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Why am I not seeing myself visiting me from the future

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posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by Valeri

You are not making any sense, if people were able to affect the physical world from the future people would be doing it. So far, that can't be claimed so I don't understand where you are getting the idea that when you die you can physically appear in the past. Spiritually of course, but physically? We'd have future versions of ourselves running around right now, if you could do that.

Can you explain yourself a little more then?

Nobody's future self has been able to physically manifest anything, where the hell are you getting this idea that you can do this?

[edit on 27-11-2009 by Zsaqulz78th]

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 06:00 PM
or maybe time travel by you on this world in this reality isn't possible before your time comes and you die. If you die before it is possible then you could never have gone back in time. Also, if its a TIME MACHINE, it cannot go back before it was first operational. So if you travel back in time in a physical machine, then you will only go back to the very instant it was first turned on, which means you will never visit yourself between those years since we do not yet have the ability to time travel.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 06:10 PM
Im sorry but I cannot seem to grasp what your saying. Are you saying its possible to time travel through your own conciousness by meditating and such? Im sorry but that seems highly unlikely. There is no such proof that people can do such things, and if time travel is indeed possible it will be though technological meens, not by pure thought. Technology is mankinds basis for survival. It is what seperates us from the animals. I believe anything is indeed possible, but not through spiritual meens. Technology has the power to destroy and create, it can do wonderful and destuctive things. And from that i believe through it anything is possible. Because if we were able to do this, we all would be doing it, and some sort of proof that we can would have came up by now.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 06:15 PM
quantum physic doesn't prove anything. it' a theory, theories have to be proven first before it can be the back bone of something else, like time traveling.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Valeri

I think it's fairly simple why you haven't met an ascended future version of yourself. Ascension to some super-spiritual ethereal form and other new age concepts are nonsense imo and certainly have nothing to do with Mayans or their calender.


You might not live to see time travel invented.


The you of the future may not be financially well off enough to afford time travel if it is invented in your life time.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 07:20 PM
I'll give you a hint...

Tomorrow... watch out for the BIG BUS

If you pay attention, you might finally get that visit from yourself

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 07:28 PM
How about this guy from Sweden who it seems has proven the point in the OP validated. That is until one can prove that it is a hoax which some suspect.
But though as once was quoted to me once,
"Expect the unexpected even when expecting the unexpected!"

Go figure.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 07:30 PM
because it wouldnt make any sense

imagine getting a visit from urself, u would then know u were going to time travel some how, and now the option to do it is there, you can now make the concious choice not to visit urself where u did before

and if u make that choice u just screwed up the whole system!!!!

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by tankthinker
because it wouldnt make any sense

imagine getting a visit from urself, u would then know u were going to time travel some how, and now the option to do it is there, you can now make the concious choice not to visit urself where u did before

and if u make that choice u just screwed up the whole system!!!!

Well obviously you are thinking in a linear anthropomorphic way as people in generations past have Then you wont be able to be open-minded to the alternate; out side of the box understandings that happen when it finally does eventuate in a non linear exponential way.

Consider some of the technological changes that occurred during the 19th century. With the development of new large-scale metal working techniques, steam power become possible and popular. Railroads appeared and spawned the mass migration of entire populations. Towns and cities sprang up where they would never have appeared before. Commerce boomed. Fortunes were made and a new class of rich appeared. Advances in science included the codification of laws of electromagnetism by Clerk Maxwell, and the further refinement of electricity, which had been a mere curiosity before. The telegraph, electric lights, and eventually radio followed. Each of these inventions changed the world in turn.

[edit on 27-11-2009 by Epsillion70]

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Valeri
reply to post by SeeingBlue
depends upon what method it is that you are talking about,but fear should be not felt. Fear is an outdated emotion for some,it was once needed,in order to understand it and overcome the emotion. Part of evolution in consciousness is to realize that fear is of no use to oneself. though I don't know anyone myself who has succeeded within an incarnation to time-travel ,I guess we are mostly not quite ready yet,consciously.

did you mena telling your grandkids? that method. Well keep in midn that your grandkids may or may not be YOU(soul) in that body reincarnating as your own grand-grand kids for ex. on one timelien at least it is so,if you indeed still reincarnate at all by that time for ex.

[edit on 11/27/2009 by Valeri]

[edit on 11/27/2009 by Valeri]

One fear I can not shake is the fear of leaving my loved ones with no explanation. I'm afraid somewhere while my heart is racing or my body is vibrating that something could go wrong inside my body and I could die, unable to say goodbye, and my loved ones wouldn't know what happen then I couldn't bare to know they would mourn. So that scares me from exploring those realms.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by thesaint

I only created this thread,so yeah. Can you give me a link to my other thread thta I created?

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by Zsaqulz78th

Well,part of the reason why we dotn see future-selves runnig around is because
A) each time one goes back in time,already by doing that he changed the course of history and created a new timeline,a timeline. The original timeline where the past-me existed would not even notice any future-me showing up,because I would be in the timeline I was in and my future-self would create a brand new timeline and act in that one..while I stay ignorant of the fact in my own original timeline,the same one he traveled back to and instantaneously changed, thus creating a new timelien separate from the one he intially travelled back to.

So no matter how many times one travels back, eqch time it will be different(obviously) and so an alternate timeline will again appear,where things went differently than in the other one etc.

And the law of one aka Ra material, cosmic consciousness chanellings, mayan,hopi etc cultures, my inner knowing,intuition and ofcourse quantum physics pretty much proves to me that we are nto our bodies,that we are indeed this "quantum field" that quantum physics talks about, we are all ONE, an intelligent eternal infinity ( many is a finite concept btw, infinity is not,so it is wholesome)

I can share links about where im getting part of the info I'm talking about,if you're interested.

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by paranoiaFTW

you are simply giving a theory, about a machine.Its no fact obviously.
And yet again you make the same msitake other do,by saying if it doesnt happen during this physical reincarnation,it won't at all. This temporary vessel doesn't matter,cause time is an illusion and we are eternal and infinite..I'm not making this up as a I go along either,I have observed and researched enough of this.

reply to post by Titen-Sxull

Alright,that is your viewpoint on it,I respect it.

But I have had in abundance enough experiences of a personal kind as well as I listen to my inner knowing,I pay close attention to intuition,and it has never failed me,against all odds. Also, I have read enough competent sources and researched the maya as well as other cultures thoroughly enough to know that the maya had regular visits supposedly from their ancestors and visa-versa via consciousness(not as simple as just meditation however)
meditating won't help if one isn't simply consciously and spiritually ready.One is ready when one has reached a certain level of enlightenment.

And for the mechanics guy..
As the Maya say technology isn't a sign of an advanced civilization, it is a sign of a civilization about to become advanced. Sort of like a child having all his toys and then leaving them behind(same with technology)

Obviously most people are not nearly spiritually enlightened enough to even listen to their own inner knowing,let alone know that they can achieve anything technology can, for all that is needed is the power of thought. Consciousness powers and creates all. That is the truth.

But, for each his own,I believe everyone has their own evolution patterns and some may need more time on this Earth,more incarnations and lessons to achieve that level, but in the end it doesn't matter whos first or last.we are all ONE and thus different parts of the WHOLE.

so be it, some don't understand where Im coming from.I accept that.

[edit on 11/28/2009 by Valeri]

[edit on 11/28/2009 by Valeri]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 02:11 PM
There could be dozens of reasons:

Time travel is impossible

Time travelers are invisible (and undetectable) to those they visit

The Universe does not permit travelers to go back to themselves, so as to avoid time travel paradoxes

The government forbids visiting yourself, and can enforce their rules.

Your future self decides it wouldn't be interesting to visit yourself.

You unfortunately passed away before time travel was invented.

Only very few people are allowed to time travel - maybe it's incredibly expensive, or some elite controls it and only they are allowed to do it.

Time travel can only go back as far as the date of the invention of time travel (can't go back before the machine was invented)

You did visit yourself, but you went back to 2015, and didn't bother going back to 2009 or before.

Your future self did visit, but you were caused to have amnesia about it, perhaps to avoid time travel paradoxes (maybe they used a deneuralizer on you).

Your future self came to visit, but did not idenitify him/herself, and you didn't recognize him/her.

Time travel is a one-way trip, so most people decide not to go back in time.

But the best answer I can think of is, "I don't know".

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 02:27 PM
i tell you why you dont get a visit - becouse the your future self is within you in your present state. its not separate entity. stop watching movies.

this 'time-travelling' is simple a 'remote-viewing' - you can see many visions of you in different realities.

and if you want to be in different reality, all you have to do is rid of attachments in the present reality (hardest thing to do actually)

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by angelx666

but jsut like cloning, physically separate is a possibility,within a reincarnation. I can choose to manifest into another separate body,that looks the same way my body looks now. So that would create one soul within 2 different bodies and from 2 different timelines,simply because the 2009 version of me is not consciously aware of the future,so my perspective IS different than that of my future-counterpart.

But I agree, time is an illusion I am everywhere at the same time,so I am in the future right now as well, so the future-me is here right now too. but that is consciousness and soul wise.I mean do you think it's impossible to create sircumstances where I can meet up with my past-self,physically ?
I mean, it seems like so much fun,you're meaning to say it's impossible? Well that sure sucks then.

[edit on 11/29/2009 by Valeri]

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by Valeri
reply to post by angelx666

but jsut like cloning, physically separate is a possibility,within a reincarnation. I can choose to manifest into another separate body,that looks the same way my body looks now. So that would create one soul within 2 different bodies and from 2 different timelines,simply because the 2009 version of me is not consciously aware of the future,so my perspective IS different than that of my future-counterpart.

But I agree, time is an illusion I am everywhere at the same time,so I am in the future right now as well, so the future-me is here right now too. but that is consciousness and soul wise.I mean do you think it's impossible to create sircumstances where I can meet up with my past-self,physically ?
I mean, it seems like so much fun,you're meaning to say it's impossible? Well that sure sucks then.

[edit on 11/29/2009 by Valeri]

you keep pm'in me, i dont know what to say to you, i think you miss-informed on your time-travel thing (its not the same las 'back from the future' movie)

here: (quoted text)

"There is, in reality, no such thing as time and space. There is only consciousness. But within that consciousness there is the possibility of the illusion of time and space. This can be compared to entities dreaming, when entities move into that state of the dream and feel themselves flying through space, yet suddenly awakening and ealizing that they have never left their bed, but have simply been moving in terms of consciousness. Likewise this third-dimensional world in which entities feel themselves moving in levels of matter from place to place, from moment to moment, is a similar type of dream or illusion and, in reality, all of this is but consciousness, is but the dream of one aspect of yourself which is sleeping elsewhere and dreaming your existence."

I SAY you cant see your self phisically, but you can feel yourself and imagine yourself, in different realities, in 'past reality' , in 'future reality' etc, this what you imagine yourself in 'future reality' you will come to be or even you can become that in your 'past reality'

[edit on 8-12-2009 by angelx666]

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 04:38 AM
see this is why I have conundrum issues with movies such as 12 Monkeys. How can you see yourself, if there's only one physical being?

........I picked a great week to give up alcohol, I'll be thinking about this all night now!!

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 04:50 AM

Originally posted by Valeri
reply to post by Valeri

Obviously most people are not nearly spiritually enlightened enough to even listen to their own inner knowing,let alone know that they can achieve anything technology can, for all that is needed is the power of thought. Consciousness powers and creates all. That is the truth.

May i ask how spiritually enlightened you are? How much do you know about yourself, and your mind. You talk about most people not being spiritually enlightened, so perhaps you could enlighten me as to what makes you more enlightened than others?

You have been discussing the power of thought, what have you been able to do with that superlative ability?

As you said, we are all one, we are whole, all we need is the power of thought. Then since you and i are one brother, then i ask you to tell me OUR name, since we are one and the same, you don't need to use your power of mind to create anything, the name is there, in our mind, our mind which is connected, our mind which is one.

Wake up, you're living in a dream world.

[edit on 8-12-2009 by Skyco]

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by Valeri

I have a plan to travel back to these years, say 1989-2009, my lifetime, to definetely visit myself and just have some fun. because evolution of consciousness can wait for a while, we have eternity,there is no rush. ....

Now,I would have visited myself for sure by now, especially because I expect for many people to experience ascension in 2012. But that is besides the point even.

Why haven't I met my future self? (though ''future-self'' is just a title,time is an illusion,all exists in the NOW)

I know you in the future, and am not supposed to tell you, but bugger it...

you get locked up for being a loony, as you had this fantasy that you could time travel. In the future you are detained at the Sunnyvale home for the loonies, and are not allowed anywhere the time machines

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