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Peice of AA Flt 77 fell into car via sunroof

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posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by RipCurl

"Eye witnesses confirmed seeing an American Airlines plane fly toward and hit the pentagon."

Have You, really researched the witnesses testimony? If you had you would actually know how many actually said they saw Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.

If there is sufficient evidence to prove Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon, please post it. There will be never any evidence to prove it because Flight 77 didn't crash at the Pentagon.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 11:51 PM
What I find ridiculous is that the article claims she:

built a patriotic box to preserve this piece of...

Is that how you build something? It's a friggin' shoebox with silver stars on the lid.

Even Martha Stewart would facepalm that attempt...


posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Skyline666
reply to post by RipCurl

"Eye witnesses confirmed seeing an American Airlines plane fly toward and hit the pentagon."

Have You, really researched the witnesses testimony? If you had you would actually know how many actually said they saw Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.

If there is sufficient evidence to prove Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon, please post it. There will be never any evidence to prove it because Flight 77 didn't crash at the Pentagon.

really? These eyewitness claims to seeing the impact have been online for you to research for YEARS.

Steve Anderson

I witnessed the jet hit the Pentagon on September 11.

From my office on the 19th floor of the USA TODAY building in Arlington, Va., I have a view of Arlington Cemetery, Crystal City, the Pentagon, National Airport and the Potomac River.

Tuesday morning, September 11, started out to be like any other day. The air was crisp and the sky was clear. I arrived at my office at about 6:45 a.m. I noted US Air and Delta flights taking off from Reagan National Airport. I figured the weather must be clear up the coast as the shuttle flights were taking off on time.

I made it through my morning regimen of reading five newspapers and scanning several websites. I was feeling pretty good about the fact that I had accomplished so much before the workday actually started.

I turned my attention to e-mail and then checked the newswires to see what went on in the world overnight. At about 8:50 a.m. a bulletin came across the wire stating a plane had crashed in to the World Trade Center. I turned on the television in my office and about 10 of us watched the black smoke rising above the colossal structure. The first reports said a small plane hit the tower. We all thought it must have been the result of a pilot having a heart attack. ....

Deb Anlauf

Anlauf was watching TV coverage of the Trade Center burning shortly before 9:30 a.m. when she decided to return to her 14th-floor room from another part of the hotel. Once in her room, she heard a "loud roar" and looked out the window to see what was going on.
"Suddenly I saw this plane right outside my window," Anlauf said during a telephone interview from her hotel room this morning. "You felt like you could touch it; it was that close. It was just incredible.
"Then it shot straight across from where we are and flew right into the Pentagon. It was just this huge fireball that crashed into the wall (of the Pentagon). When it hit, the whole hotel shook."

Mike Dobbs

Marine Corps officer Mike Dobbs was standing on one of the upper levels of the outer ring of the Pentagon looking out the window when he saw an American Airlines 737 twin-engine airliner strike the building.

"It seemed to be almost coming in in slow motion," he said later Tuesday. "I didn't actually feel it hit, but I saw it and then we all started running. They evacuated everybody around us."

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 11:57 PM
Gary Bauer

"I was in a massive traffic jam, hadn't moved more than a hundred yards in twenty minutes. ... I had just passed the closest place the Pentagon is to the exit on 395 . . . when all of a sudden I heard the roar of a jet engine.""I looked at the woman sitting in the car next to me. She had this startled look on her face. We were all thinking the same thing. We looked out the front of our windows to try to see the plane, and it wasn't until a few seconds later that we realized the jet was coming up behind us on that major highway. And it veered to the right into the Pentagon. The blast literally rocked all of our cars. It was an incredible moment

Sean Boger

"I just looked up and I saw the big nose and the wings of the aircraft coming right at us and I just watched it hit the building," Air Traffic Controller and Pentagon tower chief Sean Boger said. "It exploded. I fell to the ground and covered my head. I could actually hear the metal going through the building."

These are just a few witnesses. there are many more if you wish to do one inch of research.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 12:07 AM
I am aware of these witnesses & the others, but I should have rephrased my question. My question is - did they see Flight 77, An American Airlines Jet impact the Pentagon, or something else?

This piece of 'evidence' that apparently fell into a car via a sunroof, is just as absurd as the light pole in Lloyds taxi windshield.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by RipCurl

All wrong every bit of your information is nothing but a fairytale and that is a fact.

Flight 77 hit the pentagon.

Prove it, where is your evidences? Or is this your “opinion” based on the phony 911 commission report that half of the commissioners have already admitted to lying to us.
Is that the proof that your our basing your opinion on?

American Airlines confirmed it was their plane (they had sent their own employees to the pentagon that day, to start identifying the plane parts).

They did? I like to see where you got that information from, source pleases.
What airplane parts did they identify; did they record the serial numbers on the time change out parts where are these reports?

The NTSB identified it as American Airlines flight 77.

I thought you said it was AA that identified the plane.

Control tower reports confirmed it was Flight 77

Can we see these reports of what the Tower said because, my understanding is the Tower controllers destroyed the tapes of the events that happened that morning, don’t you agree?

Eye witneses confirmed seeing an American Airlines plane fly toward and hit the pentagon.

Would you care to show us the all these reports of these eyewitness that all said it was definitely AA that flew into the pentagon?

Physical evidence proves that it was Flight 77 that hit the pentagon.

Would you please provide what physical evidence that proves Flight 77 supposently hit the pentagon?

The DNA evidence proves that the passengers aboard flight 77, were found in and around teh crash site at the pentagon.

Can you produce those reports that confirm the DNA evidence?

Forensics proves a plane hit the pentagon.

Could you please produce those forensic reports, because I have a problem with hearsay information, thank you?

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by Skyline666
I am aware of these witnesses & the others, but I should have rephrased my question. My question is - did they see Flight 77, An American Airlines Jet impact the Pentagon, or something else?

well they woudln't know the flight number. but many witnesses specifically stated "American Airlines" and "A silver jet with red stripes" to identify the plane.

flight 77 was the only flight that American Airlines lost track of AFTER the WTC attacks. Air Traffic controller who followed the flight confirmed

This piece of 'evidence' that apparently fell into a car via a sunroof, is just as absurd as the light pole in Lloyds taxi windshield.

The light pole that crashed in to the taxi cab happened (this DID happen during morning traffic so a light pole hitting a car is not that unusual), however, the piece of debris is hard to know since I have'nt seen it. Could have been from anything, even from the light poles themselves.

But if AMerican Airlines participated in donating it, then Im sure they confirmed the identification of the piece in question.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by impressme
reply to post by RipCurl

All wrong every bit of your information is nothing but a fairytale and that is a fact.

Flight 77 hit the pentagon.

Prove it, where is your evidences? Or is this your “opinion” based on the phony 911 commission report that half of the commissioners have already admitted to lying to us.
Is that the proof that your our basing your opinion on?

Evidence. American Airlines identified the plane parts (they had sent their employees to the crash site immediately that day) . Reports from the clean up crews (identifying the plane parts). Debris of an American Airlines plane all over the front lawn of the crash site. The forensic teams there and their assessments. DNA evidence that had been collected identifying all but 1 of the passengers. Witness testimonies...

What do you have that proves it wasn't?

Phony 911 commission? You're going to have to do better than that. Did you even read their report? did you read follow up reports and books on the subjects they addressed?

They did? I like to see where you got that information from, source pleases.
What airplane parts did they identify; did they record the serial numbers on the time change out parts where are these reports?

they were there to identify that its was parts from an American Airlines plane. The serial numbers were to be confirmed by the NTSB and then later the FBI after the investigation was turned over to them. Specifically if it was their chairs, their coloration of surviving ulphostery, and life vests and any material that would make idenitifcation easier. In depth look happened once the physical pieces were taken to a laboratory for further examination, where confirmation was made by NTSB and the FBI.

If you are in doubt, here is the contact information for American Airlines:
American Airlines Customer Relations
P.O. Box 619612 MD 2400
DFW Airport, TX 75261-9612
Fax: (817) 967-4162

no one is stopping you from contacting those who would know better.

I thought you said it was AA that identified the plane.

AA identified it as their plane (upholstery was in their color, their bulkheads, etc). NTSB identified it as Flight 77. FBI confirmed it as Flight 77.

Would you care to show us the all these reports of these eyewitness that all said it was definitely AA that flew into the pentagon?

they've been online since 2001. No one is stopping you from using google to look for them. Why are truthers so damn lazy?

Would you please provide what physical evidence that proves Flight 77 supposently hit the pentagon?

reports are online. Not my problem if you can't be bother to do a inch of research. Im not here to do your homework.

The DNA evidence proves that the passengers aboard flight 77, were found in and around teh crash site at the pentagon.

Can you produce those reports that confirm the DNA evidence?

available online since 2002. Google is a great tool. You may want to use it some time.

You can start with this report:

And this report:

Forensics proves a plane hit the pentagon.

Could you please produce those forensic reports, because I have a problem with hearsay information, thank you?

10 second search on google yielded several sites. Here is the report done that shows the collection of evidence, DNA, and forensics

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by mikelee
AA Flt 77 peice

Looks like a piece of the leading edge of the wing, you can see the black heating boot still attached in areas.

Originally posted by dashen
If the 747 was low enough to clip the light poles, and she was close enough UNDER the plane to have a peice of the plane magically fly in through her sun roof, shouldn't the jet's exhaust flipped the car right the hell over?

First, it was a 757, which is a VASTLY smaller aircraft then a 747, which is one of the largest. 757's are narrowbody aircraft, and not much larger in diameter then a DC-9.

Second, no. You have to be directly behind a running aircraft engine for the air to get UNDER your car, lift it, and flip it over. Even then the engine has to be running at high power to have any amount of lift at a distance greater then the tail of the aircraft. We used to drive behind them running at lower speed all the time.

Originally posted by jam321
When Colombia exploded over East Texas, many people were sent to jail for picking up pieces and trying to keep them. It was part of an investigation.
Am I wrong?

Yes you are wrong. There are two factors in the Colombia incident that you not apply here. First, they were worried about people interacting with HIGHLY toxic reactant chemicals that spilled from ruptured reactant tanks. Secondly, they had to do an accident investigation as to why the Colombia suffered a failure. They only do that if they are unsure of what failed to cause an accident. They do not do it for a known cause such as a highjacking. In the case of 911, nothing on the aircraft themselves failed, so they do not have to rebuild the aircraft for an investigation.

Originally posted by Now_Then
But yes it could flip a car - but it would have to pass directly over it... And actually thinking about it the aircraft is moving... Whenever you see them flip a car with a jet in on the TV for some reason they have a stationarl passenger jet and then wind the engines up... A plance flying over head would not have the same effect as the jet blast is passing and not focused...

Even more important is the direction of the jet blast. If the aircraft is passing over, the wind comes down from above and pushes down on the car, which cars are designed to take, but if the engine is on the ground it causes the air to flow under the car providing lift to the car body and can cause it to flip. Most people should be familiar with things such as spoilers on cars, which force the car downward to stay in contact with the road at high speeds, same idea really.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 04:13 AM
A lot of information is being simply quoted from a variety of websites in which many of them (the websites) have not verified or evidenced very well, their sources & information. Here are some facts:

* The FBI, DIA (defense intelligence agency) FAA, NTSB, Pentagon Police, Washington PD etc all did their investigations into the Pentagon and came up with the same conclusion...A plane was flown into the Pentagon.

* Multiple witnesses stated they SAW-SEEN-WITNESSED a plane fly into the Pentagon.

* American Airlines positively indentified the aircraft in question that flew into the Pentagon, as their aircraft and eventually that being Flight 77.

I'll admit that there are numerous inconsistencys with the OS and I do not believe it entirely however, many of the "theories" surrounding the events of 911 are full of just as many inconsistencys some of which resemble the notions of a hollywood action movie.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 04:14 AM
I'm wondering whether anyone beside myself actually listened to the mp3 of the phone interview by Jeff Hill with the lady in question. It's only 2.4MB so you don't need broadband to listen to it.

This interview

She provides some insight into a number of contentious issues like:

Her description of the flight supports a south of CITGO flight path
Supports the plane's impact with the poles
Supports the impact with the Pentagon
Describes the debris left in the plane's wake
Describes it as being a passenger jet
etc etc

I guess it's obvious that all this testimony would desperately need to be discredited and thrown out by anyone wanting to cling to the belief that there was no plane or no impact, or neither.

I'm not throwing it out

I guess that makes me a govt disinfo agent but the only problem with that is I'm not an american, have never been there and actually reside in a place in the world almost diametrically opposite the USA plus I have virtually zero interest in US politics.

[edit on 30/11/2009 by Pilgrum]

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by Pilgrum

I did listen to it and it sounds legit to me.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:02 PM
Alright, the jet-wash flipping the car is a stretch, but at the very least, a jet that low over her car should have deafened her a bit. And she just went home. And what are the odds of a piece of flight 77, will fall into the open sunroof of a moving vehicle. Also, not to mention, that in total, the amount of wreckage found, going by the very few "official " photos amounts to something the size of a minivan.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 08:48 PM
Lets not forget the 20ft hole in the Pentagon, pre collapse....which a plane of that size could not possibly have created....


Or the really weird looking exit hole which even my pet monkey says was a missile...


Personally, this shows conclusively that no plane hit....

So where did the piece of plane come from...??

I liked the "patriotic" touch though....
with the shoebox etc....a subtle psychobabble trick methinks!!

[edit on 1-12-2009 by benoni]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 08:49 PM

[edit on 1-12-2009 by benoni]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by benoni

The exterior hole is compatible with a 757, which only has a fuselage diameter of 13 feet, about the same size as a DC-9.

Originally posted by benoni
Or the really weird looking exit hole which even my pet monkey says was a missile...

Buy a smarter monkey then…
That hole was made by a piece of the forward cargo hold door frame, which I identifiable by the ring of holes in this chunk of debris…

Off topic really though, the subject of this thread is:
“ Peice of AA Flt 77 fell into car via sunroof”

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 10:24 PM
hey monkey's smart enough thankyou....

And if you believe that beautifully circular hole was made by "a forward cargo hold door frame" I suggest you get yourself down to your nearest pet store...

You need to make a

Or are you joking?
For your sake i hope so...

And, I dont believe this is off topic....

If there was no plane, which I show above, then the OP is BS and you know it...

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by benoni

Well, I know that’s what that is, because I used to see it twice a day.
It exists right above the cargo bin light switch panel, on several Boeing and Macdonald aircraft models. What its for I have no idea, but I suspect it has something to do with pressurization.

The hole is much wider then 20 feet across, and fits very nicely with the 757 out past the engines. Yes, they last few feet of each wing sheared, but did cause some superficial damage to the building, same with the tail. The tail on a 757 is empty airfoil containing nothing but hydraulics, unlike aircraft such as the 727, which has tail mounted engines requiring tail reinforcement. The last 10 or so feet of each wing is the narrowest and weakest part of the aircraft and thus it would shear off, and break up.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by dashen
Alright, the jet-wash flipping the car is a stretch, but at the very least, a jet that low over her car should have deafened her a bit. And she just went home. And what are the odds of a piece of flight 77, will fall into the open sunroof of a moving vehicle. Also, not to mention, that in total, the amount of wreckage found, going by the very few "official " photos amounts to something the size of a minivan.

If you listen to the mp3 of the phone interview much is explained and it didn't fall through the sunroof , as that version is an invention by people with 1/2 the story or even less to go on. It's not as if reporters don't use a little poetic license now and then to fill in the gaps in the tale.

Traffic on that side of the road was at a standstill for example.
She explains how she had to transfer a lot of stuff that was in the front seat to the rear seat so a distraught woman could have a place to sit. This was done in a hurry and some of her items fell onto the road, were hurriedly picked up and thrown into the rear seat. The piece of debris was picked up among the stuff on the ground without taking much notice of what it was at the time (it was not done calmly).

She also describes the amount and type of debris that had suddenly appeared all over the place after the plane had passed through and hit the building. She had to drive over it to get out of there and was concerned about getting a punctured tyre.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 01:42 AM
seems quite strange to me that no wreckage(other than a few bits and pieces that were conveniently small enough to be carried..)was found at the seats, no fuselage, no wings, no engines, no luggage, no nothing, yet this woman claims to have a piece of the very plane that no one else could find!!

Something fishy if you ask me...

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