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The Enfield Horror

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posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 12:48 AM
This is the best thread ive seen on ATS in a really long time, good work, keep it up! Has anyone ever noticed how the Native Americans expirienced a lot of horrifying things and went on like it was no big deal?

They said this place was sacred while white people called it cursed because it scared them so bad it made them go poopy. White Christian w/ a Bible gets scared of something they dont understand, they automatically label it as evil, stanic or cursed
While the Indian cheif or a Shaman would go deep into these terrifying places all alone and not seem to be too phased by it. Nerves of steel because they were either so brave, or because they had such hightened understanding and respect for forces higher than themselves. They say that a Cryptid called Heavy-Foot is what Bigfoot really is. (I dont beleive in bigfoot personally) And there was some other weird cryptid that is not well documented because the original image was destroyed somehow, it was found in a cave that was said to be cursed and the painting was a weird creature w/ antlers, a long snake's tail w/ fishfins, a lion's mane and ugly humanoid face, the thing also could fly (had weird looking wings) I dont remember what this creature was called though, could anyone help me out here?

But the depiction of this creature w/ 6 legs was not what i expected it to be, to me it looks like some type of Elemental Spirit. Either way its really ugly, would loved to have seen it myself in real life, i wonder what other weird things happen in those woods (besides what was mentioned)

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by Tyxquarra Xxxendra HoTTch

Sounds sort of like Quetzalcoatl, which isn't really a cryptid but is, in fact, a deity.
But that's probably not it.

Wikipedia has a comprehensive list of most cryptids here:

A location would also be helpful in figuring out which cryptid you are referring to.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

no, Quetzalcoatl was a feathered serpent i believe.
i think i may have heard about the thing Xxxendra is talking about. i'm racking my brain for the name.

kinda sounds like Kampe, an ancient greek mythology monster, who was put in charge of keeping the Hekatonkhaires and Cyclopes in prison by the Titans.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 11:52 AM
genius/idiot: a very enjoyable read

Sad to think that even when a cryptid is possibly benign, the locals still want to shoot it!

That type of mentality has always mystified and annoyed me! One of the reasons, the Tasmanian government is so secretive about solid sightings of the Tasmanian Tiger, is that they are concerned not only about people disturbing it's habitat, but also idiots wanting to bag a tiger!!

If this Enfield Cryptid did indeed exist, what a tragedy if it actually did fall victim to some gun-toting yokals.


[edit on 29-11-2009 by mckyle]

[edit on 29-11-2009 by mckyle]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by genius/idoit

From what I've been reading, the forest area is known for having a number of caves systems, and mines - lot's of dark and deep places for things to hide. Theoretically.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 12:29 PM
Nice thread!

An amazing story about an amazing creature.

and.... I can't stop laughing, because about 5 years ago, I made a silly "monster" drawing on our fridge-magnet doodle pad, which looks eerily similar to the artists impression of the Enfield one!
and... It's still there!!!

I have no idea where the idea came from, it just popped into my head as a wee bit of fun, to "scare" us away from raiding the fridge!
Here it is:


Whohoohoooo!!!! Don't do it!!!
Oh, and well said mckyle, on the Yokel reaction to immediately fearing and shooting any unknown creatures!

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Gordi The Drummer

Thanks Gordi.

Love the pic too

Who knows what was lurking in your subconscious when you drew it? Maybe a connection to something in your future. Perhaps some precognition going on there

Have you ever tried any experiments with precognition or 'remote viewing'?

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
Good opportunity for discussion here!

Now, what kind of relationship could exist between a cryptid and a UFO? Why would one exist? What is the connection?

What do you think?

(Insert Homer Simpson's word here)

Did you ever thing that they fly them?

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 12:56 PM
Not to hijack the thread, but I thought I would post my own unusual sighting. And I dont believe it merits it own thread either, so like I said, i'll just post it here.

I live in a small town at the base of the Adirondacks of roughly 5,000 people.
We own a decent chunk of land aside from the land our house is on. We use it mostly for hunting and firewood.

Well one day 2 summers ago, me and my good friend decided to go for a hike and see what we could see. It was an overcast day but it wasnt raining. It did however rain the 2 previous days leaving the ground soft and pliable. we ended up hiking off my property, into an adjoining property that goes even deeper into the woods. We found a patch of mud that was roughly 1.5 feet wide by 3 ft long. And this is where it gets spooky. in the mud we found 3 highly legible human tracks. The funny thing being, 1 they were barefoot and 2, they measures approimately 4-5 inches long. they looked like they belonged to a kid that was between 5-7 years of age. They were heading in the direction of even deeper into the woods. We tried looking for more to follow but we could not find any due to foliage and leaves. There was never any report of a missing child and the nearest house with children was about 1.5-2 miles away. and on top of that, we know the people and im highly positive they wouldnt let their children out that far in the deep woods, especially without shoes as it was approaching fall and it starts to get cold out early. So who knows what the story behind it could of been, but it was a highly unusual find.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by VonDoomen

That is really interesting VonDoomen

I don't suppose you took a pic of the prints?

Do you think you could find that area again?

How likely is it for someone to have been walking in that area prior to you and your friend arriving?

Thanks for sharing that with us. I find it very interesting.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by mckyle]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by mckyle
reply to post by Gordi The Drummer

Thanks Gordi.

Love the pic too

Who knows what was lurking in your subconscious when you drew it? Maybe a connection to something in your future. Perhaps some precognition going on there

Have you ever tried any experiments with precognition or 'remote viewing'?

Actually... no!
But I have had loads of strange deja-vu moments throughout my (current!) life.

The best ones were:
Dad's car broke down with a busted fan-belt, on a single-track country road, up in the highlands of Scotland, when I was about 7 years old.
Dad was stumped for a solution.
Then I said, couldn't you just phone for help, from the phone-box at the bottom of the hill?
Everyone stared at me... I'm like.."whaat???"
But it turns out that I had NEVER been in that area before. Nowhere near even. So I couldn't possibly know about a phone-box further along that road.
Eventually, in the absence of any better suggestion, my Dad rolled the car down the hill... and about a mile away, right where I said it would be... There was a phone-box!

My best pal got engaged and we all went out to dinner to celebrate.
He took me aside and said "I've just went and booked the honeymoon, I bet you can't guess where??"
I thought for a second, then said "Antigua".
His chin just hit the floor, as I couldn't possibly have known that!
Even better - It then struck me that I'd never actually heard of Antigua before!! The word "Anti-ga" had just popped into my head!

Back On-Topic...
There have been loads of "Bigfoot" type creature sightings, associated with more typical alien races like the "greys". (I'll try and find some links later)
It has been speculated that the "bigfoot" types are the manual labour, bodyguards, pets!, soldiers, explorers, etc for the dominant greys.
And that's why they are often sighted in areas with UFO and paranormal activity. (I also like the idea that they were collected elsewhere and just brought here, but I still think that they'd have to serve some purpose, otherwise... what's the point?)

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by mckyle

No unfortunately I didn't have my camera on me and the one we had at the time was very old. Like it had a slot for floppy disks, and the resolution is terrible.
I hardly ever carry a camera on me anyways, I'm always missing good shots too

I know very well, where the spot is that it happened. We've owned our land since before I was born, and I know the layout very good. Like i said we hunt on it.

Of course there's the possibility someone else was out there ahead of us, I just find it very, very unlikely. we went off-path and it starts to get pretty think out there, not to mention our properties are chock full of berry briers, which as i can attest, will poke right through denim jeans and are a B*tch to get through fully clothed, let alone barefoot
I just dont see a child of that size being out there barefoot. And most locals have a good feeling for "the woods". like i said the nearest house is 1.5-2 miles away, with a 2 lane highway/state route in front it. On a quiet day you can always wait for a car to go by and hear it. It gives you an idea of "how to get back".

so to sum it up, a very highly unusual thing to happen. I do wish I had gotten a photo of it though.

It was nice to find that though, and me and my friend always bring it up when people start talking about crazy stories.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Gordi The Drummer

Sounds like you've got some level of insight, that couldn't be easily dismissed as chance. If you get time and the inclination, maybe you can try out some basic experiments and let us know how they went

What I'd love to find out more are the number of accounts of cryptids in native lore.

I've heard conflicting stories regarding Sasquach - that he was and wasn't part of pre-Anglo American lore. I wonder if there are more stories regarding the Enfield creature?
The reason I am curious is that if there were already pre-European accounts of such creatures, then that could possibly loan credence to their existence - possibly.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by VonDoomen

Thanks for getting back to me so promptly

I could keep on asking you and Gordi questions all night about your anecdotes, as they are both areas that I can partially relate to, as well as having great interest in.

Thanks to both of you guys for making my night particularly interesting

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by mckyle
genius/idiot: a very enjoyable read

Sad to think that even when a cryptid is possibly benign, the locals still want to shoot it!

That type of mentality has always mystified and annoyed me! One of the reasons, the Tasmanian government are so secretive about solid sightings of the Tasmanian Tiger, is that they are concerned not only about people disturbing it's habitat, but also idiots wanting to bag a tiger!!

If this Enfield Cryptid did indeed exist, what a tragedy if it actually did fall victim to some gun-toting yokals.


[edit on 29-11-2009 by mckyle]

I sort of agree to a certain extent.. BUT, if I opened my door and saw that thing I would probably crap myself, and if I had a gun I would probably shoot at it..
A freaking real life monster knocking on your door.. panic? Yeeeaahh.

I wouldn't wait for it and expect it to say: "Hello, I'm from a star system far far away".

From its looks I would expect something like: "Blaaarrrghh raaawwwrr!"
And I'd be thinking based on pop culture: this thing wants to eat me.

I wouldn't take the chance to invite it for coffee.

Tasmanian tigers however is a whole other ball game.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:02 PM
On my grandparents farm, dogs would always show up that someone had abandoned in the country hoping some farmer would adopt the animal, which of course is what they always did.

Maybe ET drops these creatures off, just to watch the local yokals reaction, which they film and put on their version of utube?

I imagine it would be pretty frightening to hear some animal outside the house, going outside to expect to confront some possum or raccoon or some other typical creature only to find this strange creature. I could imagine getting the bejesus scarred out of you.

A cooler head might calm down, and try to communicate with the creature, offer it some food or water.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by TheLaughingGod

I totally understand where you're coming from, and I would poop my pants for sure, if such a creature came knocking

However, I hope I would have the peace of mind - and enough time, to rationalise what I was seeing, and step back quietly.

But I'm sure that if I was convinced that thing was going to have me for dinner, then I would try to prevent it from doing so.

The yokels I had in mind are the ones deliberately setting out to kill a unique creature.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by mckyle]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:51 PM
Re: the connection between cryptids (bigfoot) and alien activity...

I found some links for bigfoot/alien connections, unfortunately most are just blogs / forums and such, but interesting nonetheless?


"When I was 15 I had a neighbor who spoke frankly of his experiances while serving as a special forces search and rescue officer. He told me one in particular, during Vietnam he was sent on a search and rescue mission and to his surprise it was a downed ET space craft. He even scooped an injured one off the ground.

He also described how our gov't is secretly working with many alien species. One of which is the notorious BIGFOOT. He said they are not of this planet and in fact are used as physical laborers by the more intelligent ETs."


"The National Institute for Discovery Sciences, based in Las Vegas, Nevada, conducts ongoing research at several locations in the United States, one in Utah that is referred to as the Skinwalker Ranch. Dr. Colm Kelleher, PhD, a biochemist and molecular biologist, was one of the lead researchers at this location. In his book Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah, he reports that numerous anomalies have been recorded at the ranch. These included visits to the area by numerous types of UFO-like and Extraterrestrial phenomena, such as lights in the sky that alternately flew through the sky and hovered, giving the impression of intelligent control and operating much like an aerial surveillance and observation platform, as well as actual sightings of saucer-like craft and entities. Sightings of a creature closely resembling the Sasquatch was also observed and monitored at the ranch. Both Extraterrestrials and the Sasquatch were observed appearing through portals in the air. Witnesses have reported that they have sometimes had glimpses through the portals of landscapes different than that in which the witness stood, appearing almost alien in origin. These anomalies have been recorded extensively by research scientists.

With both anomalies, Extraterrestrials and the Sasquatch appearing at the same location in much the same manner, a direct connection between the two is naturally and allowably assumed. Is Sasquatch also an alien entity, an Extraterrestrial? Is it considered wildlife from another planet or dimension? Is it a "pet" of Extraterrestrials, being "let out to exercise", much the same way Humans allow their pet dogs and cats out at night? Naturally, we have no answers at this time, only speculation based on circumstantial evidence. Making this connection, though, makes for some interesting thought!"


"i'm reading a book called "UFO's Over California: A True History of Extraterrestrial Encounters in the Golden State" by Preston Dennett

someone loaned this book to me and i'm on page 10, having just started reading it today. i felt i wanted to share what i just read;

The many popular Native American legends of wise visitors from the sky could be the legacy of early California encounters. One of the first UFO-Bigfoot accounts occured in 1888, and comes from the journal of a cattleman who had wintered with a tribe of Native Americans in northern California. During his stay, he saw a member of the tribe carrying a platter of raw meat into the forest. He followed the Indian to a nearby cave. Upon entering, he was amazed to see the Indian feeding the meat to a large, hairy man-like creature. The creature was totally covered with thick hair, except for its palms. Also, the creature had no neck, but was much larger than a man. The Indian tribe called him "Crazy Bear" and explained that he had come to the earth in a "small moon" which carried two other similar creatures. Inside the "small moon" were several other entities who were human-looking, only were very short and they wore shiny, silver clothes. After disgorging the three creatures, the object took off into space. The Indians told the cattleman that similar incidents had happened throughout the years, but only rarely"


"Other creatures, including what appeared to be Bigfoot and an unknown, semi-transparent entity, were also said to have been encountered on the property."

Does anyone know of any other sightings of a creature with the specific Enfield horror type of body??

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Tyxquarra Xxxendra HoTTch

I think the word you are looking for is Wendigo. Hope somebody didn't beat me to it.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 03:29 PM
a grown man would want to explore and document any strange behavior. id love to go in the woods and try to find what everybody is so scared of. its probably just an angry bear.

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