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Virologists present scientific report announcing H1N1 esacaped from a lab. Read the report.

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posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 06:52 PM
Never thougt I'd do a piggy thread, however please read this PDF .

Over 26 000 downloads since its first day of release (26th NOV) of this scientific report from 3 Virologists claiming man made origin for H1N1.

The three parents of the virus may have been assembled in one place by natural means, such as by migrating birds, however the consistent link with pig viruses suggests that human activity was involved.

The Virologist report issued by Doctors Adrian Gibb a, John S Armstrong and Jean C Downie released a few days ago has caused shockwaves through the medical community. The report is called
"From where did the 2009 'swine-origin' influenza A virus (H1N1) emerge?"

These Doctors of Virology suggest it "escaped " from lab, but the document present very clear arguements for how this flu was in fact created, and that the reason the swine strain was 'off radar' was because it was isolated only in a lab.

The research suggested more tests be done on laboratories "which share and propagate a range of swine influenza viruses....if the virus was generated by laboratory activity it would explain why it had "escaped surveillance for over a decade".

Dr Gibbs said yesterday it likely came from a lab, and that all effort should be found to find the LAB source.

We contrast that suggestion with the possibility that laboratory errors involving the sharing of virus isolates and cultured cells, or perhaps vaccine production, may have been involved. Gene sequences from isolates that bridge the time and phylogenetic gap between the new virus and its parents will distinguish between these possibilities, and we suggest where they should be sought.

It is important that the source of the new virus be found if we wish to avoid future pandemics rather than just trying to minimize the consequences after they have emerged. Influenza virus is a very significant zoonotic pathogen. Public confidence in influenza research, and the agribusinesses that are based on influenza's many hosts, has been eroded by several recent events involving the virus.

In the report conclusion the scientists call for a registry of all created virus to avoid such a pandemic in the future:

"Measures to restore confidence include establishing an international framework co-ordinating surveillance, research and commercial work with this virus and a registry of all influenza isolates held for research and vaccine production," /ex]

[edit on 28-11-2009 by zazzafrazz]

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

I don't know anything about biology to make a decision on this information. however, my gut feeling as that indeed it is man made, and the people responsible for covering it up as a natural thing profited from this inconvienant spread.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 07:00 PM
Hehe I knew It, looking forward to more of those reports

And now they are creating this :

Enjoy the ride

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 07:03 PM
i seriously doubt we would engineer a superstrain of influenza... what possibly for? Wouldnt make a good weapon unless your trying whipe out isolated indiginous tribes.

i just dont see why it would have been made


posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Tomb_Raven

Read the report

It suggests it "escaped" the lab, and that they have these viruses created for vaccine creation and other testing purposes. Though truth is we will never find how it go t out.

They call for a registry of all strains to be disclosed.

[edit on 27-11-2009 by zazzafrazz]

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 07:48 PM
Just sounds like they are just speculating and saying there needs to be measures taken to safegaurd the system.....but hey, great holiday greeting

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Still have to read the original report... But if true, could there be no greater crime against humanity?

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 08:22 PM
Well, the report doesn't offer anything conclusive - however, these experts know more about recombinomics than I do. I suspected from the onset that this was man made. It seemed strange that it was combined from 3 disparate virus that were found on three different continents. It seemed highly unlikely that nature would have created the opportunity for these three virus to recombine. This needs to be fully investigated, the perpetrators charged and future events prevented.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 08:36 PM
Interesting. Sister Teresa also said that this virus was made in a lab among other things and her video was very convincing for me. I don't doubt this was made in a lab and it wouldn't surprise me if more people come forward in the coming months saying the same things.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by kozmo

Yes your right, It doesnt offer conclusive as in "it came from here", but they cant really do that can they? Its great that some scientists who are doctors in virology came out to explain that it could not be naturally formed, rather there was lab intervention in combining the swine strain tho the 3 avian strains.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 12:19 PM
As I recall, hurricane Ike hit a bioweapons research facility in Texas. That was September of last year. Maybe that was the source.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 12:36 PM
H1N1 has been around for a long time. It was the virus behind the "Spanish Flu" in 1918, and H1N1 was also behind the last swine flu outbreak in the United States back in 1975.

Are you saying it was bio-engineered way back before 1918?

If the current strain was engineered as a weapon, it's not a very good one, considering that the great majority of people who contract this strain get over it pretty easily.

[edit on 11/28/2009 by Soylent Green Is People]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 12:57 PM
"If the current strain was engineered as a weapon, it's not a very good one, considering that the great majority of people who contract this strain get over it pretty easily."

The effectiveness of this bio-weapon is irrelevant. As long as it gave the disreputable folks at WHO and in the media an excuse to run around screaming pandemic and vaccination, it served its purpose.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 01:01 PM
Ok, I've read Adrian Gibbs' paper, and he's made a few false assumptions. His whole thesis depends on the assumption that North American, European, and Asian swine herds and chicken flocks are hermetically isolated from each other and couldn't have infected each other.

So, here's the false assumptions as I see them:

First, he assumes a far higher level of quality control and quarantine for the international swine trade than actually exists. Swine herds are not monitored for much, there is no regular testing for them (that cost money, you know). So infected animals can easily pass through. He neglects to take into account that the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, and many deals were struck to import and export a variety of animals. For several years the quarantines and observation of imported animals was pretty much non-existent. This time frame corresponds to the emergence of the North American versions in European herds. So the possibility of reassortment within swine herds is high to the point of being close to a certainty.

Second, he misidentifies the origin as Mexico. The first cases have been id'd as coming out of California, not Mexico.

Third, he postulates a chain of sloppy handling in a multitude of labs.

Fourth, he fails to account for how it got from lab to population.

Fifth, he fails to account for the possibility that live virus vaccines may have contributed to the development within swine herds.

So while it is possible it is a result of multiple accidental cross-contamination due to multiple labs doing sloppy work, I find it far more likely that it is a natural virus that evolved out of the unregulated international movement of swine.

I find sloppy handling of quarantines and inspections due to cost-cutting is a far simpler and more logical explanation than a multitude of bad labs.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 01:09 PM
In my opinion, its pretty clear how it happened.

Baxter pays a lab to introduce this old flu back into the wild. Millions maybe even a billion.

Baxter then creates the vaccine.


Sell BILLIONS worth of the vaccine.

Rinse and repeat once every year.

Bird flu, avian flu, merca, swine flu. I'm not a master on illnesses but they made a heck of a ton of money off the above illnesses.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by apacheman
Ok, I've read Adrian Gibbs' paper, and he's made a few false assumptions. His whole thesis depends on the assumption that North American, European, and Asian swine herds and chicken flocks are hermetically isolated from each other and couldn't have infected each other.

So, here's the false assumptions as I see them:

First, he assumes a far higher level of quality control and quarantine for the international swine trade than actually exists. Swine herds are not monitored for much, there is no regular testing for them (that cost money, you know). So infected animals can easily pass through. He neglects to take into account that the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, and many deals were struck to import and export a variety of animals. For several years the quarantines and observation of imported animals was pretty much non-existent. This time frame corresponds to the emergence of the North American versions in European herds. So the possibility of reassortment within swine herds is high to the point of being close to a certainty.

Second, he misidentifies the origin as Mexico. The first cases have been id'd as coming out of California, not Mexico.

Third, he postulates a chain of sloppy handling in a multitude of labs.

Fourth, he fails to account for how it got from lab to population.

Fifth, he fails to account for the possibility that live virus vaccines may have contributed to the development within swine herds.

So while it is possible it is a result of multiple accidental cross-contamination due to multiple labs doing sloppy work, I find it far more likely that it is a natural virus that evolved out of the unregulated international movement of swine.

I find sloppy handling of quarantines and inspections due to cost-cutting is a far simpler and more logical explanation than a multitude of bad labs.

If he had all the answers then a lot of people would be checking into jail.

You do know that pigs don't get the swine flu right?

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 01:57 PM
Now raise your hand if your shocked? one? Didn't think so

Well H1N1 is NOT man made, Soylent Green Is People beat me too it, H1N1 was reported for being the cause of a massive outbreak around 90 years ago. Now i agree with many theorists that technology is withheld, but technology of that level for almost 100 years? I'm some what doubting here...

Now, as myself and others have stated, amanipulated strain of this could be to blame. Its also a good attempt #2 at the original plan. In my eyes the original plan was, FEAR.HYPE.FEAR.VACCINE. (Always double doses of fear!) Then have a Tamilfu type vaccine sitting on the back bench, which did stop the illness, but opens the flood gates for a worser one to come once a high level of people have been infected with this 'cure'.

A lot of people have taken Tamiflu now... The bird flu threat disappeared into he media back drop. H5N1 always had one massive disadvantage. our bodies are weak and frail, but our immune systems are a lot stronger than some think. The original 'manufactured' strain of H5N1 didn't effect enough people. It needed help. Now a swine flu/Tamiflu mix is the goal here in my opinion. Tamiflu 'cures' swine flu, people who die of Swine flu are actually highly ill or have certain conditions which make them much more at risk, for example i have rather bad asthma and thus if i contract H1N1 my chances of survival are medium too high, without Tamiflu, how ever if some one without asthma got it, its would be high too 100% safe, but not quite in the long run! Tamiflu contains 2 out of 3 'markers' which H5N1 needs so that it can effect people. Now there are 3 markers that it needs, however it can take hold with only two of them, it will find the other one once it has worked its way in.

So here is my theory on this, my little scenario of wickedness...

1.H5N1 --> Very Bad
2. Lots of people get it (minimal die, but news reports differently)
4. More cases, lots of media attention
5. Time pases, threat is minimized and it slowly fades out.
6. Tamiflu is created.
7. swine flu has a out-break, first one (at the location of a company which is owned by a man who owns Tamiflu... couldn't make this up...)
8. Swine flu is put on news, its scary blah blah.
9. Don't worry! Tamiflu is here! take this shot, smile and you'll be ok...
10. Time passes.
11. H5N1 has a small out break in a high use Tamiflu area, due to most of the population being given the tamiflu it quickly takes hold and start to infect people at am alarming rate.
12. Large percentage of western world, asia and africa infected...

13... yet to be said

peace& love ATS - Fox
[Star'd and Flag'd ofc]

[edit on 28-11-2009 by ProTo Fire Fox]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 02:10 PM
The current swine flu virus S-OIV can also infect pigs. But there are only few cases of swine infections and none inside the USA. In fact, Gibbs et al use the patchy occurence of swine infections to reinforce their swine vaccine origin hypothesis.
Also note, that the fifth point apacheman mentions, is one of the scenarios Gibbs et al propose.

The patchy occurrence of S-OIV infections in piggeries over the past six months is interesting and may be significant. Pigs have been shown to be fully susceptible to S-OIV. They shed the virus and readily transmit it between themselves, but whereas S-OIV has been reported in humans worldwide, it has not yet been reported from a pig farm in the USA (October 2009).

By contrast it has been found in two piggeries each in Australia, Canada and Ireland, and one each in Argentina, Indonesia and Japan. In the outbreaks in Argentina, Australia and Canada, at least, the pigs had not been vaccinated (Jorge H. Dillon, J. Keenliside and Alain Laperle, personal communication), and became infected from infected farm staff. The apparent immunity to S-OIV of pigs in the USA and Mexico, but not elsewhere, may indicate that the swine influenza vaccines currently used in the USA and Mexico contain an immunogen that either protects against S-OIV infection or mitigates its symptoms.

Quote from page 6

Although pigs are rarely infected, there is no increased danger from piggeries. Egypt was the only country which overreacted. After a rash decision all 300.000 Egyptian pigs were slaughtered and Egypt is now ridiculed.

[edit on 28-11-2009 by Drunkenshrew]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

I should not have used that terminolgy "man made", the whole thing is not man made, they are suggesting that the combination was between the strains and that 'escaped' from a lab. Reading the report this is clear.

[edit on 28-11-2009 by zazzafrazz]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 02:59 PM
Do yo remember Jeffrey Taubenberger? He was the young, ambitious scientist with the genius idea to unearth corpses from permafrost soil. He started to isolate and recreate the disease which killed them. He excavated the corpse from an obese Inuit woman, who had died from the 1918 Spanish flu virus. But Taubenberger was not alone. Many scientists helped him. Much of the work was funded by the Department of Defence and the Veteran's Administration. One purpose of the research was, to find out what part of the Spanish flu virus made it so deadly.

Shortly after they recreated a disease, which was responsible for the death of more than 20 million people, 4 of Taubenbergers helpers decided to become inventors. They needed help. So they teamed up with the former and the current head of the WHO Collaborating Center for Studies on the Ecology of Influenza Viruses in Lower Animals and Birds. What did they invent? Hybrid swine flu viruses, bioengineered in the lab, viruses designed as swine vaccines.

Now there is talk, that a “mutation” in the Ukraine has altered the current swine flu virus. The receptor binding domain D225G is similar in the Spanish flu from 1918 and the Ukrainian mutation. The symptoms of those who have died in the Ukraine are eerily similar tho those, who have died from the Spanish flu. n-Ukraine-virus

Talk about coincidence.

[edit on 28-11-2009 by Drunkenshrew]

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