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User Generated Content. Where Is It? A Call To The Membership

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posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 05:04 PM
ATS Is What You Make It

If there's something you'd like to see more of on ATS, whether specific topics, types of discussion or preferences in style, the best way to promote it is to post accordingly.

Or, if you prefer: Post unto others as you would have them post unto you.

We as individuals may not always (or even usually) agree with the interests or tastes of other members in aggregate, but each of us has the power to do something about it, even if only on a small scale.

That said, the tiniest spark can kindle the flames of revolution.

Just sayin'

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by December_Rain
Also lot of unreliable sources(private blogs, no facts etc) are being used as sources in discussions but also as sources to create new threads which not only degrades the quality of informations but the quality of ATS itself.

Yeah... I'm with you on that, in my humble personal opinion.

For an artsy fartsy liberal-type B-personality guy, I avoid blogs like crazy. To me, they're the same as reading one member on ATS only and having everyone else on ignore. Borinnnng.

You'd think a guy like me would go for them like flies to cow patties.

If I'm going to start a thread on something, then the way to go for me is what is lovingly called 'credible sources'. The only time I use anything like a blog is when I quote from books. I do that a lot, but, those books are the kind that deal mostly with facts and they are written by people who actually had to get published. Not an easy thing to do.

Anybody can do blogs. I've even got a website of my own
but I sure haven't been published (for my writing, I have for art, so I don't want to be caught fibbing)

Anyways, I'd sure like it if the sources were better. You know what they say about bloggers... everybody's got one.


[edit on 28/11/09 by masqua]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Majic

That said, the tiniest spark can kindle the flames of revolution.

True but ... a hat would keep my head all warm and fuzzy, my thinking brain is in there that does the threadz.

A hat carrot, if one were to once more be dangled before me, would sure improve the quality of my contributiuns.

Consider this very post as a postomatopoeia (tm pending) of such disposition.

[edit on 28 Nov 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 06:16 PM
I started threads and stuff.

After the last one I started was shot down as being too obvious, I haven't had the desire to start another. I see no real reason to research and try to assemble good info to have it shot down.

I'll just meander my way through the palin threads as they seem to be a good constant.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 06:29 PM
link me get this straight - this isn't enough for some people...

Free membership with access to a media portal where virtually unlimited video and audio files can be posted and blogs are hosted.

A discussion board covering a myriad of subjects relating to conspiracys, paranormal, political and religious subjects, and a seperate board (BTS) that covers social aspects and other things that don't fit into the "unusual" category

A user system where flagged threads get put to the top of the board and appear on the main site entrance pages for as long as they continue to garner interest.


A set of Terms and Conditions that discourages personal attacks on members, emphasises civility and protects members interests by ensuring their posts aren't stolen by other sites/ripped off/plagiarised elsewhere.

All that is bad is it?

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by blupblup
Most people are interested in hoaxes and "My friend in the Illuminati told me..." or "Christians/atheists are stupid"

I just don't bother.

Never been much of a thread starter really.
Most people just post what they read on some news site and repost it here?
I mean... wow.... the thought that takes

I've never been a thread starter and It's mainly because i see the kind of threads that do well and it certainly doesn't inspire me.
I'll stick to my sarcastic, dry and sometimes insightful replies.
Does me just fine.

Hell yeah, it's the only way to post on ATS these days.

All I see on this site are articles that are posted from a news site. Then they just get discussed to death but it's cool, apparently, there's a new batch of crappy articles tomorrow. I find the greatest irony of this alternative media site is the fact that it seems to need the mainstream media to survive.

I can't start threads. They're pretty crappy half of the time, so I've got no choice but to comment sarcastically in most threads.

I kinda miss the threads in the paranormal section where teens with grammar issues post about being getting so0o0o0o fired up that they blew up their house. Oh, and the ones where people try to come across like badass, washed up demon hunters.

Still, this IS the best site for fringe stuff. Just sucks that there are still Palin threads made everyday.

[edit on 28-11-2009 by Whine Flu]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by PrisonerOfSociety

Originally posted by PrisonerOfSociety
I feel there is a hidden agenda by the 'management' to provide more mainstream and acceptable threads, to appease both their investors and pave the way for more saturated ads.

I have difficulty understanding this logic. Aren't there already ample avenues for advertising to mainstream audiences? If you want to get to the CT guys, wouldn't it make sense to build a site most appealing to them?

Who are these investors you speak of????

Aside from the occasional and unfortunate overzealous judgment of a MOD or two, on very rare occasion, what's your evidence that threads must meet some hidden agenda?

As long as within the T&C, no one has ever told me I couldn't post whatever I wanted.

Originally posted by PrisonerOfSociety
Guess what, you can swear, vilify, denigrate, whatever your dirty digital fingers can muster. Those posts / threads will either die quickly, or spark interest, but to smother content by saying it's off-topic or circumvented profanity, is pandering to the wrong audience. ATS should focus on their adult demographic and if kids are offended, tough 5hit, go and play on FaceBook.

I come here because I don't have to sift through that kind of nonsense.

Originally posted by PrisonerOfSociety
TBH, i feel it's pointless writing this post, as it will probably be removed by some power-hungry mod; another reason why i won't be creating anymore threads.

I'll just lurk occasionally and if i get banned, it's ATS' loss, not mine. They made the mistake of banning too many members with solid credentials. Perhaps their content was too close to the truth.

Deny ignorance...yeah whatever.

I see what your real anger is about now.

Isn't that a different subject than the one presented in this thread? Is it really fair to even raise that issue, when all of the facts are not publicly known?

Back on point... I've reviewed your posting history. Have you at any time been coached on the content of your threads in any way?

Help deny ignorance, please.

reply to post by Seiko

Originally posted by Seiko
I started threads and stuff.

After the last one I started was shot down as being too obvious, I haven't had the desire to start another. I see no real reason to research and try to assemble good info to have it shot down.

It's true you need thick skin around here. Even mine feels thin on occasion.

But don't give up!

There are people who read and like what you write, even if they are not as vocal as the ones who don't.

Even I have had to be reminded of that on ocassion.

reply to post by Majic

Originally posted by Majic
ATS Is What You Make It

Yes it is.

Go write good content, people. The rest will take care of itself.


On a more general note, I've never really understood the objections to subject matter-- regardless of how outlandish. If you really don't like a subject, why do you even bother to read it?

I say debunk to your heart's content. Deny ignorance with a vengeance. But why pre-empt discussion simply because you think you have the corner market on truth?

I would not welcome such a trend.

[edit on 28-11-2009 by loam]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 07:32 PM
I say post em all,let ATS sort em out!Who am I to say what some one else might find interesting?If I find something that I think somebody might not see any where but here I post it,yeah some of it sucks but even the truly bad threads give you an insight into your community.

edit everybody sees the yahoo news page.If it wasn't for ATS how would I know to stock up on Eggos???

[edit on 28-11-2009 by genius/idoit]

[edit on 28-11-2009 by genius/idoit]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by neformore

It's not that we are not grateful, we are. But we feel like serfs under the tyrannical king in some respects. The original thread subject asks why are the quality threads not being posted. Some have posted what they believe is the reason for the falling number/quality of new threads.

Take that however you want, but as a wise man said long ago, A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: - Solomon Prov: 1:5

[edit on 28-11-2009 by skepticantiseptic]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by genius/idoit
If it wasn't for ATS how would I know to stock up on Eggos???

Damn right!

I'm known for the cutting edge nature of my threads.

[edit on 28-11-2009 by loam]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by loam

From Bill's own mouth...

We Love Lots of Lurkers
Why? Because a community with significantly more lurkers than contributors has evolved to a collaborative ideal that embraces a content model of interest beyond the boundaries of the community members. This is when the magic happens and we begin to see a self-feeding engine of increasing community pride with ever higher standards of conduct and quality. It doesn't matter if your community is the spawn of passion from the founders, or a need to service brand users... finding the "secret sauce" to attracting broad traffic in your niche is vital.

I see the above as saying that users contributing thread content are secondary; the primary motive is for the plethora of mods to filter content that goes against the above mantra. Content will be carefully chosen to appease the lurkers eyes!

Anything antisemitic seems to be an undertone for the recent bans, especially dooper. Basically, the agenda is to have selective (modded) content so it attracts more lurkers who will 'buy' into the evolving advertising biz model, that will become more and more intrusive as it becomes more and more mainstream.

You asked "Who are these investors you speak of????", well here it is:

The undisclosed six-figure funding amount was provided by a private investment group...

ATS equity capitalization

You stated "I've reviewed your posting history. Have you at any time been coached on the content of your threads in any way?" Not sure what you mean, can you elaborate please. Are mods taken into a smoke-filled room once initiated and 'coached' into how to filter content?

Again, i remind you that the internet should be an expression of free speech, not a portal to google bomb content and oust any competition.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 08:39 PM
I post a bit of everything..
Somethings I thing really cool get nothing
somethings I think lame snowball...

you just never know until its out there

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by PrisonerOfSociety

You stated "I've reviewed your posting history. Have you at any time been coached on the content of your threads in any way?" Not sure what you mean, can you elaborate please.

If loam doesn't mind I'll take this one.

PoS, insult the owners and staff of this board at your leisure but please don't insult our intelligence.

The peeps you're pimping and playing point man for are clearly visible and your motives transparent.

I wonder what you will say should they ever become popular enough to require one tenth of the expenses this website requires? Will they start advertising? Probably, since the only thing they've done since opening their doors is pretty much emulate ATS.

And tell them schrodingersdong sent you and ty for changing my username to that.

Nothing but class from the mutual admiration circle jerk society of the bestest ATS members ever!

[edit on 28 Nov 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by neformore

A set of Terms and Conditions that discourages personal attacks on members,

I love this site, I've said it many times, but more recently it seems personal attacks are becoming more and more the norm TBH.
Older members on the whole can hack it, I have done it myself, just a few days ago I tried to turn the tables a bit on one or two of the usual culprits, and got a welcome response from some who thanked me for it.

Yeah I know here I go again, for the older members it's not fine but endured because they don't take it personally, even after the SO get a spine thread, many did, but new members don't realize it, I encouraged a friend to join up a month or two back, he phoned me and said no way was he going to contribute, because he felt like if he opened his mouth, he couldn't handle what was being thrown around for no reason, I recommended the site to him, because the guy is a genius, has so much to offer.

But what he said to me got me pissed off, he spent hours going through threads on different forums, and he said the flag is a popularity contest, more than an agreement with the statement, so we both sat together and went back maybe 3 years, and he pointed it out, and is absolutely right, which is why I have been trying to fight back a bit.

There are some posts which in their own right should have been threads, lots of information, well researched, links, pictures, the whole deal, yet they are without a single star, yet there are posts which do nothing but rip the crap out of people, and they have 3,4,5 stars, that IMO does nothing to encourage thread making, it scares people into keeping their mouth shut, because of that we are all missing out, all of us.

This is a fantastic site, the star does nothing for me really, I am not here for that, or the points, but it does encourage you if your contribution is recognized as worthwhile, rather than the post calling you an idiot for your opinion getting them instead.

It also doesn't help when the attention span comes down to maybe 1 or 2 pages, then a leap to the end to make your point, which is evident on every long thread, usually because it's so obvious when they make a comment or ask a question that was asked and cleared up on page 3 of a 15 page thread, I doubt anything could be done about that though, but I have seen people pulling people who do that up about it.

I've said it before, we need a red star along side the blue star, so the popular flagging because who they are can be countered, thereby showing those who do that, the reason for having the star in the first place is for agreement or member applause by members, and not because they think they are funny or cool.

Like someone else said, I miss the way it used to be, and people will make threads again if they knew other members appreciate their opinion, and not that of fools, which would happen with a red star.

But just my opinion, I would rather pay a subscription than keep watching people torn apart for a laugh.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by PrisonerOfSociety

Originally posted by PrisonerOfSociety
From Bill's own mouth...

We Love Lots of Lurkers
Why? Because a community with significantly more lurkers than contributors has evolved to a collaborative ideal that embraces a content model of interest beyond the boundaries of the community members. This is when the magic happens and we begin to see a self-feeding engine of increasing community pride with ever higher standards of conduct and quality. It doesn't matter if your community is the spawn of passion from the founders, or a need to service brand users... finding the "secret sauce" to attracting broad traffic in your niche is vital.

I see the above as saying that users contributing thread content are secondary;

(On a side note, it would be helpful if you would provide links please.)

If you mean by secondary, second to "broad traffic" in a "niche", I don't understand your concern. ATS' niche includes those interested in 'alternative' topics of discussion. Does it surprise you that this site would be interested in maximizing that potential within the niche?

When you say:

Originally posted by PrisonerOfSociety
...the primary motive is for the plethora of mods to filter content that goes against the above mantra. Content will be carefully chosen to appease the lurkers eyes!

I don't see that expressed in Bill's statement. Can you show me where it says that?

Originally posted by PrisonerOfSociety
Anything antisemitic seems to be an undertone for the recent bans, especially dooper.

I don't know the specific details of his banning, and I'm not sure you do either. So, it is inappropriate for me to speculate.

For now, I give the benefit-of-the-doubt to this site.

Originally posted by PrisonerOfSociety
Basically, the agenda is to have selective (modded) content so it attracts more lurkers who will 'buy' into the evolving advertising biz model, that will become more and more intrusive as it becomes more and more mainstream.

So you say. But I still don't see where you get "modded content" in the sense you use it.

The fact that this is a commercial site with a commercial interest is not repugnant to me. ATS is entitled to make money, if it can.

I choose how and when I participate. So I'm not really understanding your point.

If what you say is true, and ATS decides it wants to go more 'mainstream' and starts limiting the topics of discussion to an unacceptable (to me) degree, then I will go elsewhere.

Plain. Simple.

This ain't a marriage. It's just a message board.

Originally posted by PrisonerOfSociety
Again, i remind you that the internet should be an expression of free speech, not a portal to google bomb content and oust any competition.

I mean no offense, but I think you're confused.

ATS is in fact a commercial endeavor, doing exactly that, freely expressing speech.

The fact that it does not conform to your specific desire with respect to the speech it expresses (even if by proxy), seems to be the very thing you're advocating. So where's the problem?

Governments confer rights...

Companies confer products and services...

When you own yours, you'll expect the same autonomy.

[edit on 28-11-2009 by loam]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

SD, i have no affiliation nor intent with 'them'. I noticed you were vilified from the get-go, in the same thread where i found about dooper.

I also find the clone they have created interesting, kinda sets off more CT alarm bells and the skulduggery that goes on to attain market penetration in the run-up to 2012 and the $$ possibilities to be had. Post 2012, it's back to normality; the Earth will spin as always and people will move onto pastures greener.

The bottom line SD.........CT is a business, plain and simple. The likes of AJ are perfect examples of how it's possible to capitalise on peoples fears and make money from the lurker crowd gleaning info from UGC.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 09:34 PM
TTT, you know I love you to pieces.


I'm in... college.

But I am making new threads while I am home. As in, I'm going to make one right now.

As soon as I come up with a good idea.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by PrisonerOfSociety

In that case I retract my accusation.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 09:40 PM
If people don't return to the TOPIC of the opening post this thread will be closed and warnings handed out.

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