bank won a delay pending an appeal, which is scheduled for the week of Jan. 4.

Hmm.. delayed to January 4th.. just so happens to die before that time..

David Carradine, an actor yes, but he was linked in the MSM as a conspiracy nut as well so his name belongs with the others that die at strange times.

David Carradine

“All we can say is, we know David would never have committed suicide,” said Tiffany Smith, of Binder & Associates, his management company. “We’re just waiting for them to finish the investigation and find out what really happened. He really appreciated everything life has to give ... and that’s not something David would ever do to himself.”

Found hung and naked in his closet in Thailand.. strange in my opinion.. to say the least.

We all heard enough about Michael Jackson, I don't think I need to delve into his story.


I almost forgot about Jeffry Picower whom was found dead in a swimming pool.
Jeffry Picower

The 67-year-old, who's been accused of raking in nearly $7 billion as a part of Madoff's skulduggery, was found at the bottom of the pool by his wife. Police are investigating the cause of death. Read more: Madoff Associate Found Dead in Swimming Pool -- Daily Intel

Edit #2:

Finn M. W. Casperson whom was the former chairman and CEO of Beneficial Corp was found dead with a single gunshot wound to his head.


I'm sure somebody can add a few more that I've missed and if somebody does, please feel free to do so.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by disfugured]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 12:56 PM
Nothing sinister about the Carradine death unless you think autoerotic asphyxiation is sinister. Strange, perhaps, but not a mystery.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by TheComte
Nothing sinister about the Carradine death unless you think autoerotic asphyxiation is sinister. Strange, perhaps, but not a mystery.

I mentioned him for a reason that I've mentioned already. I mentioned him because of how at times the media portrayed him. He was labeled as a conspiracy nut. If you don't want him to be included in that list, thats fine.. but he stays on mine.

I also added him because it was very strange how he died. His death is by far the strangest of the year.

Nothing sinister is your opinion. In my opinion the whole situation of what happened reeked of something sinister.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by disfugured]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Majic

One of the most frustrating things about being a conspiracy buff is dealing with the fact that regardless of how suspicious some event may be, we are rarely able to gather enough reliable evidence to know what really happened.

So very true, we truth seekers begin with intuition. That gut feeling that something just doesn't quite add up. What separates us is that rather than just absorb the official line from the script readers on TV, we consider the larger picture.

Often times just stepping back to view the whole field exposes new pieces to the puzzle. Theories are made and we are left to draw our conclusions based only on a preponderance of the evidence.

As all truth seekers no doubt already know, a conspiracy between, and carried out by, intelligent and capable people with enormous resources, does not leave hard facts out in the open. When, on a rare occasion, the perpetrators of a conspiracy are accidentally or otherwise exposed by hard facts. It is no longer a conspiracy theory, it is news.

Stepping back to view the bigger picture surrounding Mark Pittman and questioning motives. I wonder what impact his death will have on the FED lawsuit.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by wiredamerican
reply to post by muggl3z

died Nov. 25 in Yonkers, New York. He was 52.

He was an old man. He had 52 years of life. I am putting my chips on he died of old age rather than the fed sacrificing him for the greater good of the country.

52 is not an "Old Man" nowadays. That's like saying Michael Jackson was an old man.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:43 PM

Mark Pittman doesn't strike me as either "old" or unduly overweight considering his age in this video.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by disfugured

Makes me think of Hunter S. Thompson. I highly doubt that guy really killed himself.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by wiredamerican

I wonder how old are you that consider over 50 to be old

my grandmother takes the subway in NY all the time ride the bus and she is 85, my father plays softball every weekend and he is 76.

And over 50 is old?

Yes people in this day and time are dying younger than ever due to hart problems but no because of old age.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by marg6043

It's amazing how some folks can smoke cigars and eat bacon everyday of their life and live to be 101. George Burns for instance.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 10:11 PM
I think it could easily have been a covert hit on him.. The military, CIA NSA and most of those all have ways, means, and motives everywhere for doing a little life and death engineering just like that, and they do it more often than people would believe.. The problem with people that will use these methods and have been doing it is their ego's and sense of rightness and they also believe they are protecting America, or just following orders.. We have all heard about those contingency plans they have in place to protect the current system which is connected to everything else including suppression of certain technologies and medical cures and stuff... I think the web of corruption runs so very deep right now that to see the whole truth of it would be mind boggling..
This makes it even harder though to know what is naturally happening and what is "made" to happen.. Maybe we will learn more if they release or find a true cause of death soon...

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by muggl3z

How old are you? my husband is 52 and can out run any twenty year old.

52 unless you have diabetes, by pass surgery for clogged arteries and a very diseased hart is by not means too old.

My father and and father in law are in their late seventies and still active in their old age.

Perhaps he did die of underlying hart problems due to many reasons, but for somebody that is healthy and in good shape 52 is no old at all.

Now I am not going to go into the conspiracy that he may have been killed because his challenging deeds to the fed.

I will love to know what health problems he may had that cause his early death.

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